
The World Radio Premiere of Loose Change 9/11 An American Coup

The World Radio Premiere of "Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup" Beneath the Surface with Roseanne Barr airs TODAY September 16, 2009 for KPFK's Fall Fundrive at 5PM PST. Clips from the documentary will be played during traffic hour, so if you're sitting in your car, don't miss out. KPFK 90.7FM LOS ANGELES - HEARD WORLDWIDE at http://www.KPFK.ORG. Please re-post this blog, so we can spread the word faster and your friends can listen in on time too!

Aussie radio, "Lowie vs America" talked about WTC7

Yesterday, as I was driving, STAR FM Gippsland/Melbourne Southeast was on cause that's what my little one listens to nowadays instead of Kids FM.

And there was a corner called "Lowie vs America." This Aussie guy reporting from the USA, and he was in NYC.

He interviewed a few people on street about that "9/11 conspiracy theory" especially focusing on WTC7. It was all right -- some expressing the doubt but then he had a firefighter chief coming on, saying all the firefighters he knows deny it.

And yet, Lowie ended that corner saying something like, "Well, you determine it yourself. Go and check!"

So, if listeners go and see what that site has to say, they could see through the lie all right!!

Thank you Lowie!!
And please express your "Thanks!" to him from here.

Richard Gage Speaks to Colorado on KRFC FM 88.9 Radio

This short 30-minute interview is a great introduction for newbies and skeptics. In just a few minutes, Gage lays out all of the basic information put forward by AE911Truth, how the official story defies physics, and why moving forward with the truth is so important.

Words of Freedom Welcomes Richard Gage

Direct download link:

See More Radio at Visibility 9-11 Media

Texas Engineer Gets SAVAGE on 9/11 Truth

These "Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth" are relentless in the effort to reveal the truth about 9/11. Derek, an engineer from Texas, actively engages Michael Savage about 9/11 Truth. Derek encourages us all "to DO SOMETHING", to take an active role in disseminating 9/11 Truth.

This Sunday, Ask Gore Vidal your questions

This Sunday, 9-11 truth ally Gore Vidal will be taking calls on Air America Radio's Politically Direct
with David Bender. The show airs live at 4 pm on the East coast --that's 1 pm on the West coast. Gore Vidal will take calls for three hours. Yes, that’s THREE hours. Make sure you get in line for the chance to talk to him. Call 1-866-303-2270

Gore Vidal is a world-renowned author, historian and political and social commentator. Among many comments in support of the truth movement, Mr. Vidal has stated:
“We still don't know by whom we were struck that infamous Tuesday, or for what true purpose. But it is fairly plain to many civil libertarians that 9/11 'put paid' not only to much of our fragile Bill of Rights but also to our once-envied system of government which had taken a mortal blow the previous year when the Supreme Court did a little dance in 5/4 time and replaced a popularly elected President with the oil and gas Bush-Cheney junta.”... “It is interesting how often in our history, when disaster strikes, incompetence is considered a better alibi ...”

Texas Engineer for 9/11 Truth calls Michael Medved Radio Show

Michael Medved Radio Talk Show: --- Listen to this Engineer member of cleverly curve the radio conversation to Richard Gage and

Derek makes a great point that we can gain free "advertising" by clever applications such as this. He asks that we all try our best to access the mainstream media via methods such as this one. The dollar value alone is immense.

This Texas Engineer also would like to see every individual 9/11Truther sign the petition at Any individual can sign the petition. is the one vehicle right now which can overwhelm the official story. Support Sign the petition.

BlogTalkRadio Censoring 9/11 Truth

BlogTalkRadio Censoring 9/11 Truth
Internet social broadcasting service cracking down on anyone daring to question the government

by James Corbett
10 May, 2008

BlogTalkRadio is an internet-based social broadcaster that allows users to set up and host their own radio talk-show with nothing more than a phone and an internet long as they don't question the government.

