It's hard these days to be a Freemason

It's hard these days to be a Freemason

Craig Offman
National Post
Monday October 01, 2007

On the University of Toronto campus last Saturday night, a cadre of six or so angry anti-Masons armed themselves with video cameras, so-called "9/11 Truth" pamphlets and a lot of aggressive questions.

Swarming near the entrance of the George Ignatieff Theatre, they were poised to intercept the Freemasons who hoped to join a meeting that would address their relevance to the modern world. Or perhaps, how they can take it over.

When I arrived at the doors, the protesters were browbeating an attendee who had stuck his head out to see what the protest was about. "Have you ever read this book?" a protester asked, waving a copy of Morals and Dogma in his face. "Do you obey it?"

Wri tten by Southern mason and confederate-army general Albert Pike, the book is a putative tell-all about the Scottish Rite of Masonry, a classic of the conspiratorial canon.

Some members of the group -- otherwise known as the Craft -- will just tell you it's grossly misquoted, utterly antiquated or totally ignored.

"I haven't," the Mason said and walked away.

"He just isn't high up enough to know the truth," one of them said to his back.

Detractors call them a secret society. Freemasons call themselves a society with secrets.

For three centuries, Freemasons have held their secret meetings, worn their aprons, exchanged their grips --or knuckle-to-knuckle hand greetings -- and built a mystical life philosophy on the constructs of architecture.

Part of the mystique is the august membership, a staggering list that almost seems to sum up the march of modern history: numerous Canadian and British prime ministers, many U.S. presidents and senators. Jazz legends Duke Ellington and Oscar Peterson. Explorers such as Sir Richard Burton and Sir Ernest Shackleton. Food-chain king Colonel Saunders and Tim Horton.

Then there's infamous FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, repentant segregationist George Wallace and the controversial Maple Leafs owner Harold Ballard. Killer Paul Bernardo is a long-rumoured brother.

In recent years, however, the 2.5 million Masons worldwide have faced the typical men's club quandaries: marriage, for one. What with all the responsibilities men have at home these days, they can't be out planning their conspiracies every night. (One seminar held last weekend was entitled, "How to tell your wife you're a Freemason. Free hint: include her in your Masonic studies!)

Retention is also a problem. In Ontario alone, 20,000 people join each year, the organizers say, but 20,000 leave. What is it about the Lodge that drives them away?

And with the drop in numbers, there is the other existential question: Do you let the ladies in?

David Sheen, a traditionalist kind of Mason who sits on a governing body called the board of general purposes, said the Masons shouldn't worry about relevance.

"No organization can be everything to anybody," said Mr. Sheen, the divisional chief for the Toronto Fire Services. "It has less validity if it bends and changes to whichever way the wind blows."

But all these problems might seem quaint next year, when one of the world's most commercially successful authors, Dan Brown, publishes the Solomon Key.

His previous novel, The Da Vinci Code, whose 60 million-plus copies sold made it one of the best-selling books of all time, is notorious for demonizing the powerful Catholic lay order Opus Dei.

Now he is training his sights on the Freemasons.

The novel's title is a reference to the Key of Solomon, a medieval book of occult practices erroneously attributed to King Solomon, and though its publishing date hasn't been confirmed, a cottage industry of conjecture has already sprung into action.

Two years ago, Greg Taylor published The Guide to Dan Brown's the Solomon Key and has been trailing clues left by Mr. Brown in the media. Accordingly, he predicts the novel will involve Masonry, take place in Washington, D.C., and will involve the murder of politicians in the capital.

Mr. Brown's art-historian and slick sleuth, Robert Langdon, will be the protagonist.

"Other aspects of the plot may involve the Masonic-like Skull and Bones society," Mr. Taylor wrote in an email. "Brown enjoys pointing out amazing conspiratorial facts, and one of the biggest from last year was that the opposing candidates for the Presidential election were part of the same secret society (Bush and Kerry)."

Mr. Sheen, the Toronto Mason, doesn't rue the inevitable bonanza of scrutiny that is bound to accompany the upcoming novel.

