Every 11th of the Month

11th of November Madrid Spain

11 truth group in Madrid on the 11th of November


Entre las 12.30 y las 13 horas fuimos llegando los miembros de la Asociación por la Verdad Sobre el 11 de Septiembre y otros amigos que a título personal colaboraron en la convocatoria. Y empezamos a difundir la información entre la gente por varios medios:Diana llevó un pequeño cuadro-pancarta, con alusiones a los autoatentados por ambas caras; una, con la demolición controlada; la otra, con la denuncia de que el 11-S fue un "trabajo interno".

Giorgio estaba a todo, con sus múltiples causas y luchas, sin perder detalle de nada, y con su talante de siempre, tranquilo y conciliador.

11/11 Truth March in Santa Monica, CA

Just wanted to get this to the top. Hope to see a lot of new faces!

San Diego 9/11 Questions Meetup 8/11/07 Truth Action VIDEO

Abby, Peter & Friends attempt to wake up San Diego with their monthly Truth Action.

Philadelphia 9/11 monthly vigil

A few shots from Philadelphia's busy South Street: public response? A positive day all around.

Steven Jones and Other Heartland Activists on Truth Jihad Radio Tonight

Steven Jones and Other Heartland Activists on Truth Jihad Radio Tonight
(8/11/07) 6-8 pm CT, http://republicbroadcasting.org

Madison, WI activist Rolf Lindgren, Twin Cities activist Nathan Block, and Salt Lake City activist/researcher Dr. Steven Jones will be my guests on a special 11th-of-the-month edition of Truth Jihad Radio tonight, 6-8 pm CT, http://republicbroadcasting.org

The show will celebrate the ever-bigger 11th-of-the-month truth actions around the country, including today's, and look forward to the 6th anniversary events next month. Activists are invited to call in, especially during the last half hour (7:30-8:00 p.m. CT) at 800-313-9443 to report on 11th-of-the-month actions in their communities: http://www.truthaction.org

(Continued after the jump.)

Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Cosmos of truthaction.org

Visibility 9-11 welcomes to the program this week, Cosmos of TruthAction.org, home of the 11th of Every Month Action Campaign and the 9-11 Truth Squads.  Cosmos is also one of the co-hosts of Truth Revolution Radio, a new program on We The People Radio Network, which is a great program focusing on 9-11 Truth activism.  You can hear Truth Revolution Radio Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 11:00 PM central time at wtprn.com.

Intermission music by Motorhead.

Ending music by Jesse Goplen.

Listen here.

911truth gathering Paris 11th July 07

Herblay FRANCE

Bonjour ,

Is there anyone in Paris or near Paris who would like to join me in organising the 911 truth gathering in the centre of Paris "Jardins des Tuileries" ?
June the 11th is too early as we have to obtain an official permission from la Prefecture de Police de Paris and it takes a lot of time. The more numberous that we are, the more chance that we will get the permission necessary.
Some years ago I was one of the organisateurs for the bi-monthly gathering in the "Jardins des Tuileries" against the unemployment. We lasted four whole years !

Hoping to hear from you.



5/11-07 Philadelphia

More pictures from different events/demonstrations of the day in Philadelphia, including an increasing body of participants, in and around City Hall.

May 11th Outreach in the Poconos of Eastern Pennsylvania

Below are pictures posted from our May 11th "11th of Every Month" outreach in the Poconos of Eastern Pennsylvania. Hope everyone's outreaches went well! Continue the fight for truth!!


A shot at Philadelphia's Independence Mall on the April 11th demonstration by Temple 9/11 Truth. Overall, a strong reception on the day..

11th goes myspace

Hi all, quick short post, in order to try to build a sense of community and promoting action on the 11th of every month, started a MySpcae acct. under the name of EleventhOfEveryMonth. link here:

The more the merrier, link up and see all the support, spread the word and the truth!

"In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot." ---- Mark Twain