Larry Silverstein

Dear Allianz,

RE: Silverstein World Trade Center Claim

Dear Allianz,

Please consider that the World Trade Center "collapse" was a deliberate demolition, and not a fire collapse. Highly knowledgeable experts in the USA are challenging the story told by the government.

You could study this issue and prepare for a court battle against Silverstein, even countersue to retun money that has been paid out.

See the work of Professor Steven Jones of BYU Universtity:

And Kevin Ryan, former manager at UL Laboratories

Structural Engineering Professor William Rice at the Vermont Technical Institute:

More than 100 eyewitnesses saw and heard the bombs inside the 3 buildings including firemen, police, emt workers and employees at the Twin Towers. Much publicity is coming out now, and many eyewitness testimonies can be found in the news reports of that day.

Larry Silverstein to WTC Insurers: "WE'RE GOING TO MAKE YOU PAY!"

Allianz in Mediation with WTC Developer Silverstein
Tue Mar 13, 2007

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Allianz said mediators would seek to determine how much it owes the developer of the World Trade Center, while he led a demonstration against Europe's biggest insurer for withholding funds.

"We're going to make you pay!" Larry Silverstein shouted in front of a crowd of about 200 cheering construction workers at a noon rally in midtown Manhattan on Monday.

Silverstein, who leased the downtown site destroyed on Sept. 11, 2001, claims Allianz still owes him $553 million and that a second insurer, Britain's Royal & Sun Alliance, owes him $250 million. He said their reluctance had slowed rebuilding at the site.

"You can count on some insurance companies to look for every way they can think of to avoid paying up," said Silverstein, making common cause with Gulf Coast homeowners who are suing for claims from Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

(More after the jump...)

Allianz in Mediation with WTC Developer Silverstein

I hope this insurance company is waking up from the scam we can only pray. We should e-mail them and try to wake them up on at least building 7

Allianz in Mediation with WTC Developer Silverstein
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Allianz (ALVG.DE: Quote, Profile , Research) said mediators would seek to determine how much it owes the developer of the World Trade Center, while he led a demonstration against Europe's biggest insurer for withholding funds.

"We're going to make you pay!" Larry Silverstein shouted in front of a crowd of about 200 cheering construction workers at a noon rally in midtown Manhattan on Monday.

WTC7 The Smoking Gun of 9/11 (updated version)

This is the updated version of the video i posted last week. It now contains the BBC's cockup footage and some slides about what FEMA and the 9/11 Commission had to say about the collapse of Building 7.

For some reason Google will not approve the video (it says 'server error' for days now) so here it is on DailyMotion:

If someone wants to try their luck with other video hosters, here you can download the high quality XVID source file. Please spread this!

A Blast From The Past Reminds Us Why The Official Story Surrouding WTC 7 Is Absurd!

''We built in enough redundancy to allow entire portions of floors to be removed without affecting the building's structural integrity, on the assumption that someone might need double-height floors,'' said Larry Silverstein, president of the company. ''Sure enough, Salomon had that need. Source:

The comment and NY Times article above completely brings into question the fire/gravity reason for the collapse of WTC 7.

G. Edward Griffin - BBC early report - may not mean what you think

It's a keeper. G. Edward Griffin, author of "Creature From Jeckyll Island: A second look at the Federal Reserve" weighs in on the BBC, CNN, Google, Youtube, Internet Archive, Federal government, Larry Silverstein, Ruddy Ghouliani, WTC 7 fiasco. For those unfamiliar with Griffin's book and are curious about money creation and debt, I highly recommend this video as a quick primer,

Money As Debt
Paul Grignon's 47-minute animated presentation of "Money as Debt" tells in very simple and effective graphic terms what money is and how it is being created. It is an entertaining way to get the message out.

Click here to avoid the spoiler below:

After laying out his reasonable hypothesis and certain facts, Griffin comes to the following conclusion:


Considering these facts, for anyone to issue a report to the press that Building Seven was expected to collapse, is powerful evidence that some people actually did have prior knowledge – not necessarily of the 9/11 attacks, but prior knowledge that Building Seven was going to be brought down by controlled demolition. Since it takes many weeks of prior planning to bring down a building like that by controlled demolition, preparations would have started long before 9/11. That fact, alone, is all we need to unravel the whole shoddy fabric of lies.