"I think it will be good for us," he said, echoing others at the meeting who support the any-publicity-is-good-publicity notion, keen to generate new interest in the organization.

Still, weathering the Dan Brown effect was not an easy challenge for Opus Dei, a conservative movement in the church that was largely unknown to the general public until the Da Vinci Code. The novel portrayed the membership as a cult-like, conniving and homicidal cabal.

Monsignor Frederick Dolan, Opus Dei's Vicar in Canada, said that at first, it wasn't easy being under the magnifying glass, and defending one's beliefs. But he learned to relax.

"In hindsight, it was a blast. I learned how to make lemonade out of lemons."

Before I was allowed to enter the theatre and find out about the plight of the Freemasons, the protestors asked me if I knew that George H.W. Bush was a Freemason and his son was a member of Yale University's secret society Skull & Bones.

Soon came the inevitable insights about 9/11: Guess who really planned it?

"Why are you here?" I finally asked. "What do you want out of this?"

"We're here to free the masons."

As I passed, I was handed a pamphlet that asked if Freemasons worshipped Satan, which had this caveat: "Most Masons do not worship Satan. But in the higher initiation degrees they all must participate in rituals such as drinking wine from a human skull whilst kneeling at a black altar with serpents in it."

While that particular rite was curiously absent, this gathering was a rare event. Hosted by the Toronto Society for Masonic Research, it permitted public participation; Master masons, the highest-ranking brothers, sat on the stage with uninitiated panelists, which is typically a no-no. Freemasons like to keep to themselves.

"It's not a scientific fact or anything, but I think this was unprecedented," said organizer Peter Renzland, a reform-minded member. During the discussions, Mr. Renzland was frustrated with the group's inability to answer the woman question head-on.

The 45-minute question period was tense and sombre. The 30-odd greying attendees couldn't agree on much.

At the end of the panel, I asked Mr. Sheen about the whole drinking-from-the-skull business.

"In all my years as a Freemason, I have never heard of such a thing."

And he said it with a straight face.

House Resolution 33: Recognizing and Honoring Freemasons

House Resolution 33: Recognizing and Honoring Freemasons

Recognizing the thousands of Freemasons in every State in the Nation and honoring them for their many contributions to the Nation throughout its history.

Whereas Freemasons, whose long lineage extends back to before the Nation’s founding, have set an example of high moral standards and charity for all people;

Whereas the Founding Fathers of this great Nation and signers of the Constitution, most of whom were Freemasons, provided a well-rounded basis for developing themselves and others into valuable citizens of the United States;

Whereas members of the Masonic Fraternity, both individually and as an organization, continue to make invaluable charitable contributions of service to the United States;

Whereas the Masonic Fraternity continues to provide for the charitable relief and education of the citizens of the United States;

Whereas the Masonic Fraternity is deserving of formal recognition of their long history of care-giving for the citizenry and their example of high moral standards; and

Whereas Freemasons have always revered and celebrated St. John’s Day, June 24th, as dedicated to their patron saints: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the House of Representatives recognizes the thousands of Freemasons in every State in the Nation and honors them for their many contributions to the Nation throughout its history.

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"Listen carefully now : DO NOT DESTROY OIL-WELLS" Dubya

Well Washington DC is full of masonic symbolism

Pike, author of Morals and Dogma, is the only confederate soldure to be honoured by a statue in the Capitol, for example. The Egyptian oblisk OKA Washington Monument, was mostly funded by masons, and the plan of the city contains, by its boulevards, an incomplete five pointed star.

Based on the above I read your comment as a reference to a historic document, since you put no date for resolution 33. To my surprise, following your link, resolution 33 is present day:

"U.S. Representative and Brother Paul Gillmor submitted House Resolution 33 on January 5, 2007 to the 110th U.S. Congress. It was referred to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. This resolution is the second such resolution submitted to Congress. It was submitted by Congressmen Gillmor in the last session of Congress, and also made its way to the House Committee on Government Reform. For the draft to make it to the house floor, it requires 50 co-sponsors. Last time, it only received 21 sponsors."

