
Good Gosh - Atheists to Finish the Job ?

An evangelical lawyer and professor from Jerry Falwell’s Liberty University on Wednesday warned that atheists were trying to “finish the job” that terrorists started when they attacked the United States on Sept. 11, 2011.
RAW STORY - http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2013/04/10/evangelical-lawyer-atheists-want-to-finish-the-job-terrorists-started-on-911/

Comment Posted : I think the good evangelical lawyer and professor from Jerry Falwell’s Liberty might want to consider stocking up on some AE911Truth.org educational brochures and DVDs for their University Library. They are behind the times...



(First In A Series On Freedom of Information At Hilary Clinton's State Department)


J. Michael Springmann

The U.S. Department of State evidently believes that it is not subject to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) or the Privacy Act (PA), laws passed in the aftermath of Richard Nixon's Watergate. It fiercely fights the public's attempts to learn about waste, fraud, corruption, mismanagement, and abuse of authority amongst America's diplomats. This is particularly bad for a U.S. government agency, but worse for State since the Director of its FOIA office is Margaret Grafeld, who works for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). That's the organization which, until comparatively recently, didn't have a sign outside its Langley, Va. headquarters and still does not provide anything more than a zip code for a mailing address.

FOXNEWS: Terrorists Targeting Children Via Facebook, Twitter

The link between terrorists, truthers is now extended to children. Foxnews is clearly preparing on a new chapter in its propaganda against criticism towards gov't and state policies. According to the Digital Hate Report, internet often acts as the incubator and validator of dangerous conspiracy theories surrounding 9/11 and organ theft.

Title: Terrorists Targeting Children Via Facebook, Twitter
Source: Foxnews
Published: March 15, 2010

Url: http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2010/03/15/terrorists-targeting-children-via-facebook-twitter

"The report found a 20% increase to 11,500 in hate-filled social networks, Web sites, forums, blogs, Twitter feeds, and so on (up from 10,000 last year). It notes that beyond its role in our social lives, the Internet often acts as the incubator and validator of dangerous conspiracy theories surrounding 9/11 and organ theft."

Rahm Emanuel Helped GOP Sink 9/11 Trial

From Consortium News: http://consortiumnews.com/2010/031110b.html

WH Chief Helped GOP Sink 9/11 Trial

By Jason Leopold
March 11, 2010

White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel has collaborated behind the scenes with Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham to oppose the Obama administration’s plans to use federal civilian courts, not military commissions, to try alleged Islamic terrorists, according to sources and press reports.

Mark Davis: Obama proving incapable of terror fight

Dallas Morning News

Mark Davis is heard weekdays from 8:30 to 11 a.m. on WBAP-AM, News/Talk 820. His e-mail address is mdavis@wbap.com.

Indignation is a curious thing in the era of Barack Obama. Having seen the mockery this White House can heap on voters who dare to show it anger, this week has provided a window to what in turn sparks the Obama team to outrage.

The current scorecard:

•Release of one of the world's most notorious terrorists by Scottish authorities – not much indignation.

•Techniques used by the previous administration to get answers from terrorists to keep Americans safe – massive indignation.The evidence mounts that an administration that cannot even bring itself to use the word "terrorist" has shown itself thoroughly unfit to fight them. From the wildly foolish notion of affording Guantánamo detainees access to American courts to the stunning gullibility of its soft stance on Iran, this administration has made it clear to terrorists: there is indeed a new sheriff, and his holster is empty.

America's Tomorrow

Burden on Those Yet to Come

Throughout human history certain patterns continue repeating themselves over and over again, becoming, if careful attention is paid to study them, a direct harbinger to what tomorrow’s cultures and societies will be like. The inevitability of what a future generation’s destiny will become is oftentimes discernable from the accumulated sins of the fathers that came before as well as those of the grandfathers that no longer exist, over years accruing and building upon each other until the future becomes the unstoppable rollercoaster birthed from the damage that was done in the past.

Was 9/11 really the beginning ?

Every United States government official and member of the US Military have taken oaths that include the phrase "to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic".

I believe that George H. W. Bush has organized and is operating the Bush Crime Family. Said family has, with the assistance of many other members of the elite and secret covert operations agencies from other countries around the world, pulled of a coup of the government of this country.

The Bush Crime Family is being permitted, perhaps unwittingly by some people, to destroy this country with their treasonous acts. By treasonous acts I mean the complete disregard for the desires of the American people (i.e. fraudulent elections of 2000 and 2004); illegal invasion of Iraq based on intentionally misleading intelligence; mass murder and use of WMD on the citizens of this country on 9/11/2001; conspiracy with the insurance fraud for the "Jewish Lightening" that struck the World Trade Center the same day and the failure to have a fair and independent investigations.

Ah, I may as well start at the beginning rather than go back and forth.