James Douglass speaking tour: "JFK, Obama, and the Unspeakable"

James W. Douglass, author of "JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters" (Orbis, 2008), will be on a speaking tour in the Northeastern US, Sept 30 - Oct 6. This superbly documented book is perhaps the most important among hundreds written on the JFK assassination.  Douglass is a highly esteemed and well-published author, professor, Catholic theologian, co-founder of Religious Leaders for 9/11 Truth, and a lifelong antiwar activist and nuclear disarmament advocate.

Douglass is under contract with Orbis Books (in conjunction with Simon & Schuster) for publication of a trilogy, on the political assassinations of the 1960's, including those of JFK, RFK, Malcolm X, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

In his powerful new book, JFK and the Unspeakable:  Why He Died and Why It Matters, Douglass explores JFK's transformation from a conventional Cold Warrior to someone who was determined to pull the world back from the brink of apocalypse -- a transformation undertaken by JFK, Douglass writes, which then led, inexorably, to his execution, by those determined to nullify, and even exterminate his vision.  Only by unmasking those forces of what is so clearly "Unspeakable," he argues, can we possibly free ourselves, and our country, so that we may yet pursue a global vision of peace, justice and meaningful democracy for all.

James and his wife Shelley were co-founders of the Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action in 1977, inspired by opposition to the Trident Nuclear Submarine Base near Seattle, Wash.; and, of Mary’s House, a Catholic Worker hospitality house in downtown Birmingham, Alabama. 

Six lecture/presentations in New England, starting Thursday, Sept. 30th until Tuesday, Oct. 5th; concluding with a seventh in Philadelphia, Pa., on Wednesday, Oct. 6th:

September30       Portland, Maine
October 1         Cambridge, Massachusetts
October 2         Leverett, Massachusetts
October 3         Weston, Vermont
October 4         New Britain, Connecticut
October 5         Worcester, Massachusetts
October 6         Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Posner Plagiarizes Again By Tim Elfrink


Gerald Posner, shill for the criminal state (Case Closed, Why America Slept), has had other unethical behavior exposed; apparently, he's a serial plagiarist. Also see the articles linked from the source page, under "Related Content."- loose nuke


Disgraced Miami Beach author Gerald Posner is desperate. He apparently whitewashed an account of his serial plagiarism on his Wikipedia page, then threatened Miami New Times with a lawsuit for writing about it. And now he's retained an 83-year-old lawyer infamous for publicizing the "grassy knoll" theory of John F. Kennedy's assassination, a conspiracy Posner refuted in his most famous book. 

Texas Democratic Candidate Farouk Shami on 9/11

- EDIT IN 2018 -
The following 2 1/2 minute video is such an incredibly heroic statement circa 2010 that this "lost, but found video" should help to bring in a new year with 2018.

- Original entry below -
The party primaries are occurring in Texas. Democratic gubernatorial candidate, Farouk Shami, was posed this question: “…so you believe it’s possible that the United States government was involved in the attacks on 9/11?”
Farouk responds: “…the possibilities are there. The jury is out….”

Family of Secrets


Bonnie Faulkner hits broadcasting pay dirt (the dirt part is truly dirty) with this highly
disturbing series of Bush dynastic revelations from author Russ Baker, speaking about his new book,
Family of Secrets.


From the program notes, you wouldn't perceive just how disturbing the information is.

"Guns and Butter - "Family of Secrets - The Bush Dynasty"

"Family of Secrets - The Bush Dynasty" with investigative reporter and author, Russ Baker. The Bush family's extensive ties to intelligence; the Kennedy assassination; Nixon and Watergate; W's rise to power. Russ Baker is the author of Family of Secrets - The Bush Dynasty, The Powerful Forces That Put It In the White House, and What Their Influence Means for America."

Break the CIA in Two By Ray McGovern

hyperlinks at original - loose nuke

Break the CIA in Two By Ray McGovern
December 22, 2009

Editor’s Note: Exactly 46 years ago, President Harry Truman looked back on the still-young CIA, which he had helped create, and was alarmed at how its original purpose – to provide unvarnished information to top policymakers – was being perverted by the agency’s growing role in covert operations.

Nearly a half century since Truman’s warning, former CIA analyst Ray McGovern marvels at Truman’s prescience and suggests that the only answer today is to separate out – and protect – the agency’s core analytical function:

After the CIA-led fiasco at the Bay of Pigs in April 1961, President John Kennedy was quoted as saying he wanted to “splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds.” I can understand his anger, but a thousand is probably too many.

