Cindy Sheehan

3/14/10: A Message from Bob McIlvaine ....

Hello all:

Bob Mcilvaine asked me to post this statement:

"As many of you may already know, Cindy Sheehan and Jon Gold are in Washington protesting the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. They, along with many other anti-war activists, are camping out at the Washington Monument.

It surely is not easy to “keep the flame of protest’ when the media and special interest groups fight us at every juncture. But, as Cindy and I both know all too well, life is precious and we have lost too, too many young lives already.

Cindy and Jon, I cannot be with you, but I am truly there in spirit. May God keep you safe."

Bob McIlvaine
father of Bobby McIlvaine

Thank you,

Cindy Sheehan On The 9/11 Issue - NYC - 1/22/2010

I think this is important for people in the 9/11 Truth Movement to hear.

Highlights From Cindy Sheehan's Talk In NYC - 1/22/2010

WeAreChange sponsors a talk given by Cindy Sheehan.

Going To Dick Cheney's House

Today, Cindy Sheehan organized a protest out in front of CIA Headquarters to protest the illegal drone bombings taking place. Afterwards, we went to Dick Cheney's house to deliver this.

Cindy Sheehan on 9/11 Truth: A Message to the Choir

The Roberts Report
Jan. 6th, 2010
By Cheri Roberts - 9/11 Truther Cyberzine


A message to the Choir: Peace Mom Cindy Sheehan on Unifying the Truth Movement

Five years after the tragic death of Casey, Peace Mom Cindy Sheehan speaks about the pressing issues of our times and how they intertwine with me on The Roberts Report. Cindy discusses 9/11 Truth and addresses the 9/11 Truth movement as a whole and encourages unification.

After death threats and general ill will being thrust upon her Cindy still perseveres and is gearing up for a major DC action. For more information on how you can get involved go to

Join Cindy Sheehan, myself and countless others Mon. May 22nd for Circle of Truth – a Global 9/11 Truth Visibility Event. Find Circle of Truth on Face Book or go to:

Listen to The Roberts Report on the Paul Tassopulos Show:



Contacts: Cindy Sheehan (
Joshua Smith (


"Every one of these dead non-combatants represents an alienated family, a new revenge feud, and more recruits for a militant movement
that has grown exponentially even as drone strikes have increased." - David Kilcullen (Counterinsurgency Expert) Center for New American Security

On January 16th, 2010 from 1pm to 4pm activists will descend upon the home of the Central Intelligence Agency in Langley, Virginia to protest the immoral, illegal and inhumane use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs - also known as "drones".) Speaking at this event will be:

- Cindy Sheehan (world renowned American anti-war/peace activist and nobel peace prize nominee)

Peace Activists To Set Up Encampment In Washington

Cindy WANTS us to attend. What better place for 9/11 Truth than an action designed to end the wars? I am planning on going for at least the first 2 weeks. - Jon


by: Scott Galindez, t r u t h o u t | Report
Tuesday 22 December 2009

In August of 2005, Cindy Sheehan, who had lost her son in Iraq, set up camp outside George Bush's vacation home in Crawford, Texas. She had a simple question; she wanted to know what the "noble cause" was for which her son had died. Thousands of people joined Cindy in Crawford, and Camp Casey became a national story that breathed new life into the antiwar movement.

In March of 2010, Cindy Sheehan and other activists from a group calling itself "Peace of the Action" will be converging on Washington, DC, to set up a camp on the National Mall.

When asked how long the encampment will last, Sheehan responded, "as long as it takes, that will be up to the government; we are prepared to stay until our demands are met."

Peace Of The Action


Cindy Sheehan

“You gotta make me do it.” - Barack Obama

I had just walked back into my hotel room yesterday after chaining myself to the White House fence and being arrested, when I saw White House press secretary, Robert Gibbs, say that removing troops from Afghanistan was “not an option.”

Hundreds of us were out in front of the White House as this nation is heading into the 9th year of what is the longest overt military misadventure, next to Vietnam.

Sixty-one other people were arrested with me. Organizations calling for the end to torture and for single-payer Medicare for all were in attendance, along with Vet groups and other pro-peace organizations and leaders.

Cindy Sheehan Interviews Manny Badillo Today At 5PM EST On Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox

This Sunday (August 9th), Cindy features two guests: Manny Badillo (who is co-ordinating NYCCAN, a ballot initiative demanding a full and private investigation into the 9-11 attacks that includes subpoena power and immunity for so-called whistle blowers) plus Francisco Torres (a member of the "SF-8") who was falsely accused of murder by confessions that were gleaned from torture: In 1971! We want the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth! Check it out!

By the way, President Obama: How 'bout some spare change for us commoners? Where did all that promised change go, anyway? Did it get lost in all the ensuing wonderful changiness of everything? And what's up with this "indefinite detention" stuff anyway?

The show will be ready this Sunday. Click here to listen or download, beginning at 2:00 PM San Francisco time.

Cindy Sheehan Supports A New Investigation Into The 9/11 attacks

9/11 Family Member Manny Badillo and Cindy Sheehan


Cindy Sheehan

On April 4th, 2004, my son Casey was killed serving the United States Army in Iraq during the illegal occupation started by the Bush Administration.

That illegal occupation was made possible because of the attacks that took place on September 11th, 2001, resulting in the deaths of 2,973 people.

Since that horrid day, victims' family members have been doing everything within their power to seek justice and accountability for what happened, with little to no success. It is shameful that almost 8 years after the fact, they have been denied this. The official 9/11 commission report was a sham and a mockery of justice, not justice.

Jon Gold Meets Cindy Sheehan

This was a treat. Cindy is a hero of mine, as she is to so many others. Go visit Cindy at

Cindy Sheehan - March to Bush's Home in Dallas

On Monday, June 8 2009, North Texans for 9/11 Truth joined Cindy Sheehan, Code Pink, The Dallas Peace Center, and other concerned citizens in a march and protest to the home neighborhood of George W Bush in Dallas, Texas. While the sweat poured off the marchers in the late afternoon sun, things also heated up for Bush and his friends.

In this 6 minute video, Cindy Sheehan delivers a powerful speech in front of the street leading to Bush’s home. Some very profound statements are made – points which we all should make note of.