
911 Truth on Canadian national television (CBC)

This was on Canadian national television last night March 19, 2008.

The Lies that Led to War
aired on March 19, 2008

Since the US-led invasion four years ago, the fifth estate has covered Iraq and the war on terror from virtually every angle--the military, media, intellligence, politics--revealing aspects of the story that you didn't find anywhere else.

Now, as the White House warns about the latest threat in the region, this time from Iran, we go back to examine the deception, suspect intelligence, even lies that convinced the world of the rightness of targeting Saddam Hussein.

Canadian 9/11 Truth Radio returns to the airwaves Wednesday Night !

Raymond Geisler's 'Unbought and Unbossed' radio show will be returning to Nanaimo’s CHLY 101.7 FM on Wednesday March 19th and each following Wednesday evenings from 9-10 PM PST.

Unbought and Unbossed is an independent voice dedicated to discussing the political and social issues most relevant to Canadian citizens.

It is a 9/11 Truth friendly show and demands answers, accountability and action from our political and economic leaders, as well as to Plant seeds of truth, hope and love.

You can also listen to Unbought and Unbossed live online at

The on-air phone number is 250-740-1017 (no toll free calls - sorry)

Show archives: and

NOTE: The show will be going back to a 2 hour format in the near future, and in an earlier time slot, more friendly to listeners in the central and Eastern Time Zones.

In the meantime, if you missed the live broadcast you can always listen to previous shows from the archives.

Canadian 9/11 Truth Radio Show - This Week's Archive

Raymond Geisler's "Unbought and Unbossed" - Canadian Political News and Views (May 23rd, 2007). This is an independent voice dedicated to discussing the political and social issues relevant to Canadian citizens. It is a 9/11 Truth friendly show and demands answers, accountability and action from our political leaders.

Listen via ...

Windows Media Player:



Winamp, RealPlayer, Quick Time, iTunes

Show Duration: 58 minutes.

Listen to the live broadcast each Wednesday Night at 8:00 pm (Pacific)
on CHLY 101.7 FM Nanaimo, BC, Canada (Malaspina College, Vancouver Island)

For live streams, visit