Afghanistan Iraq

Iraq war 8th year: All “intelligence” for war proven as Orwellian and treasonous lies. Now what?

hyperlinks and 3 videos live at source:

When US government “leaders” told known lies to unlawfully invade Iraq seven years ago, they committed the crime of treason by levying war against our own soldiers and Constitution. Corporate media are complicit in treason as they also lied by commission and omission to dupe American soldiers and public into “emperor has no clothes” obvious unlawful Wars of Aggression.

Those Americans in key positions committed to keeping our constitutional republic rather than a fascist empire are running out of time to enact their Oath to protect and defend the US Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, to refuse all orders associated with these unlawful wars and arrest those who issue them.

Ottawa 9/11 Truth July 11th Truth Action - Hope Beach Volleyball Tournament

Ottawa 9/11 Truth participated in the Hope Beach Volleyball tournament on July 11th,2009 which coincided with our 11th of Every Month truth action. We handed out DVDs to bring awareness regarding the other side of the story of 9/11 and had fun doing it. It was a good way of bringing 9/11 truth to the citizens of Ottawa in a positive fashion. We encountered many Canadians who were largely unaware of this information due to the mainstream media cover up. Hopefully we prompted them to investigate further into the events of 9/11 and the direction their country is headed with our role in the War on Terror

CBC News Video: How Dick Cheney's Lies Got America into Gulf War 1 (Kuwait)

Dick Cheney has a long history of telling lies that kill hundreds of thousands of people.

Video has been submitted to reddit - PLEASE VOTE IT UP - People need to be aware of the historical context surrounding our current situation. Video mentions how 9/11 put Cheney's agenda on the fast track.