
Working Draft - Misprision of Treason 9/11 Peace Action

This following is a working draft to propose to the 9/11 Truth Leader Teleconference group this Wednesday, and present as a final draft for support to the 9/11 truth community by the March 6th Conference in Pennsylvania - "Treason in America: 911, the Wars and Our Broken U.S. Constitution."

Please feel welcome to comment now on this following working draft for the campaign and action plan. The purpose is to highlight hard evidence of a 9/11 inside plot and cover-up, and threat to the US and world by its justification for false wars and destruction of the USA Republic and Constitution. Or it could be considered a campaign for the Misprision of a felony for crimes of murder or obstruction of justice.

Author and 9/11 Truth & Justice advocate Hal Sisson, QC passed away on Dec. 26th, 2009

Remembering a good friend, outstanding man, excellent thinker, writer, comic, a great Canadian Patriot and strong advocate for 9/11 Truth and Justice: Mr. Hal Sisson,QC of Victoria, BC.

Hal always left his audience laughing ... but not today. He left us on Dec. 26th, 2009 at the age of 89.

Hal's daughter Lindy sent us this message:

"Hal Sisson passed away of severe Aortic Stenosis after 18 days in hospital waiting for a heart valve replacement. He was able to spend Christmas day at home, but unfortunately the medical bureaucracy moved too slowly for the operation to take place."

He penned his own auto-obituary and his daughter Lindy asked that this be broadcast to the 9/11 Truth folks whom he loved so well:

Read more here:



Daniel Bland's Open Letter to Dr. James Dobson:

Dr Dobson

Does Christ’s Church stand for TRUTH & JUSTICE?

Dr. Dobson,

I grew up reading, Break Away, your magazine for teenage boys. My mom always subscribed to your publications and always loved to listen to your radio appearances whenever possible. I think many people would agree that you have been a highly respected and revered leader in the evangelical Christian movement for many years. I am writing you directly because I can not think of a more respected leader in the entire Christian community. Lately I have been rapidly loosing faith in the integrity and leadership of the Christian Church, and I wanted to write to see if you could help me understand whether or not Christ’s Church really stands for TRUTH and JUSTICE. I do not want to continue loosing my religion, so I’m writing to you for help.

Sibel Edmonds New Website: BoilingFrogsPost.com


From the About page:

"Boiling Frogs Post is an online news, editorial, analysis, and Podcast interview site covering select but significant blacked out stories and issues, while defying blinded partisanship. Each one of our partner investigative journalists brings 20+ years of investigative journalism experience in reporting controversial and daring topics. Our weekly Podcast interview series, the Boiling Frogs Show, features in depth original interviews with well-respected and controversial guests.

"This site has been set up to bring together members of the irate minority club: Those who have gotten tired of the very-dependent mainstream media & and the agenda-driven and partisan pseudo alternative fluff sites. We may be the irate minority out there, but over here we are the majority, so we rule. Together we hope to increase our numbers and take back our hijacked nation."

Site design by 9/11 Truth activist Scott Ford - http://www.Twerp.com

Dr. Bob Bowman on Just War Theory, Christianity and War on Terror

Dr. Bob Bowman gave an important speech regarding Christianity, Just War Theory and the War on Terror to over hundred people at Walkerton, Ontario, Canada, on August 28, 2009. Special thanks to our host, Dr. Paul McArthur, who has been organized several high quality events that educate the public on 9/11 Truth.

The second video is available here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lClS6EyQ2zc

Recorded by the UW 9/11 Research Group.

Waking people from tranquilized obviousness: the paradox of patience in an emergency

hyperlinks for references and documentation are live at the source: http://www.examiner.com/x-18425-LA-County-Nonpartisan-Examiner~y2009m9d1-Waking-people-from-tranquilized-obviousness-the-p...

The recognition of facts, even when in plain sight, is challenging. Res ipsa loquitur, the facts do speak for themselves, but getting people to notice may not be easy.

Joshua Bell, one of the world’s elite violinists whose CDs Romance of the Violin sold over 5 million copies, played for 45 minutes at an entrance to a Washington, D.C. subway during rush hour. Hardly anyone stopped. The reporting of this phenomenon by Washington Post writer Gene Weingarten won a Pulitzer. People didn’t recognize the brilliance of Bell’s music due to competing and distracting facts:

1.They’re busy; it’s difficult to compete with peoples’ immediate concerns even with brilliance.
2.People pay attention to “platforms,” an office title, stage, or previous history.

Wayne Prante on 911, War Crimes, Peace, Truth and Justice - Toronto 5.27.09


Canadian 911 Truth, Justice and Peace activist Wayne Prante speaks at an organizing meeting in preparation for the Bush-Clinton War Criminals Protest in Toronto on May 27th, 2009. He discusses the need for the Peace Movement to address and embrace the 911 issue if we are to be effective (as it was the original lie of the Bush admin), the need for a change in tactics; becoming more community oriented as individuals (rather than relying on mass demonstrations in city centres), as well as changing our attitudes and approach to 911 Truth by being more service oriented to get the message out.

The audio-video quality is not good, but was the best we could do under the circumstances.


Morrissey booted from Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice?

I have been removed from the membership list at stj911.org, without a word of explanation, although I have been a member since the founding. I suspect it is because of my essay "9/11 Aletheia," which was published on OpEdNews.com (but rejected by 911blogger.com, also without explanation).

Is this any way for "Scholars" to behave? I can't say I'm surprised, but I was secretly hoping that I was wrong about the people who are obviously controlling things there. I was not. Read the essay at http://www.opednews.com/articles/9-11-Aletheia-by-Michael-Morrissey-090508-396.html .

I hope I don't get banned from 911blogger as well. We all need to think about what is going on here.

