Radar Magazine Hit Piece Obscures 9/11 Crimes to Revel in Conspiracy ‘Cult-ure’

Radar Magazine Hit Piece Obscures 9/11 Crimes to Revel in Conspiracy ‘Cult-ure’

Aaron Dykes
January 3, 2008

A new feature in Radar magazine– a sort of irreverent pop-sploitation scandal mag– goes to great lengths to infiltrate the exploits of the 9/11 truth movement– not to uncover the truth itself– but rather, to dissect the peculiar mannerisms of the activists who nest inside the ‘conspiracy cult.’

The examining article is indeed a sophisticated, though smacking, consideration of the truth movement– opting out of merely trying to disprove conspiracy claims, as previous hit pieces have, instead working quietly to undermine the quirky anti-heroes it builds up in radio host Alex Jones and We Are Change founder Luke Rudkowski–painted as nearly-mythical personalities fiercely hung on sinister 9/11 suspicions.

Though the article does manage to ridicule and misrepresent– such as demanding that Jones name historical events that aren’t conspiracies (instead of the other way around) and telling his staff "to get some sun"– Radar does seem to have a certain reverence for the effectiveness Rudkowski, Jones and their odd cast of companions have had in confronting politicians and forcing media attention in the name of 9/11 Truth.

Jebediah Reed, the article’s author, casts aside both the strong evidence against the official 9/11 report (though Radar concedes that "Giuliani does seem to suggest that he had been warned") and the relevance of victims’ family members and suffering rescue workers who still hold questions about 9/11 and who continue to pursue justice...


Panel Prepares to Target Bogus “Homegrown Terror”

Panel Prepares to Target Bogus “Homegrown Terror”

Kurt Nimmo
December 26, 2007

On December 25, Audrey Hudson wrote for the Washington Times:

A commission proposed by key senators would study the emergence of homegrown terrorists and how U.S. citizens become radicalized through ideologies to commit acts of violence.

The National Commission on the Prevention of Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism is the brainchild of Sen. Joe Lieberman, Connecticut independent and chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, and Sen. Susan Collins of Maine, the ranking Republican member.

“The homeland security committee’s extensive and ongoing investigation into homegrown terrorism has confirmed to our committee that this is a real and growing threat to our nation’s security,” Miss Collins said.

“The attacks in London and Madrid, as well as the recent thwarted attacks in the U.S., were the work of homegrown terrorists inspired by, but not directly linked, to al Qaeda,” Miss Collins said. “But we do not yet fully understand what inspires someone to become a violent terrorist.

Senator Collins has absolutely no evidence of this and simply regurgitates the now official fairy tale version of events in regard to the attacks in London and Madrid...
