Col. Jenny Sparks

9-11 Synthetic Error - The meltdown of Webster G. Tarpley

Please Note: Use the comments section for civil discussion of this matter, any misuse of the comments will result in your account being flagged for moderation. -sbg

GW's comment: I had hoped that we could put the entire Kennebunkport Warning episode behind us and focus on the core facts about 9/11 and false flag operations. However, people are apparently continuing to go on the radio and disparage others, and so the pot is getting stirred up again and again. I also believe that the Kennebunkport Warning is not that important, given that many credible people have ALREADY warned about false flag attacks, such as Paul Craig Roberts, Ron Paul, Ray McGovern, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Scott Ritter, George Galloway and others. In any event, those who disagree with this post by Michael Wolsey can post their responses and point out what they believe to be factual errors in the post, as long as they remain civil.

9-11 Synthetic Error

The meltdown of Webster G. Tarpley

by Michael Wolsey September 17, 2007 From the original article posted here.

"In our movement there has to be a sphere of theoretical discussion, which has to be done in a business-like and respectful manner, without slander, without defamation, without ad hominem attacks on every page." Originally broadcast on World Crisis Radio with Webster Tarpley, Sept. 9, 2006.

wtart02.jpgJohn Leonard, who as far as I can tell is the publisher of Webster G. Tarpley's book, 9/11Synthetic Terror, Made in the USA, posted a blog entry at dated September 6th, 2007 and titled Tarpley's Rx for US 9/11 Truth Movement: Diversity and Civility in Discussion, Unity in Action.   As you can see from the above quote attributed to Mr. Tarpley, he is asking the 9-11 movement to conduct themselves in a "business-like and respectful manner, without slander, without defamation, without ad hominem attacks on every page."

Michael Wolsey, Col. Jenny Sparks and Bruce Marshall on Truth Revolution Radio

Michael Wolsey of was the guest on the Sept. 3 edition of Truth Revolution Radio. We discuss his work as a truth activist and radio host, with a special focus on his series on cointelpro. We are also joined by 911blogger's own Col. Jenny Sparks and discuss a bit of the controversy behind The Kennebunkport Warning. Bruce Marshall joins the show during the last segment to discuss his role in promoting The Warning.

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