As Brian McLain found out, daring to bring up questions about the government's official 9/11 fairy tale will not be tolerated by the thought police at BlogTalkRadio. Until recently, he was host of 'The Angry Scotsman' program hosted on the BlogTalkRadio site. His program was quickly cancelled, however, and his archive of previous episodes purged from the Web after the BTR censors found out about his plan to host an episode dedicated to questioning the official 9/11 story.

9/11 Civil Information on Truth Revolution Radio with Cosmos

On Sunday, May 4th 2008, "Cosmos" of Truth Revolution Radio featured "9/11 Civil Informationing" on his weekly show on WTPRN. His guests were Robin Hordon and Wayne Prante of the

Cosmos is the founder of and is the man behind the international "11th of Every Month" Campaign which has done so much to propel 9/11 visibility and action in the past 18 months.

Blog talk radio censors 9/11 truth content

On Sunday, March 30th, 2008 a show on blog talk radio a show called was covering a street action in jersey city. Many activists were interviewed cause it was a special last Sunday of the month street action. Live on the air Glenn and Eric spoke about many key issue on 9/11. This show was deleted from the Blogtalkradio server. is actively censoring shows about 9/11 truth. In an email from John C Sweet Director Customer Relations Host Liaison Director he said that "We have deleted the listed segment above from our servers as we deem 9/11 conspiracy content/truthers to be misrepresentative, slanderous and libelous."

BlogTalkRadio Warning Letter
From: John Sweet (
Medium risk You may not know this sender. Mark as safe | Mark as unsafe
Sun 3/30/08 7:16 PM


A review of our programming revealed a violation of our Terms of Use by your show:

Canadian 9/11 Truth Radio returns to the airwaves Wednesday Night !

Raymond Geisler's 'Unbought and Unbossed' radio show will be returning to Nanaimo’s CHLY 101.7 FM on Wednesday March 19th and each following Wednesday evenings from 9-10 PM PST.

Unbought and Unbossed is an independent voice dedicated to discussing the political and social issues most relevant to Canadian citizens.

It is a 9/11 Truth friendly show and demands answers, accountability and action from our political and economic leaders, as well as to Plant seeds of truth, hope and love.

You can also listen to Unbought and Unbossed live online at

The on-air phone number is 250-740-1017 (no toll free calls - sorry)

Show archives: and

NOTE: The show will be going back to a 2 hour format in the near future, and in an earlier time slot, more friendly to listeners in the central and Eastern Time Zones.

In the meantime, if you missed the live broadcast you can always listen to previous shows from the archives.

Loose Change Final Cut on KBPI FM with Uncle Nasty

MP3 ( 44MB )

This show was a blast. Uncle Nasty was a great guy, real balanced, and made for a great moderator. He's a big Ron Paul fan.

Virtually every caller agreed with us, and the one that didn't, "Chris", was adamant that the WTC was constructed with a "vertical concrete core." Naturally, we challenged him on this, the conversation gets somewhat heated, and Chris is dropped when he calls me a "fucking parrot" because I was not a structural engineer, even though I never claimed to be.

Frank Caliendo even did an introduction for our segment.

Check it out.

Loose Change Final Cut on AM 760 Denver

Jay Marvin Friday 2-22-08 Hour 2
Listen to the Podcast

From the site:
Jay was joined in studio by Dylan Avery and Jason Bermas producers of the film Loose Change Final Cut. This is the third cut which was released by Louder Than Words Productions last November. They have showings coming up Sunday February 24th at the Gothic Theatre at 3pm, 6pm and 9pm. On Monday the 25th at the Boulder Theater at 7pm and 10pm. On Tuesday the 26th you can catch it at the Oriental Theater at 7pm with a dj and an after party. You can get more info at

From me:
Jay was firm in his beliefs, but was mature and respectful during the discussion, unlike some other AM radio hosts.

We'll be on 106.7 FM tonight from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM Mountain Time on Uncle Nasty's show, as well.