
America, the Bushieful - the pdf

Attached in .pdf file format is my epic poem/lyric, "America, the Bushieful", which parodies the patriotic hymn, "America, the Beautiful". It has grown to 40 verses (30 beginning with "O Bushieful for..." and 10 beginning with "Obamaful for...") and contains much truth, including 9-11 truth. When you open the .pdf file, you'll find each verse illustrated and bookmarked, so you can jump to any verse with a single click of the mouse. This bit of whimsy just might reach people who would otherwise remain asleep, so feel free to e-mail it to anyone you like. Or print it and hand it out at the next Truth event. Or even perform it with a Greek chorus, which would be appropriate, given the tragic decade we've all just lived through. At 40 verses, though, it could take over thirty minutes to sing from start to finish.

If anyone does sing it from start to finish, please video your performance, post it to 9-11 Blogger and then e-mail me the link. I'd love to see that.

Unwelcome Guests: 9/11: The Myth of the 21st Century Pt I of III

Get over to Radio 4 All and check out the load of 911 audio.

For those of you unfamilliar with Unwelcome Guests, it is a weekly 2 hour show that focuses on issues that matter. Lynn Gary produces it and always has great 911 coverage as it comes up.

As this show says "Unwelcome Guests Radio has given us at least thirty one hour shows in six years, seriously questioning and investigating the Myth of 9/11".

This show is labeled one of three.

Time to top up the ole iPod!


New Cleveland 9/11 Truth Compilation dvd available by torrent download

This is a nice tool for all you truthers out there hitting the streets with info for the masses. I thank the DC group for the inspiration. Here's the 2nd version of our Cleveland 9/11 Truth compilation. It's an .iso dvd-5 image (single layer).

To download here is the link to download the torrent.

It contains:
9/11 The Explosive Reality
FDNY and EMS quotes excerpt from 9/11 Guilt: The Proof Is In Your Hands
Improbable Collapse
9/11 Press For Truth
9/11 Commission: Omissions And Distortions
Aftermath: Unanswered Questions From 9/11
9/11 The Myth And The Reality
9/11 Coincidences
9/11 Citizens' Commission 9/9/04 -
Michael Rupert - Cheney: Command & Control Morning 9/11
Whistleblower Indira Singh on Sibel Edmonds Letter, PTech, FBI, and Terrorists
Don Paul excerpt from 9/11 Guilt: The Proof Is In Your Hands -
Indicting The Financiers Behind The Crimes of 9/11
The 9/11 Whistleblowers -
Dr. Graham from Shreveport Louisiana,
Chief Judiciary for Clinton Impeachment David Schippers
Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer The Able Danger Program and Mohamed Atta
FBI Operative Randy Glass

Complete Archive of WTC Task Force Interviews for Download

I have spent quite a few hours going through and downloading every single interview PDF file available online and building a ZIP archive with them all conveniently stored together.

These are the original unedited World Trade Center Task Force Interview Transcripts taken between October 2001 and January 2002.

I have taken them from the NY Times website, so hopefully there are no questions over credibility.

Base URL (

They Include testamony from...


Please host these if you can (filesize is 44MB), share or whatever as they were tricky to put all together and are not located in many places (two websites I found, none in easily accessible archive format, all separate).

You can download the ZIP archive from :
Update: 911podcasts mirror

Please help store for posterity and future analysis.

Many thanks and best wishes