demand answers

SHOCK THE SYSTEM -- Let's play 20 questions

Yes, the quest for a new and true investigation of the 9/11 attacks seems like a lost cause. Still, some brave souls go out on a limb and press the issue with politicians and media celebrities. For these brave, persistent souls, I am compiling a list of short, to the point questions to ask...

1. If the president is told, "we're under attack," and he doesn't take on his duties as commander in chief of the military -- is that technically treason ("aid and comfort" to the "enemy")?

2. How many NORAD fighter jets were assigned to protect America on January 20 2001 -- the day Bush took office -- as compared to on 9/11?

3. If the 28 redacted pages of the Congressional Joint Inquiry into 9/11 implicate the Saudi Arabian government, as Senator Graham has said, isn't it time to expose this and to tell the American people the truth?

4. If America is fighting a "war" on terrorism, then why are they supporting terrorist groups called "MEK" and "Jundullah" right now, as reported by Seymour Hersh in the New Yorker?