
David Bowie Tried To Warn Us In 1983

David Bowie warned us in the early 80s what was going on...The lyrics tell a true story. Some people say the song has to do with Heroin, but those people are wrong.

He told us the elites would use China and their communist/capitalist system to rule the world.

I could escape this feeling, with my china girl<---Everything in America is made in China
I feel a wreck without my, little china girl<---America can't survive without the economic union with China now
I hear her heart beating, loud as thunder<---As China grows stronger
Saw the stars crashing <---America crashes down

Im a mess without my, little china girl<--Almost every product we use is Chinese
Wake up mornings wheres my, little china girl<--From the coffee cups to the shower heads
I hear hearts beating, loud as thunder<---As China grows stronger
I saw the stars crashing down<---America crashes down

I feel tragic like I'm Marlon Brando<---We all know it's wrong and feel trapped by it
When I look at my china girl<---And we see it all around us

Yes, the middle class will be destroyed. No, it's not an accident.

with links at: http://www.sheilacasey.com/2008/10/karl-denninger-predicts-financial-armageddon.html

Economist and financial guru Karl Denninger has been railing for weeks about the lunacy of the bailout bill and the devastation it will bring to our financial markets.

Here's the key passage from Denninger's post on Market Ticker from Wednesday:

"Oil will collapse in price to $20/bbl. Unfortunately nobody will have any money to buy gasoline, or a car, so it won't matter. As in The Depression millions of automobiles will be scrapped after being abandoned by their owners for lack of insurance and registration fee money. Cheap scooters will become the dominant form of transportation for those with jobs, as they will be all most people can afford.

We Have DAYS To Stop the $700 Billion Stick-Up (and Fascist Power Grab)


Congress hopes to pass the $700 Billion bailout bill by Friday, according to an article in Bloomberg.

In case you haven't heard, the bill would not only stick up American taxpayers for an additional $700 billion, but would literally give Paulson and the government fascist powers.

Don't believe me?

Well, as the Bloomberg article notes: "The bill would bar courts from reviewing actions taken under its authority."

Bloomberg includes the following quotes by people who understand the significance of the bill:

It sounds like Paulson is asking to be a financial dictator, for a limited period of time,'' said historian John Steele Gordon . . . .


What Time is It?


The thickest Democrat hopes that Obama will "restore" America, and "undo" the damage caused by the Bush administration.

People who think a little deeper say the Bush administration has rolled us back to the day's of Nixon and Hoover and Cointelpro and stagflation.

Students of history think of Nazi Germany.

People studying the economy say we are teetering on the brink of a crash not seen since the great depression.

In a Fascist State, Cameras Equal Terrorism


In America and England, citizens are being urged to report people taking pictures as potential terrorists.

Do you assume that that is an innocent attempt to stop would-be terrorists from casing out high-value targets, and for planning terror attacks?

Sorry, but the arrest of well-known journalists outside the Republican convention destroys that belief. The only thing the journalists was doing were filming peaceful protesters and their brutal treatment by the police. See this and this.

In Iraq, journalists are targeted and killed when they show what the military doesn't want shown. America and England are themselves now being treated like war zones. Anyone with a camera is being treated like a "foreign enemy combatant"and a terrorist.

They Wouldn't Have Been Arrested If They Were Called "Bombs Not Food"


My essay arguing that the arrest of peaceful protesters in Minneapolis - and the labelling of nonviolent protesters as "terrorists" - was for the purpose of grabbing power and stifling dissent has been confirmed.

Specifically, members of the long-time peace group, Food Not Bombs, have now been charged with drummed-up allegations of terrorism (and see this).

What the Violence Against Protesters at the Convention Really Means


A classified FBI intelligence memorandum gives police detailed instructions on how to target and monitor lawful political demonstrations under the rubric of fighting terrorism. And the Joint Terrorism Task Force was involved in infiltrating, tracking and disrupting every-day Americans who disagree with the current administration's policies.

U.S. antifascist to warn Vancouverites about dangerous global elites

The Straight
By Charlie Smith
Publish Date: August 21, 2008

Lt.-Col. Bob Bowman says citizens must counter corporate influences.

A retired U.S. air force colonel is coming to Vancouver to warn Canadians about the dangers of corporate influences on governments. Lt.-Col. Bob Bowman, a former Pentagon director of advanced space programs development, told the Georgia Straight in a phone interview that he has been travelling across the U.S. for four and a half months to “wake people up”.

Silvio Berlusconi's 'iron fist' laws approved

Hmmm. I'm beginning to see a global pattern...