TruthAction Thread: Wikipedia editors livid over new [Active Thermitic Material] paper

Activist editors at Wikipedia have changed the name of the "World Trade Center Controlled Demolition Hypothesis" page to "World Trade Center Demolition Conspiracy Theories", are removing all links to the paper "Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe" recently published in the refereed Open Chemical Physics Journal (including from the 9/11 Truth Movement page and even Dr. Steven Jones' page), and have banned and/or restricted some users that re-add the links and question their policy.

See the discussion thread at TruthAction.org- many links to relevant pages at Wikipedia; the "Talk" page is very revealing of their bias, hypocrisy and intellectual dishonesty:

Wikipedia editors livid over new paper

The new paper has pulled the rug out from under the wikipedia front lines defending the official story and they have now suddenly changed the title of the demolition page from --

Controlled demolition hypothesis for the collapse of the World Trade Center

to --

World Trade Center controlled demolition conspiracy theories

Long Arm of Justice: Fujimori’s Lesson for Bush

Fujimori’s Lesson for Bush
by Jacob G. Hornberger


If President Bush and Vice-President Cheney think that time is on their side with respect to crimes committed by their administration, this week’s criminal conviction of former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori should put those thoughts to rest. Returning to Peru in the hope of returning to power, Fujimori was instead put on trial and convicted of “crimes against humanity,” including the killing of 25 people by military death squad.

Meanwhile, a Spanish judge, Baltasar Garzon, has opened a criminal investigation of six former Bush officials — Alberto Gonzalez, Douglas Feith, David Addington, John Yoo, Jay Bybee, and William Haynes — for torture allegations arising out of the Pentagon’s operations at Guantanamo.

Garzon was the judge who secured a criminal indictment of former Chilean President Augusto Pinochet, which led to Spain’s extradition request for Pinochet when he visited London. While the request was ultimately unsuccessful, Pinochet was detained in London for a year awaiting the final disposition of the request.

3 Detained in Afghanistan Can Take Challenges to U.S. Court: Habeas Ruling Is a Blow to Administration

3 Detained in Afghanistan Can Take Challenges to U.S. Court: Habeas Ruling Is a Blow to Administration
By Del Quentin Wilber and Karen DeYoung, Washington Post Staff Writers
Friday, April 3, 2009; Page A01

U.S. District Judge John D. Bates rejected the government's argument, first made by the Bush administration and later adopted by the Obama Justice Department, that it could detain prisoners indefinitely in a "war zone."

In a 53-page ruling, Bates said that the situation of the three detainees at Bagram air base -- who were captured elsewhere and transported to Afghanistan by U.S. forces -- is "virtually identical" to that of prisoners held by the military at Guantanamo Bay. A landmark Supreme Court ruling last year accorded habeas corpus rights to detainees at that facility in Cuba.

The ruling is likely to complicate the administration's ongoing review of detainee policies. President Obama criticized his predecessor's denial of rights to and treatment of alleged terrorists and during his first week in office ordered Guantanamo Bay to be closed this year. A high-level administration task force is studying what to do with detainees deemed too dangerous to release.

Leonard Peltier brutalized, life in jeopardy!

Leonard Peltier brutalized, life in jeopardy!

Following is an extremely urgent letter from Leonard Peltier's sister.

Please consider doing anything you can to help stop Leonard Peltier's murder in prison.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

From: contact@whoisleonardpeltier.info

URGENT ALERT! Leonard Peltiers safety is in jeopardy!
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2009 17:20:21 -0800 (PST)

Dear LP Supporters

I am so OUTRAGED! My brother Leonard was severely beaten upon his arrival at the Canaan Federal Penitentiary. When he went into population after his transfer, some inmates assaulted him. The severity of his injuries is that he suffered numerous blows to his head and body, receiving a large bump on his head, possibly a concussion, and numerous bruises. Also, one of his fingers is swollen and discolored and he has pain in his chest and ribcage. There was blood everywhere from his injuries.

Obama’s First Problem is US War Crimes By Andrew Sullivan November 30, 2008 "The Times"

A glimmer of hope here? And later, a segue into a real 9/11 investigation?

It's up to us (those living a truthful reality - not the one created by the Bush team) to rally the citizens to demand justice and accountability from the Bush crime family, and then work towards 9/11 Truth justice as more info is exposed to those currently unaware or in denial Americans . . .

We'll have a short window of opportunity here to help hold Obama's feet to the fire once he's in. A grassroot's pressure needs to begin now, as it is, and grow quickly through January, assuming something else doesn't happen (as it usually does) to alter our eyes on the ball . . .


Obama’s First Problem is US War Crimes

The president-elect has to take a stand on Bush’s dark legacy

By Andrew Sullivan

In the Public Spotlight, Chicago, IL and the Web: the Legitimacy of 9/11 Questions

In Chicago, the Republican Congressional candidate has attacked the Democrat for a campaign ad featuring an Iraq War vet who supports the 9/11 victims families right to answers, and says the Iraq War was based on lies, including Hussein's connection to 9/11. According to the Chicago Tribune, "He also said he does not doubt that Al Qaeda terrorists were responsible for the 9/11 attacks.". "Last June, the Peoria Journal Star reported that Davis wore a black T-shirt proclaiming "Investigate 9/ 11@911truth.org" while sitting at a table at a Peoria library where books, fliers and DVDs supporting conspiracy theories about the 9/11 attacks were on display." "Seals spokeswoman Elisabeth Smith said she didn't "really see what is so controversial" about using Caleb Davis in the ad. Davis, 25, is a Peoria native who spent five months in Iraq as an Army diver and got an honorable discharge in 2004." The reporter and Tribune present the Republican view and also the Democrat side, which apparently supports the OCT as well as the right to freedom of speech, press and to petition the govt.