"Congressman Paul Gillmor is currently serving in his tenth term representing the Fifth Congressional District of Ohio. His district of 16 counties is the second largest district in Ohio and is actually larger than the States of Rhode Island, Delaware, Connecticut or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. He serves on one of the most powerful committees in Congress, the Financial Services Committee where he is the top Republican on the Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit. Bro. Gillmor was also unanimously elected in 2006 by representatives of the 26 NATO countries to serves as Vice President of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly."

But tell me what the photos you post mean? The double headed eagle, and I thnk I see an eye at ground zero. Why did you include them in your interesting comment?

Interesting post:

I suppose the implications you are making is that all this mess the world is in is due to Masons. It is weird stuff, and the history goes way back to the foundations of the USA. See for example:

The New Atlantis (part one)

(part two)

The Masons are NOT Freemasons!

Saying that the Masons and the Freemasons are the same thing is like saying the color pink is the same as the color red, instead of the reality that pink is a very pale shade of red that is basically nothing like red.

The Masons are no different from the Rotary Club, the Moose, the Eagles, the Elks, and all the rest. At this late date they are simply a men's club used for local business contacts and fraternity-like partying and doing some civic work. (usually more partying than anything else)

For those who are so blinded by NWO hyper-paranoia to see and understand exactly how much paranoia and related issues are involved with this, well, you're probably a lost cause at this point, but I direct others to the exchange of (paraphrased) "Have you read this book?" "No I haven't." "He just isn't high up enough to know the truth."

That made me laugh, but it's really pretty sad.

Get a grip on reality before reality gets a grip on you.

(If I was a "real Freemason" and someone said to me that the Masons and the Freemasons are the same thing, I'd bitch-slap [sic] the Hell out of them)

Senior 9/11 Bureau Chief, Analyst, Correspondent, Principle Investigator, Forensic 9/11ologist

To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men. — Abraham Lincoln

Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny. — Robert Heinlein


yeh, that has been my experience. A friend of mine, he's welding my Healey, is a mason - the Rotary Club equivalent. He knows 911 truth and much the rest and attests that at this local Mason's there is no evidence of a broader conspiracy. He also acknowledged that his knowledge is limited...

"There are none so hoplessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free." (Goethe)

And the Masonic Fraternity



First : No, I'm not implying that all the mess is due to "masons" because I don't believe the real World
works in such a simple way . What I do believe is that some "masonic elements" play a role in the events of 9-11 .
You simply can't have the cocktail of power,big money, intelligence agencies, war, black ops etc without some
secret society popping up somewhere ..

The first picture is full of "masonic" symbols but what caught my attention is the motto :
"Ordo ab Chao" (Order out of Chaos or Order from Chaos)
This appears to be a very old motto :
-and in some strange way isn't it what has happened ? as a result of "the catalyzing event"
a bunch of people are bringing what they call "order" to the World that they perceived to be a mess ?

Then you have the 2002 9-11 memorial ceremony :

Note how "the all-seeing eye " is also the logo of the broadcaster
(or you could choose to say that it's just a coincidence that everybody thinks the ceremony looks like an eye ..)

and here you have it again :
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Many of the big trans-national corporations have logos that are clearly "masonic" symbols.
There are millions of "masons" yet we know nearly nothing about their weird semi-occult rituals.
You see, these guys are required to keep it secret and they do !

There are masonic symbols everywhere, including on American money and on the new Israeli
Supreme Court, designed and paid by the House of Rothschild,one of the worlds leading war-profiteers .

It's just one of those things where I don't know what to think of it any more .. most "masons"
are good people who want to do good for their fellow man but somewhere it gets really dark,
P2, Gladio, Skull & Bones, the whole concept of having secret semi-occult organizations that work for a common secret goal.

Almost forgot : Here's something to read for those who think "The NWO" is just a paranoid delusion:

"Listen carefully now : DO NOT DESTROY OIL-WELLS" Dubya