But that may not mean what you think

G. Edward Griffin March 2, 2007

In the final week of February, 2007, the Internet was ablaze with a video tape that showed news commentators for the BBC on the morning of 9/11 stating categorically that Building 7 at the World Trade Center had collapsed, but the announcement was made at least twenty minutes prior to the event. In one scene, reporter Jane Standley is seen saying that Building 7 had collapsed, all the while it is clearly visible in the skyline behind her.

Muckraker Report makes a Request for Correction from NIST

Muckraker Report again boldly goes where most fear to tread!

Published: Thursday, March 1, 2007

Ed Haas

Effort to halt government WTC7 investigation launched

March 1, 2007 – The following Request for Correction was e-mailed to the National Institute of Standards and Technology on February 28, 2007. It will be certified mailed on March 1, 2007. Attorney Jerry Leaphart has informed me that he will work on the legal papers for an injunction this weekend.

The subject matter within this Request for Correction and pending filing for injunction is purposeful. The reader might be tempted to conclude that many other contradictions found within the government investigation of WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7 should have been referenced in this Request for Correction. I can assure you that great thought went into this effort and it mirrors the advice of counsel. What some might conclude as “too narrow” is actually advantageous to achieving the goal – the truth.

Please support the Muckraker Report in this effort.

February 28, 2007


More Ground Zero Heroes On The Record: Building 7 Was Deliberately Brought Down

Testimony of multiple rescue personnel that they were told Building 7 was going to be imploded means FEMA, NIST, Silverstein Properties and federal government all lied, revelations demand immediate grand jury inquiry into insurance fraud, vindicates call for new independent 9/11 investigation

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
Prison Planet
Friday, February 9, 2007

Two more ground zero emergency rescue personnel are on the record as stating they were told Building 7 was going to be brought down on 9/11 hours before its symmetrical implosion, completely contradicting the official explanation of accidental collapse.

The new revelations provoke urgent questions about how a building was rigged with explosives within hours when such a process normally takes weeks or months and why the decision was taken to demolish the building amidst the chaos of the situation on that day.

Yesterday we reported on the testimony of an anonymous EMT named Mike who told Loose Change producer Dylan Avery that hundreds of emergency rescue personnel were told over bullhorns that Building 7, a 47 story skyscraper adjacent the twin towers that was not hit by a plane yet imploded symmetrically later in the afternoon on 9/11, was about to be "pulled" and that a 20 second radio countdown preceded its collapse.

Shortly after this article was released we uncovered more astounding testimony of ground zero rescue workers who are fully public and on the record in repeating the same claims, that Building 7 was brought down deliberately and that its collapse was not accidental as the government claims.

World Trade Center lease transaction: Vornado Realty Trust vs. Silverstein Properties

You may have heard about the lease transaction of the WTC 1 and 2 to Silverstein properties back in spring 2001.
But what most of us are not aware of, is that there was a bid-request by the port authority, originally won by Vornado Realty Trust.
Enough suspicion, though, to ask Vornado about a comment. See below.

First, he is the brief history about the bids and the negotations with Vornado and Silverstein:


the Mossad/Israel theory

Anyone who reads this please look into with Daryl Bradford Smith. And don't just look, listen to some of the interviews. The interviews are great. He interviews people we know like Ray McGovern and Christopher Bollyn. Bollyn is the reporter investigating an Israeli role in 9/11. At first the site and his topic appear ludicrous. But as you learn more and more about what exactly the radical aspect of Zionism is, it slowly becomes credible. Your first visit to the site is like the first time you were presented with the idea that 9/11 was planned.

People accuse him of anti-semitism, but such accusations are akin to calling 9/11 Truth activists tin-foil nuts. He is not anti-semitic. He is trying to look into the more radical elements of Zionism just like there are radical elements of Christianity and Islam. I personally don't believe our government alone was capable of carrying out 9/11, and Smith does well to reveal the Israeli fingerprints. (Larry Silverstein for one) Needless to say, the Mossad would have a strong motive in carrying out 9/11 because it turned most Americans against Muslims and led to the war in Afghanistan and Iraq (and Iran?). All of this benefits Israel, and we would be wise to thoroughly investigate this possibility.

