Star FM

Aussie radio, "Lowie vs America" talked about WTC7

Yesterday, as I was driving, STAR FM Gippsland/Melbourne Southeast was on cause that's what my little one listens to nowadays instead of Kids FM.

And there was a corner called "Lowie vs America." This Aussie guy reporting from the USA, and he was in NYC.

He interviewed a few people on street about that "9/11 conspiracy theory" especially focusing on WTC7. It was all right -- some expressing the doubt but then he had a firefighter chief coming on, saying all the firefighters he knows deny it.

And yet, Lowie ended that corner saying something like, "Well, you determine it yourself. Go and check!"

So, if listeners go and see what that site has to say, they could see through the lie all right!!

Thank you Lowie!!
And please express your "Thanks!" to him from here.