skull and bones

It's hard these days to be a Freemason

It's hard these days to be a Freemason

Craig Offman
National Post
Monday October 01, 2007

On the University of Toronto campus last Saturday night, a cadre of six or so angry anti-Masons armed themselves with video cameras, so-called "9/11 Truth" pamphlets and a lot of aggressive questions.

Swarming near the entrance of the George Ignatieff Theatre, they were poised to intercept the Freemasons who hoped to join a meeting that would address their relevance to the modern world. Or perhaps, how they can take it over.

When I arrived at the doors, the protesters were browbeating an attendee who had stuck his head out to see what the protest was about. "Have you ever read this book?" a protester asked, waving a copy of Morals and Dogma in his face. "Do you obey it?"

Wri tten by Southern mason and confederate-army general Albert Pike, the book is a putative tell-all about the Scottish Rite of Masonry, a classic of the conspiratorial canon. - please check it out

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The official website for Fighting for G.O.D. (Gold, Oil, and Drugs) is now active. The site will feature up-to-date truth action items along with original articles and artwork related to the subjects covered in the book: the history of banking, Skull and Bones, CIA black ops, 9/11, and more. If you like the look of it, please add a link to your own web page. Thanks!

Key Players: Skull and Bones

Throughout the centuries there have been rumors of a secret elite manipulating world events for various nefarious purposes. Theories about groups like the Masons, the Illuminati, the Elders of Zion, and others have ranged from the ridiculous and racist to eerily accurate. Today we live in a world where an openly acknowledged elite wields vast and often unquestioned power. For example, the economic activities of many transnational corporations dwarf the gross domestic product of most nations, and the richest three men in the world control more wealth than the 47 poorest countries combined. The shadowy ritual chambers of 19th century secret societies seem an impossible distance from the gleaming board rooms where CEOs and bankers meet today, and yet a fusion of the two continues, albeit far away from the glaring lights of modern news media.