Peace Activists To Set Up Encampment In Washington

Cindy WANTS us to attend. What better place for 9/11 Truth than an action designed to end the wars? I am planning on going for at least the first 2 weeks. - Jon


by: Scott Galindez, t r u t h o u t | Report
Tuesday 22 December 2009

In August of 2005, Cindy Sheehan, who had lost her son in Iraq, set up camp outside George Bush's vacation home in Crawford, Texas. She had a simple question; she wanted to know what the "noble cause" was for which her son had died. Thousands of people joined Cindy in Crawford, and Camp Casey became a national story that breathed new life into the antiwar movement.

In March of 2010, Cindy Sheehan and other activists from a group calling itself "Peace of the Action" will be converging on Washington, DC, to set up a camp on the National Mall.

When asked how long the encampment will last, Sheehan responded, "as long as it takes, that will be up to the government; we are prepared to stay until our demands are met."

Sheehan went on to say that the demands are simple, "troops out of the Middle East, which includes drones, permanent bases, contractors and torture/detention facilities."

Sheehan said that she has known for years that the peace movement needs to take bolder action and that the group's goal will be to hold multiple civil resistance actions daily throughout the nation's capital.

Sheehan said that participants will be asked to adhere to agreed-upon nonviolence guidelines while standing up and resisting against what she called the "robber class."

She said they will also be reaching out to the homeless in DC by providing them food and clothing. "While there are a lot of long time homeless people with mental illnesses, increasingly there are people joining the ranks of the homeless for purely economic reasons stemming from the war economy" said Sheehan.

Peace of the Action's web site has the following call to action:

We've marched, written, called and faxed but the wars continue.

It is time for new creative strategies and bolder action.

Peace of the Action will bring forward an historic escalation of Peace Activism like we have not seen in the United States in a very long time.

We cannot allow business as usual go on in the Capital of the American Empire.

On a daily basis, Peace of the Action will perform courageous deeds of civil resistance until our demands are met.

We will show our righteous outrage at U.S. militarism by showing our elected officials that "Peace means Business," by clogging up government business. We want an end to Empire so we can build a new economy that is not drained by the costs of Empire and war. This Empire does not create jobs abroad while it has the effect of destroying jobs here on the domestic front. This Empire builds the profits of transnational businesses while Americans go further into debt and fights wars for oil and resources. It's time to stop using militarism as the PRIMARY tool of foreign policy. It's time to start adhering to the U.S. Constitution and International Law.The group has a DC-based organizer, Robby Diesu, who, for the last two springs, organized "Our Spring Break," which brought students from across the country to Washington to protest war.

According to The Wesleyan Argus:

"They spent the break sleeping on church floors and participating in demonstrations such as Stop Loss Congress, in which participants tried to prevent legislators from leaving Capitol Hill in order to protest stop loss, and the March of the Dead."
Diesu told Truthout that many organizations are getting involved in Peace of the Action, but they are not seeking endorsements. "We want them to be a part of the action and help plan it, not just endorse it."

Much of the organizing so far has been done via Facebook; the group has a Facebook page with over 1,800 members.

A conference call was held on Sunday night with over 50 participants.

The group is forming committees that include, housing, camp, fundraising, media, outreach, web site, food, and Be Our Own Media.

The Be Our Own Media committee will use the web site along with YouTube and other social networking sites to report on the actions. They are not going to depend on the media to cover their events.

Camp OUT NOW, will begin with the building of the camp on March 13 on the lawn of the Washington Monument, and actions will begin on Monday, March 22.

A 9/11 Truth Activist...

IS a peace activist.

Do these people deserve to know how and why their loved ones were murdered? The facts speak for themselves.


or "TRUTH & PEACE" .... "9/11 Truth For Peace", however you might want to phrase it. I will be there. This is just the sort of thing I've been wanting for a couple of years now.... a SERIOUS protest that compels media attention.

Maybe some celebs and musicians would show up?! We could also work the National Press Club. It's gettin' real, folks.


Never know. I know Cindy wants RATM to be there, but apparently they're iffy.

Personally, I think a 9/11 Truth Activist is a peace, anti-war, anti-torture, pro-civil liberties, anti-mainstream media, pro-healthcare for 9/11 First Responders, pro-justice for the 9/11 families activist.

Edit: And I'm glad that you're coming.

Do these people deserve to know how and why their loved ones were murdered? The facts speak for themselves.

Cindy has learned from experience

that you have to be specific in regards to the demands of the peace movement. There are so many details.

Sheehan went on to say that the demands are simple, "troops out of the Middle East, which includes drones, permanent bases, contractors and torture/detention facilities."