Better is a Solomon solution; divide the CIA in two. That way we can throw out the bath water and keep the baby.

Two groups of 'hijackers' arrested on September 13th 2001

Almost 1.5 years ago I posted some news footage clips concerning multiple arrests at JFK and LaGuardia 9/13. Here's a 'new' one I found that spells it out more clearly than all the others combined. Partial transcript below the fold.


JFK Assassination Conference and 9/11 Truth

On Saturday, November 21, “North Texans for 9/11 Truth” had a table at the famous JFK Lancer annual Conference on the Assassination of President John F Kennedy. This event was held at the plush Adolphus Hotel in downtown Dallas. A variety of well credentialed researchers and speakers gave presentations during this 3 day event. http://www.jfklancer.com/dallas09/speakers.html

Jim Marrs in photo.

JFK Lancer was fantastic host! They could not have been friendlier or more welcoming. This was the first time the JFK/Lancer promoters let an "off-topic" group set up shop. The participants, folks from all parts of the world, were extremely interested in the subject of 9/11 Truth. Of course, “North Texans for 9/11 Truth” gave out 300-400 DVDs along with broadsheet flyers to all the attendees.

The "Missing" Final Three Episodes of The History Channel's "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" 2003

Scroll down on right for all 15 videos

15 parts on Youtube of the missing final three episodes.

Episode 7:The Smoking Gun
Episode 8:The Love Affair
Episode 9:The Guilty

Scroll down on right for all 15 videos

TMWKK, The Final Chapter, ep.7 The Smoking Guns, seg.1
From: TMWKK | November 15, 2006 | 83,328 views
A nine-minute segment of The History Channel's banned documentary, "The Men Who Killed Kennedy: The Final Chapter".

This examination of the latest theories about the J.F.K. assassination & cover-up was shown once in November, 2003 and quickly suppressed, due mainly to outrage and threat of a lawsuit by family and former associates of L.B.J. who is targeted in the documentary as being a lead conspirator in the Kennedy assassination plot and other murders as well.
You can watch the entire documentary, in 15 nine-minute segments, from my YouTube channel. Contains lots of shocking interviews with believable witnesses. Fact or Fiction? Judge for yourself.

When skeptics challenge skeptics, BBC is there!

If only for the sake of tragic comedy, then this BBC article is worth a look.

When Sceptics Fight Back

It touches upon such enlightening (and confusing) concepts as:

-Skeptics (from JREF) being skeptical of other skeptics (i.e. all conspiracy theorists)
-That conspiracy theorists are guilty of re-writing history
-Skeptical JREF lambastes the "mainstream media" for their "bad reporting" which (somehow?) supports conspiracy theories.
-A journalist who, after stating he was Jewish, eventually finds support in the skeptically anti-religious JREF community.

(Of note: on the JREF web site, there were zero search results for "Sibel Edmonds", and only a single result on BBC, which was a minor 2004 sub-reference to something else reported in a British newspaper. Good to see how CTs are successfully re-writing MSM history!)

Outline of Evidence for the JFK Assassination (Part 1 of 3)

(One of the best journals at DemocraticUnderground.com belongs to poster Time for change. I have invited TFC to repost his "Outline of Evidence for the JFK Assassination" here, as it offers a good introduction to just a few of the many problems with the JFK "Official Conspiracy Theory", aka the Warren Commission Report. Quite a few of the things that TFC mentions are covered by JFK researcher Robert Groden in his classic documentary, "JFK: The Case for Conspiracy". If you haven't seen it, Peter Dale Scott draws many parallels between JFK and 9/11 in his talk, JFK and 9/11 - Insights Gained From Studying Both. -rep.)

My interest in the death of President Kennedy derives from my belief that his presidency and his death were pivotal points in American history.

At the time of his assassination, President Kennedy was in the midst of intense efforts to end the Cold War. Had he lived to run for a second term, it seems likely that the Cold War would have ended some 25 years earlier than it did. Instead, through the time that the Cold War ended in 1991 we were ruled by a series of U.S. presidents who (with the exception of Jimmy Carter) sought to expand the Cold War, and along with it the imperial presidency and the scope and size of the Military Industrial Complex.

