NEW Prof. Jones Presentation "9/11: Science and Society" Filmed in Sydney, Australia

9/11: Science and Society - Prof Steven E. Jones

Prof. Steven Jones

Now available from

This powerful two hour high quality video presentation given by Professor Emeritus Physicist Dr Steven E. Jones issues a challenge to the world scientific community; a challenge to examine the evidence he and his peers have presented at The Journal of 9/11 Studies questioning the official explanation of the 9/11 events. Dr Jones takes us on his journey struggling with the science of 9/11 and his quest to bring new evidence and research to the world scientific society. He steps us through the complete history of his personal contribution to the 9/11 debate and the whole story of his forced early retirement from Brigham Young University.

Dr Jones gives this as a lecture to the world wide truth seeking community in Sydney Australia as part of the highly successful "Hard Evidence Tour Down Under" in November of 2009. This video presentation is considered by me to be the best overall lecture on 9/11 Jones has done to date!

Review by John Bursill, Engineer, Visibility 9-11 Podcast Host and 9/11 Truth Activist/Organiser

I just ordered it

$20 with free shipping.


is at the core of all science. Thus it is amazing that many scientists and engineers have either accepted the lies of 9/11, or else remained silent in fear of speaking out.

We must thank Professor Jones for his continued fight for the truth. The science is done and it is clear. The truth told by the nanothermite is there for all to see. Now we must take the others' heads out of the sand.