speaking out


'INCONTROVERTIBLE' has been 2 years in the making and is the first feature length documentary to contain original interviews with police officers, firefighters, soldiers and top figures in the establishment, ALL of whom express their grave doubts over the official narrative of September 11th.

Speaking Out for 9/11 Truth. { Combating the Milgram Syndrome }

The "Milgram Syndrome"
YouTube pulled the original footage, but here is a substitute.

The way we can all actively handle the "Milgram Syndrome" is by bringing up the subject of 9/11 Truth at every opportunity, at every discourse that is appropriate. (e.g. Checkout lanes, the water fountain, the Quick Stop, the phone solicitor, the clerk at the service desk, the salesperson, our bill payments, the restaurants, classrooms, etc.)

There are hundreds of thousands of QUIET people who know that the official version of 9/11/01 is a lie. I run into them all the time, because I hit the pavement with 9/11 Truth and I bring up the subject. There are also millions of people who innately do not trust our government.

US Media Provides the Treasonous Ignorance Americans Need to Enable Another 9/11.

When mainstream media (MSM) organises to coverup crimes of mass murder they are committing nothing less than a conspiracy to commit high treason.

Ignorance doesn't equate to stupidity, but the MSM has promoted treasonous ignorance through censorship to shield the most likely suspects in Bush's dubious "War On Terror"

An Interview with two Israeli Defense Force (IDF) veterans shows the flip-side of the problems the 9/11TRUTH groups face in achieving a level of public acknowledgement and debate in the US. The frustration of these brave IDF veterans is a mirror to the resistance the 9/11 TRUTH groups experience in their attempt to educate the public to the point of activism.

VIDEO CLIP - http://youtube.com/watch?v=ohYePAkswvE

Society will politely acknowledge the 9/11 facts but remain silent on the reality of what they have learned. Debating the ethics and morality of their murderous leaders is just too risky. In America, the 9/11 lie is acknowledged far more than it's debated. The public feels powerless to act on issues that threaten their world-view and are perceived as too enormous and fearful to dare debate in public.

STANDING UP for 911 TRUTH in the Classroom again

Here is a neat little story about 9/11 Truth which happened TODAY, 1/17/08.

Today at college, I was in a packed classroom auditorium, shoulder-to-shoulder with about 60 other students. The Professor was going down the roll list asking people to introduce themselves and briefly tell a little about themselves.