Luke Rudkowski

9/11 truther was Pentagon gunman? Luke on Russia Today March 5th

March 05, 2010

Last night a California man opened fire outside the Pentagon in Washington DC. Today he has been linked to the 9/11 truther movement that rejects the official explanation of 9/11.

The Hard Evidence Down Under Tour 2009 - An Amazing Success!!

The Hard Evidence Down Under Tour 2009 - An Amazing Success!!

by Janice Matthews
November 23, 2009

The Hard Evidence Down Under 2009 Tour has nearly wrapped up, following events in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane, Australia and in Wellington, New Zealand. Every one of these events met with overwhelming success.

PETITION for Students at G20:; Also: Message from Luke Rudkowski

Please sign the petition if you feel so inclined. Read this college students' account of her treatment and arrest.

Check out this video:


To: University of Pittsburgh

We the undersigned express our support for all students arrested and charged with misdemeanor offenses during the G-20 summit in Pittsburgh.

We believe that the right of citizens-- students, professors, families, community members, and media-- to assemble and gather peacefully in public was not only denied and violated but suppressed with unnecessary and excessive force. This violation is supported by eyewitness accounts, video, and photographic evidence.

FILM: New World Order by See Think Films

New World Order by See Think Films

I just finished watching the See Think film New World Order on Comcast On Demand. This is a film I had never heard of before, but a quick check shows that there have been two earlier blog posts here on the film:

After seeing the film I'm quite curious to know where else it is showing on cable, how many of you have seen it and what you all think about the film.

I find it particularly interesting that a film about the 9/11 truth movement would get this kind of exposure on a giant corporate network like Comcast when films exposing the serious problems with the government's conspiracy theory are completely shut out.

Keep Them Down

Keep Them Down

Luke Rudkowski is your every-day, garden variety scapegoat.

The 22-year old is a slender and clean-cut figure who typically wears a business jacket and tie in public and keeps his hair short and his face clean-shaven. He is certainly not the visual you’d expect of a thug, a violent person or a criminal.

Yet, on March 28, 2009, Rudkowski – along with two of his fellow activists – was detained in a hotel lobby in Manhattan by security workers for New York City’s Mayor, Michael Bloomberg. The three were then arrested, held for several hours and charged with criminal trespass. This was even though Rudkowski asked security to allow him to leave the premises and was, instead, detained. Rudkowski was even told that he would be charged with ‘impersonating a member of the press’, even though he carried credentials on his person.

Luke Rudkowski Arrested for Attempting to Question Mayor Bloomberg ( - Infowars -

(Starting with what appears to be the most recent update at -rep.)

UPDATE: WeAreCHANGE Members Arrested

Luke, Manny (not Manny Badillo) and Anthony were transfered to Central Bookings at 100 Centre street in New York City until tomorrow morning.

This was a set up. The NYPD knew they were coming and were setting a trap. The Bloomberg people also told members to stay in one particular spot and were not asked to leave. Therefore, Luke, Manny and Anthony were not trespassing and were wrongfully arrested.

Manny was arrested for filming and his face was also smashed while under the care of the police in the squad car.

While in Central bookings, other people were let out of their cells, but Luke, Manny and Anthony remained in Central Booking. The NYPD Intelligence and Bloomberg Security confiscated the three cameras with all the footage. They also kept a picture camera and were snooping and looking through all the pictures. The NYPD Intelligence Officer saw photos of Luke shooting a gun at a shooting range and was asking him if he had a license for that and accusing him of owning guns without a license.


Central Booking (212) 374-3921
New York County (Manhattan) Criminal Court (212) 374-5880
100 Centre Street (one block north of Worth Street, three blocks south of Canal Street).

The Elephant in the Room: Extras

Filmmaker Dean Puckett has just made available a high quality version of his short film 'The Baby Elephant'; a 30 minute film made up of deleted scenes from the feature length documentary 'The Elephant In The Room' shot over the anniversary of 9/11 in New York 2007. It follows below in 4 parts.

He has also released a couple more clips that he couldn't quite fit on the finished dvd. The first features We Are Change Paris activist M talking about The Project for a New American Century at Speakers Corner in Hyde Park, London. The second features Patrick McGuiness playing his song "9/11 Was An Inside Job, The War on Terrorism is a Sham, Beware the Global Fascist Super State" with Dave Roughmouth's poems spoken outside the House of Parliament on the 6 year anniversary of 9/11. Both clips follow below the 4-part Baby Elephant

Visit to watch the multi-award winning documentary The Elephant in the Room for free. You can also subscribe to Dean Pucketts youtube channel here.

The Baby Elephant

911 Truth Activities - New York Convergence 9-11-2008 COMPLETE

14 continuous play videos (if i did this right) of highlights of several days of street actions at Ground Zero and in lower Manhattan Sept 2008
next best thing to being there...
next time... BE THERE!

Luke Rudkowski on 9/11/08 Events

We Are Change founder Luke Rudkowski joined The Corbett Report today to discuss the events planned to commemorate the 7th anniversary of 9/11 in New York City next week. "This 7th annivesary here in New York City we're planning on doing three days of fundraising events for sick and dying 9/11 first responders. We're going to be having movie showings, speaker symposiums and also musical concerts," Rudkowski explained.

Watch part of the interview in the video player below:

BBC Conspiracy Files - the third tower

The BBC Conspiracy Files programme on the third tower was shown on the 6th July. On the surface it seemed to be a pretty fair, balanced programme but all the alternative stuff appeared at the beginning and most people would have forgotten about it by the end of the programme. The 'swiss cheese' comments about the holes in the steel was shown at the beginning to demonstrate something dodgy only to be dismissed at the end as nothing important.

Steven Jones's work wasn't given enough time and they showed a brief clip of his lecture in Boston). The positive thing about this is that the BBC have done us a huge favour by finally admitting there was a third building collapse.

INSIDE JOB Sign Giveaway! Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change on Dynamic Duo Friday 12/21 4-6 CT, GCN

Luke is the President of, and to celebrate his first appearance with me on the radio, we'll be giving away free INSIDE JOB plastic roll banner signs:

Anybody from We Are Change, anywhere in the USA, can contact me any time at and I'll send you a bunch of these durable, ultra-visible signs while they last. One 2 foot by 3 foot sign folds up into a soft little bundle about the size of a folded-up T-shirt, so they're easy to smuggle into Ghouliani rallies and other public events.

Also, anybody who calls into the show with a good question or comment wins a free INSIDE JOB sign. The call-in number is 866-582-9933.