Silvio Berlusconi's 'iron fist' laws approved
By Malcolm Moore in Rome
Last updated: 7:48 AM BST 25/06/2008

Soldiers could be sent into Italy's cities, illegal immigrants will be imprisoned and all non-serious court cases will be frozen for a year under new measures approved by Italy's senate.

The senate voted 166 to 123 to approve a wide-ranging package of measures which will allow Silvio Berlusconi to govern Italy with an iron fist.

Mr Berlusconi, 71, will now be able to use as many as 3,000 soldiers for up to six months in order to fight crime. Previously, the use of the army had to be agreed by the parliament beforehand. The first destination for the troops is likely to be Naples, where Mr Berlusconi faces violent opposition to his plans for dealing with the city's rubbish crisis.

Excerpt from "They Thought They Were Free," Germans 1933-1945

Just ran across this book last night, "They Thought They Were Free," and posted an excerpt from chapter 13, "But then it was too late," on my blog. The book chronicles the slow descent into fascism that occurred in Germany 1933-1945. It contains such chilling pasages as:

"To live in this process is absolutely not to be able to notice it—please try to believe me—unless one has a much greater degree of political awareness, acuity, than most of us had ever had occasion to develop. Each step was so small, so inconsequential, so well explained or, on occasion, ‘regretted,’ that, unless one were detached from the whole process from the beginning, unless one understood what the whole thing was in principle, what all these ‘little measures’ that no ‘patriotic German’ could resent must some day lead to, one no more saw it developing from day to day than a farmer in his field sees the corn growing. One day it is over his head.

How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power

How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power
Rumours of a link between the US first family and the Nazi war machine have circulated for decades. Now the Guardian can reveal how repercussions of events that culminated in action under the Trading with the Enemy Act are still being felt by today's president

* Ben Aris in Berlin and Duncan Campbell in Washington
* The Guardian,
* Saturday September 25 2004
* Article history

About this article
This article appeared in the Guardian on Saturday September 25 2004 . It was last updated at 23:59 on September 24 2004.
George Bush's grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.

The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism.

Domestic spying far outpaces terrorism prosecutions

Domestic spying far outpaces terrorism prosecutions
As more Americans are watched, fewer cases are made. The trend concerns civil liberties groups as well as some lawmakers and legal experts.
By Richard B. Schmitt
Los Angeles Times Staff Writer

May 12, 2008

WASHINGTON — The number of Americans being secretly wiretapped or having their financial and other records reviewed by the government has continued to increase as officials aggressively use powers approved after the Sept. 11 attacks. But the number of terrorism prosecutions ending up in court -- one measure of the effectiveness of such sleuthing -- has continued to decline, in some cases precipitously.

The trends, visible in new government data and a private analysis of Justice Department records, are worrisome to civil liberties groups and some legal scholars. They say it is further evidence that the government has compromised the privacy rights of ordinary citizens without much to show for it.

A letter writing campaign: REAL ID

All levels of government officials (state and federal) have a duty to protect the privacy of American citizens.
I hope you will be very vocal and supportive of the following message.

I urge you to support the repeal of the REAL ID Act and stop any further implementation of it; I am an American who cares about individual privacy and real national security. The creation of the national ID system is illegal:
1 - The law that created the Department of Homeland Security prohibited a national identification system (thus by trying to implement REAL ID, DHS is breaking the law and violating the public trust).
The REAL ID has real problems:
2 – REAL ID will create a system without adequate privacy and security safeguards: it will make it too easy for identity thieves, stalkers, and corrupt government officials to get access to such personal information as a home address, age, and Social Security number.
3 - It will also make it more difficult for people to get driver's licenses.
4 - The regulations endanger the privacy of domestic violence survivors' personal information, exposing them to stalkers in all 50 states.
This is very important:

A letter writing campaign: Rep. Jane Harman

[] As 9/11 truth multiplies in numbers and as activism increases the government is going to begin introducing Bills/Acts that try to undermine the constitution [mainly the Bill of Rights]. I am calling all Americans to ask for the resignation of Rep. Jane Harman for introducing H.R. 1955 [Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007]. I have provided a sample letter and encourage people to copy and paste if needed, add to or create their own original letter. I would also encourage people to send this letter to their representatives. []

I want 10, no 1,000, no 10,000 Americans to write Rep. Jane Harman about H.R. 1955 [Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007]

Rep. Jane Harman

H.R. 1955 [Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007]

I would like to jog your memory: you swore an oath to uphold and protect the constitution which is why I am appalled that you would introduce H.R. 1955 [Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007].

This Act is not only unconstitutional but, undercuts our [American] fundamental rights.