America Rebuilds 2

Larry Silverstein goes back on PBS to explain why building 7 was pulled. Big thanks to for sending this in.

Popular Mechanics caught in a lie?

PM "Researchers" Benjamin Chertoff & Davin Coburn can't agree on what the term "Pull it" means


From the link above:

Benjamin Chertoff, Researcher for Popular Mechanics, on Coast to Coast AM - March 5, 2005:

I'm glad somebody brought up the Larry Silverstein comment, because we certainly looked at that... What he says is "they decided to pull" which is referring to the fire department. And of course in some circles of the controlled demolition industry "Pull" is used to mean that you actually demolish a building.

Just over a year later, Popular Mechanics changes their story...

Davin Coburn, Researcher for Popular Mechanics, on The Charles Goyette Show - August 23, 2006:

Having spoken to any number of large controlled demolition firms... the term "Pull it" is not a demolition term... We have never heard it used that way and neither actually have the people who do this professionally that we spoke to.(More after jump...)


When I started find out the truth about 9/11 there was such passion in my soul and in my heart to find the truth and I know in my heart. I found it. I don’t know who will read this or if anybody really cares about getting the facts out. There not alot of people that are pointing there fingers at the problem, the criminal is Silverstien. I can’t believe none has taken this crook to task in this 9/11 so called truth movement. This Silverstien character had the Motivation the opportunity and the know how to make it happen. People in this movement have to stand together and go after him. You also have to put into consideration who his friends are? How and why did he get control of the WTC complex? His connections with Russian mob? His connections with national and international intelligence agency? I could go on and on. The fact is his gain out of the 9/11 cover-up in monetary value is the most any single person has made in the history of mankind on any single investment
Maybe you could consider that a motivation but my point here is to make you Curious prove me wrong that he wasn't the main player behind 9/11.

9/11 and the Greenberg Familia

Democratic Underground Demopedia reports in Who Killed John O’Neill that at the time of 9/11, AIG, the world’s largest insurance company, and subsidiaries Marsh McLennan, ACE and Kroll, were run by the Greenberg family. With Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member Maurice “Hank” Greenberg as the AIG godfather, the Familia’s tentacles curled around the heart of the tragedy.

Hank’s son Jeffrey, a CFR member as well, was chairman of Marsh & McLennan, situated on floors throughout the North Tower of the World Trade Center as well as the top floors of the South Tower. Marsh also had ties to the CIA. Son Evan Greenberg, a CFR member, was CEO of ACE Limited, situated in Tower 7, which also contained AIG subsidiary Kroll, closely related to the CIA, also with an office in Tower 7.

Tower 7 also contained offices of the FBI, Department of Defense, IRS (which contained prodigious amounts of corporate tax fraud corporate, including Enron’s), US Secret Service, Securities & Exchange Commission (with more stock fraud records), and Citibank’s Salomon Smith Barney, the Mayor’s Office of Emergency Management and many other financial institutions.

Read more here --

The Case Against the Mossad and Israel: Wolfowitz, Silverstein and the Dancing Israelis

Although the Mossad's warnings regarding 9/11 appear to exonerate it, that is not the case. Former Mossad case officer Victor Ostrovsky in his two excellent books By Way of Deception and The Other Side of Deception demonstrates that the Mossad often uses useless warnings as a way of making themselves look innocent when in fact the opposite is true:

"Admony, then the head of Mossad, decided they would simply give the Americans the usual general warning, a vague notice that they had reason to believe someone might be planning an operation against them. But this was so general and so commonplace, it was like sending a weather report; unlikely to raise any particular alarm or prompt increased security precautions. In the six months following receipt of this information, for example, there were more than 100 general warnings of car-bomb attacks. One more would not heighten US concerns or surveillance."

"Admony, in refusing to give the Americans specific information on the truck, said, "No, we're not going to protect the Americans. They're a big country. Send only the regular information."

Once one understands the methodology of the Mossad and its management of false flag attacks - as well as the massive involvement of the US - Israeli axis in manufacturing the "War on Terror" - to accept the idea that the Mossad is innocent because it gave weak and useless warnings to its partner in crime the CIA becomes absurd.