Porter Goss

“The 28 Pages” Revisits… “Man who met 9/11 Hijackers poisoned in Texas”

The story of Shreveport dentist, Dr David M. Graham and his personal encounters dealing with three of the 9/11 hijackers reads like a southern-style John Grisham novel.

Prior to 9/11, Dr David Graham reports the “future hijackers” to the local FBI.
Following 9/11/01, Dr. David Graham contacts top government officials.
Later Dr Graham dies a slow gruesome death following “radiator fluid” poisoning in Texas.

(1:41 minutes)(Notice that World Trade Center Building 7 is in this TV Newscast)

Porter Goss on the morning of 9/11

In an interview on the morning of 9/11 Porter Goss confirms they had envisioned using planes as weapons before 9/11. During his interview a loud BOOM can be heard. An ABC piece also confirms that George Bush and Condoleezza Rice had not been truthful in their statements.


(Thanks to shure from PrisonPlanet forum : http://forum.prisonplanet.com/index.php?topic=186832.msg1118681;topicseen#msg1118681 )

Report Reveals CIA Conducted Mock Executions

Report Reveals CIA Conducted Mock Executions
A long-awaited report on post-9/11 interrogation tactics will reveal harrowing new details about treatment of suspected terrorists.


A Torture Timeline
For hundreds of years, atrocities have been committed in the name of empire-building, religion or national security

By Mark Hosenball and Michael Isikoff | Newsweek Web Exclusive
Aug 21, 2009 | Updated: 6:58 p.m. ET Aug 21, 2009
A long-suppressed report by the Central Intelligence Agency's inspector general to be released next week reveals that CIA interrogators staged mock executions as part of the agency's post-9/11 program to detain and question terror suspects, NEWSWEEK has learned.

Who Is Porter Goss?

Thanks to www.cooperativeresearch.org

Summer 2001: Threat Alerts Increase to Record High
Congressman Porter Goss (R), Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, later says on the intelligence monitoring of US-designated terrorist groups, “The chatter level [goes] way off the charts” around this time and stays high until 9/11. Given Goss’s history as a CIA operative, presumably he is kept “in the know” to some extent. [Los Angeles Times, 5/18/2002] A later Congressional report will state: “Some individuals within the intelligence community have suggested that the increase in threat reporting was unprecedented, at least in terms of their own experience.” [US Congress, 9/18/2002] Two counterterrorism officials later describe the alerts of this summer as “the most urgent in decades.” [US Congress, 9/18/2002]

August 28-30, 2001: US Politicians Visit Pakistan and Discuss Bin Laden