The Hard Evidence Tour

NEW Prof. Jones Presentation "9/11: Science and Society" Filmed in Sydney, Australia

9/11: Science and Society - Prof Steven E. Jones

Prof. Steven Jones

Now available from

This powerful two hour high quality video presentation given by Professor Emeritus Physicist Dr Steven E. Jones issues a challenge to the world scientific community; a challenge to examine the evidence he and his peers have presented at The Journal of 9/11 Studies questioning the official explanation of the 9/11 events. Dr Jones takes us on his journey struggling with the science of 9/11 and his quest to bring new evidence and research to the world scientific society. He steps us through the complete history of his personal contribution to the 9/11 debate and the whole story of his forced early retirement from Brigham Young University.

Richard Gage Arrives Safely In Japan!

Richard Gage Arrives Safely In Japan!

Richard Gage has arrived in Japan after his very successful Hard Evidence Down Under Tour in Australia and New Zealand see

On the way from the airport to our home, we stopped off for dinner at a Japanese noodle restaurant and I was able to interview him for a video podcast. Check it out! 9 mins 59 secs

Things have been extremely busy for me with organizing his seven stop tour in Japan as well as the preparation of all the conference material, including a 24 page pamphlet that has never before published Japanese translations of some important scientific studies that will help validate Mr. Gage's presentation. We have also prepared a Japanese version of his DVD, 911, Blueprint for Truth, for conference participants. It will be available for purchase from Jan 19th, 2010.

If we want a world that is safe for all children, where they can live in harmony and happiness, then we are going to have to look carefully at what we have done in the past and what we are doing right now.

The Hard Evidence Tour: An Interview with John Bursill

On November 5, 2009, famous Australian 9/11 truth activist John Bursill gave Mark from Truth Action Ottawa an interview regarding the upcoming The Hard Evidence Australian 9/11 Truth Tour. We encourage everyone who can make it to experience this amazing event, and we thank John for his tireless efforts to promote the truth about what happened on 9/11. Click here to hear this wide ranging interview.