JFK and the Unspeakable- Oliver Stone

Pls Note: I hear from sources that Oliver Stone is a closet 911 Truther. It will be interesting if he decides to go public. Especially on a bold station like KBDI.


JFK and the Unspeakable

Oliver Stone

The murder of President Kennedy was a seminal event for me and for millions of Americans. It changed the course of history. It was a crushing blow to our country and to millions of people around the world. It put an abrupt end to a period of a misunderstood idealism, akin to the spirit of 1989 when the Soviet bloc to began to thaw and 2008, when our new American President was fairly elected.

Rethinking Conspiracy by Shawn E. Hamilton

Examiner.com ranks 1384 on Alexa http://alexa.com/siteinfo/examiner.com and has 8904 sites linking in. They appear to be a news aggregator that also published original writing. This article points out the House Committee on Assassinations investigation found there was a conspiracy in the case of JFK's shooting, and that the term "conspiracy theorist" has been used to malign questioners and dismiss legitimate inquiry. Unfortunately, the 2 main points he brings up about the 9/11 attacks at the end of his article are strange-

1) The Pentagon; he says, "9-11 critics, for example, wonder why there was no significant wreckage at the Pentagon. The official version says that jet fuel fires evaporated the titanium engines, yet the passengers' bodies could be identified. Does it take a conspiratorial nutcase to see a discrepancy?". The official version does NOT say the engines evaporated; claiming that it does sets his article up to be discredited and dismissed. I posted more about the lack of "significant wreckage" in my comment at the Examiner; pasted here below his article, following the fair use notice.

Same Killers - Different Day - by John Hankey

(I met John Hankey at John Judge's 2006 COPA conference in Dallas. I was at first skeptical of Hankey's conclusions; that the Bush Crime Family is tied to not only the assassination of JFK, but that JFK Jr. was also assassinated, with George Walker Bush in Hankey's sites as a suspect. After watching his presentation in Dallas, I was convinced that Hankey is a serious researcher, who raises some important issues. Although Hankey was not consulted for Russ Baker's new book, Family of Secrets, Baker covers some of the same ground regarding Poppy Bush and JFK. I asked Hankey to summarize his take on the Bushes, and talk about the newly re-edited Dark Legacy. -rep.)

SAME KILLERS - DIFFERENT DAY by John Hankey - April 18, 2009

There are a number of important parallels between the 9-11 attacks and the murder of JFK: the stand down of the most basic defense procedures / the outrageous cover-up and destruction of evidence / and the last name of some of the major perpetrators. Obviously the Bushes were involved in 9-11. Less well-known and less obvious is the central role played by George HW in the Kennedy assassination.

It has taken 40 years to collect the evidence to hang Kennedy’s murder around Bush’s neck.

I began 9 years ago when JFK Jr.’s plane went into the sea; the Pentagon took over the news reporting, and then lied ridiculously, into the teeth of reporters who knew better, about why the search had been kept, for 15 hours, from what was immediately obvious was the crash site. Who would want JFK Jr. dead, and why? Lacking any credible evidence along these line, I decided to pursue a deeper look at the names of the people who had killed his father, as likely suspects in the murder of the son.

Gatekeeper Cockburn (CounterPunch) is at it again

Crimes of the State Blog

"Conspiracism is raising its Medusa’s head again, her lethal visage wreathed with hissing absurdities, immobilizing judgement, melting intellect to pumice." --Alexander Cockburn (ignoring all evidence that is contrary to his irrational biases)

Blather at new heights of cognitive dissonance over at CounterPunch this weekend. Cockburn uses the term "conspiracism", as if that were a real thing, to mock any and all comers, even in a piece about the minutiae of some Wall Street fraud (Bernie Madoff).

But how can he get away with this childish mocking about the JFK assassination, without having to address even one piece of evidence at all?

Here is the entirety of what Cockburn says about "conspiracism" and the JFK assassination in that piece:

Compound fractured fairy tale


Once upon a time a child was born in a place called the land of the free and the home of the brave. She was told that she was very, very lucky to be born in this land, the best country on earth. In school every morning, her entire class stood, placed their hands over their hearts, and solemnly recited a Pledge of Allegiance to her nation’s flag. After that the class sang a stirring song about the greatness of this land and its purple mountain’s majesty. The same songs were heard on Independence Day, and, as the music swelled to a crescendo, tears filled the child’s eyes with gratitude for being a citizen of such a wonderful land.