These are interesting times....surreal. It's like Orwellian-Sci Fi-Nausea. Waking people up is so important. Maybe 2010 will be the year the peace activists wake up to 911 as well.

Wake up calls and coalitions

"Rage" is the perfect wake-up band, too. So cool Cindy is into them....... Yeah, very interesting times. We have a President who received a Nobel Peace Prize who is in the midst of a surge in Afghanistan... who has soured his progressive base. By March the 9/11 trials should be in play or possibly over.... We have a flourishing truth movement and new possibilities of outreach with peace/anti-war, anti-torture/wiretapping, indy media types, etc. Cindy has been a bridge-builder and it's just the beginning..

Anyway, I'm sleep-deprived and rambling so I'll leave it there. A message of hope. Peace and Truth. And Patriotism. Happy Holidays, All!

Nobel Peace Prize?

How the used car salesman who thinks he is president won the Nobel Peace Prize is way beyond my understanding. Well Kissinger won it too. We sure live in an Orwellian world. All I know is all truth movements have to unite. United we can't loose. I hope Cindy understands this.


Do these people deserve to know how and why their loved ones were murdered? The facts speak for themselves.

Rock on Jon!

You're a cooler dude then I thought!

Forget about Jessica Lynch

Cindy will go down in history as one of the great American heroes. Right up there alongside Emma Goldman and Mother Jones.

Modern day "liberals" are increasingly hostile toward Sheehan due to her unwavering opposition to war. Period. Obama's war or Bush's war -- she doesn't care which. She's about principle, not party.

God bless her.

Cindy Sheehan's heart is in the right place

but she can't be the centerpiece of a succesfull peace movement. She can certainly be a part of it, but new leadership is a MUST.

There's nothing wrong...

With Cindy's leadership. She is an inspiration. 1000's, if not more, love Cindy Sheehan. The peace movement doesn't need new leadership. It needs to follow the leadership that is already available. Cindy understands that we were lied to about 9/11, and she also understands that elements within our Government have earned the title of suspect for the crime of 9/11. The peace movement needs to follow her lead in my opinion.

Do these people deserve to know how and why their loved ones were murdered? The facts speak for themselves.

I strongly disagree with you

I have nothing against her, & hope she play's her part in getting peace.

But she is polarizing & a more effective leader is needed, if you realy want to W-I-N. & winning is our ony goal.

I'm not trying to pick on her, but didn't she have a substance abuse problem? Shit, I would too if my son was killed on a lie.

"1000's, if not more, love Cindy Sheehan"

Honestly Jon, we need a man or women that can have many MILLIONS love them & move them to

Again, Cindy is a patriot & needs to be a part of a winning solution. But you're looking at a losing hand, if you make her the KEY figure to rally around.

If she did have a drug problem...

That is a crime that pales in comparison to the crimes committed by those she opposes. You'd be surprised at just how many people love Cindy.

Do these people deserve to know how and why their loved ones were murdered? The facts speak for themselves.

I agree & she deserves

to be loved for putting herself out there. I haven't met her, but would like too.

By the way...

I hope you can back up the notion that she had a substance abuse problem because I would hate for her to read this blog, and see that, and it be inaccurate. We already almost lost Cindy once because of 9/11 Truth shenanigans. Not saying that you're participating in shenanigans, but I hope what you say is accurate.

Do these people deserve to know how and why their loved ones were murdered? The facts speak for themselves.

in France we love Cindy also and even more Cynthia Mckinney.

Herblay France

bonjour ,
and in France there are many like me that appreciate what she is doing.Some years ago ( ~march 2006 ) we had hoped to meet her in person in Paris but just the week before she had problems with the Americain police and she could'nt come. We still had the meeting all the same with the other importants guests like the American ex soldier who explained to us the crimes commited by the Americain military in Irak.

Cindy did take some time to come around and accept the importance of 9/11 truth however we love her also in France. And not forgetting the other brave dame, Cynthia McKinney who in my eyes is the leader that the world needs.

Yours John

Good video...

Do these people deserve to know how and why their loved ones were murdered? The facts speak for themselves.

Great vid

Sorry mistake posting

Sorry mistake posting. How can we delete an entry ?


I am going to try my absolute best to be there. I love Cindy for standing up for what is right and just. She had the balls to stand up to Nancy Pelosi and hasn't given up the fight since. We need one thousand more Cindys.

That would be very cool.

Do these people deserve to know how and why their loved ones were murdered? The facts speak for themselves.

Right! Cindy has balls.

"It is you who are the torch-bearers with respect to that truth.... ...Steel your spines. Inspire your children. Then when the moment is right, rise again...." W PEPPER


Do these people deserve to know how and why their loved ones were murdered? The facts speak for themselves.