Unproven Arrest

The latest from Kevin Barrett on KSM

This is the latest from Kevin Barrett:


Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Wants to Slay Us!

by Kevin "Irish Muslim" Barrett

(as-salaamu alaikum and a top o' the marnin' to ye on this fine St. Paddy's day)

The 9/11 Commission Report is not a Report at all, but a spy novel by a certain Dr. Philip Zelikow.* Zelikow, a self-proclaimed specialist in "the creation and maintenance of public myths," offers plenty of footnotes but very little evidence to support his official version of events.

If you track down Zelikow's footnotes, you'll see that virtually the entire official story about the alleged "Muslim extremist hijackers" is based on a single, highly unreliable source: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM). Zelikow tells us that KSM was arrested in Pakistan in 2003, and his subsequent interrogation by US officials is the source of most of the "19 extremist hijackers" tale.

One little problem: There is no evidence that KSM was ever arrested, and lots of evidence that the whole story of his "arrest" was bogus.

As Paul Thompson points out in his Complete 9/11 Timeline:

March 10, 2003: Dubious Arrest Video Raises Question of KSM-ISI