
“The 28 Pages” Revisits… “Man who met 9/11 Hijackers poisoned in Texas”

The story of Shreveport dentist, Dr David M. Graham and his personal encounters dealing with three of the 9/11 hijackers reads like a southern-style John Grisham novel.

Prior to 9/11, Dr David Graham reports the “future hijackers” to the local FBI.
Following 9/11/01, Dr. David Graham contacts top government officials.
Later Dr Graham dies a slow gruesome death following “radiator fluid” poisoning in Texas.

(1:41 minutes)(Notice that World Trade Center Building 7 is in this TV Newscast)

Chilling Thoughts Amid Questionable Circumstances

By Cheri Roberts-Piper MTR News

A few days ago authorities found and positively identified the deadly poison Ricin in a Las Vegas hotel room. A man lies silently in a coma in some desert hospital unable to tell anyone how he became ill. He is said to have been at the hospital since Valentines Day when he called an ambulance due to respiratory distress.

With an unconscience witness/victim/homegrown terrorist the police were able to find evidence in the hotel room that is too convenient to be true. Let’s look at the timeline of the story first, because it makes no sense, but is told in the style of Rumsfeld so that it isn’t immediately apparent it makes no sense.

Authorities say that on Sat Feb 22 a friend or relative of the rooms occupant reported to the hotel that there are pets left in the sick mans room.