Saudi Intelligence

Senator Bob Graham Said Two 9/11 Hijackers had Direct Ties to Saudi Intelligence

Left gatekeeper site Daily Kos finally posted as a "Recommended Diary" -- that is, one that gets widely read -- another 9/11 post. Perhaps not as earth-shaking as we would like, but its a start, especially since it touches on dirty tricks in general and the need to "cut out the roots, the methods and 'off the books' operations". The article doesn't use the term "false flag", but it hints at it.

PROBE THIS: Sen Bob Graham said two 9/11 hijackers had direct ties to Saudi intelligence

and this was in the 27 classified pages of the Joint Congressional Inquiry.

Before you mentally shunt this off to the conspiracy theory ghetto, consider how badly the Bushies want their war with Iran, Cheney's recent trip to see the Saudis, and America's vulnerability to being hoodwinked by convenient boogeymen again.

Democrats need to dig deep enough to cut out the roots, the methods and "off the books" operations, that the far right has used to yank our collective change and will surely use again when they think we'll fall for it and it's to their advantage.