
New Documentary – 9/11 In Wonderland – Hidden Agenda in the Corporate Media
Part 1 of 2
Part 2 of 2

This fast paced documentary revisits the partially excavated rabbit hole to examine the question; Just how deep does it go? Were we warned prior to the attacks of 9/11? Who knew, and knew what?

Democracy is dead ... lobbyists rule America [the Happy Conspiracy]

not your ordinary 'conspiracy theorist'...
By Paul B. Farrell, MarketWatch
ARROYO GRANDE, Calif. (MarketWatch) -- Democracy dead? Lobbyists ruling America? Lobbyists the new "Unseen Hand" of capitalism? Sadly yes.

And here's why: Ask any neuroeconomist, behavioral-finance quant, investment psychologist or other practitioner of the mysterious "science of irrationality" and they'll tell you that Americans have two self-sabotaging mental biases that killed democracy from within: "Denial" and "Magical Thinking" make us easy targets. Our brains are being manipulated by clandestine forces beyond our control. We can't see them or resist.

Yet we refuse to believe in this new Orwellian America. We prefer the world of magic, myth and illusion.

Star Wars Troofer

Nice writing in this satire about Star Wars stormtroopers discussing their version of 911. Suggests cognitive dissonance and mind control. An intelligent and funny scene. Would embed the video if knew how, but here's the link:

Abe Lincoln on "Conspiracy Theories"

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A new species is arising on the planet.
It is arising now, and it is you.
```Eckhart Tolle


[from INDISPENSABLE ENEMIES The Politics of Misrule in America
by Walter Karp, page 117]

IFC Makes new NWO Documentary

The IFC Channel (Independent Film Channel) has released a new documentary entitled New World Order. It debuted an April 16th and is being shown on IFC on Demand Channel. I don't receive IFC on Demand so I haven't had a chance to watch it yet, but I look forward to anyone here who does to post a review. I've seen the trailer and it featured Alex Jones and the 911 Truth Movement although these are not the only "conspiracies" it is supposed to cover. Here is the description as found on IFC's website:

Video: Israel set to swallow defeat in Gaza but sets the stage for war with Iran

By lesage, Saturday 17 2009: After White Phosphorus, Depleted Uranium, and DIME (Dense Inert Metal Explosive) bombs, and successive attacks on Gaza refugees huddled in UN schools; Ihud Olmert, Prime Minister of the the Apartheid State of Israel, today declared a unilateral ceasefire for its air, ground, and naval attack on the captive people of Gaza, declaring "mission accomplished".

Olmert thanked Europe and the USA and other "moderate" states in the region, for the "success" of the massacre. The battle theatre against Iran is now set ready for Obama.

The Israeli war on Gaza, now in its fourth week, provoked worldwide condemnation of Tel Aviv, which has been accused widely of committing war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Gazan resistance and the world condemnation of Israeli crimes against Palestinians -- the native population of the land -- are seen as the primary reasons for Israel backtracking on its previously set goals. Hammas has been considerably strengthened by the attack, just by resisting the onslaught.

Gatekeeper Cockburn (CounterPunch) is at it again

Crimes of the State Blog

"Conspiracism is raising its Medusa’s head again, her lethal visage wreathed with hissing absurdities, immobilizing judgement, melting intellect to pumice." --Alexander Cockburn (ignoring all evidence that is contrary to his irrational biases)

Blather at new heights of cognitive dissonance over at CounterPunch this weekend. Cockburn uses the term "conspiracism", as if that were a real thing, to mock any and all comers, even in a piece about the minutiae of some Wall Street fraud (Bernie Madoff).

But how can he get away with this childish mocking about the JFK assassination, without having to address even one piece of evidence at all?

Here is the entirety of what Cockburn says about "conspiracism" and the JFK assassination in that piece:



"The Pearl Harbor of the 21st century took place today." President George W. Bush

"It is important for the American People to understand, there are cold blooded killers, who want to come to our homeland, and wreak havoc through death."  -  George W. Bush

“Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.”  (Applause.) George W. Bush

“The election is over.  We won.”  (Reporter’s voice - “How do you know that?”)  “Its all over but the counting.  And we’ll take care of the counting.” - Congressman Peter King

"One of the least understood strategies of the world revolution now moving rapidly toward its goal is the use of mind control as a major means of obtaining the consent of the people who will be subjects of the New World Order." -- K.M. Heaton

"According to some estimates we cannot track $2.3 Trillion in transactions," Rumsfeld admitted, September the 10th, 2001

Another sign so-called left guided by spooks and never deals with the core issue

If all the citizens on earth properly recognize the fact that those in power carry out false flag operations to start wars, which has been repeated over and over again in history that they never teach us at schools, we the people in the world can stop all wars!!

That's the last thing they want us to know.
That's why they send spooks all over the place, giving out misinformation, confuse us, and mislead so-called lefties or activists so that people power will be wasted along with their/our time, energy and resources.

When they cannot BUY, they INFILTRATE.

And the rest will follow meekly without questioning.
That's another thing they TAUGHT us at schools.

How pathetic...

Leave 9/11 conspiracy theories for other sites
December 1, 2008 - 4:29pm.

A blog post advocating a conspiracy theory involving the U.S. government in the 9/11 terrorist attacks has been removed.

This web site will not be used, I say again will NOT BE USED to advance such theories.

The topic is off-limits. The decision is final and is not subject to debate. Censors 9/11 Truth

Censored Idea by Spotless Mind
Translated by DJDaveMark
December 1st, 2008

The administrators at have deleted the idea for a new investigation into 9/11.

They declared that a new investigation into the attacks – which gave the Bush Administration the power to spy on it's own citizens, to torture, to launch two preventative wars based on lies and more generally to trample all over the Constitution – was "outside the scope" of the site's stated mission and therefore didn't meet their criteria for "specific policy solutions". It doesn't matter how many people want to know the Truth about 9/11, they refuse to have the idea promoted and discussed on their site.

Because of this censorship, the site has shown that it isn't a "social platform" but, rather, just another gatekeeper of 9/11 Truth.

When the idea was pulled, it was by far the most popular, comfortably occupying the top spot, totaling at least 660 votes (twice the amount of the next best rated idea) only 48 hours after being submitted. On a side note, the other proposed ideas had a 3 week head start, and the 9/11 Truth idea was only just warming up.

Why (pretend to) ask the citizens for ideas then simply delete the most popular? It seems like all of this is more of a joke than a wishful expression for democracy…

Here is the e-mail received by everyone who voted (and to whom we thank for voting):

My Letter to TVO

I just watched your program, “Conspiracy Anyone” on The Agenda, TVO, August 1, 2008.

Thank you for addressing the issue of conspiracy. It seemed that more focus & time was spent theorizing on the mindset of conspiracy paranoia than the details of any of the conspiracies themselves.Two of the four panel experts could not swear by the official theory of the JFK assassination so I assume they suffer from the same conspiracy paranoia which they attribute to the majority. I did not hear them discuss the details of their doubts. If such a malady as “conspiracyitis” could infect the minds of 70+% of the population, it is noteworthy, but the panel was as vague about the science of this psychological phenomenon as they were on any of the conspiracies mentioned. No studies in the area of mass paranoia were cited.

CBC News Video: How Dick Cheney's Lies Got America into Gulf War 1 (Kuwait)

Dick Cheney has a long history of telling lies that kill hundreds of thousands of people.

Video has been submitted to reddit - PLEASE VOTE IT UP - People need to be aware of the historical context surrounding our current situation. Video mentions how 9/11 put Cheney's agenda on the fast track.