Building 7

Lew "Building 7 imploded, video shows"

The readership at the libertarian web site has grown exponentially in the past year or so. The site's daily traffic count now competes respectably with some MSM sites. Most of the site's regular columnists have either remained silent about 9/11 Truth or else they say they don't believe it was an inside job. Things finally appear to be changing -- at least a little (is it because the presidential election is now another fait accompli for our hidden government?). Recently, Lew Rockwell himself very vaguely equated 9/11 with the general concept of an "inside job," and today columnist Michael S. Rozeff comments on the official lie regarding Building 7. He does not mince words. As you read it, keep in mind that a large number of dedicated readers might never have been exposed to this information if not for Mr. Rozeff's comment:


Building 7 imploded, video shows
Posted by Michael S. Rozeff at August 22, 2008 09:24 AM


Flash-Video of NIST WTC7 webcast available

I have grabbed and reencoded The NIST WTC7 webcast, and made it available here:

(I have not had time to follow all the pertaining discussion here, so my apologies if this has already been handled.)

Cheers, Jakob

It was designed to withstand a nuclear explosion but not a BIC lighter

Shane Geiger covered the NIST WTC7 press conference today for Infowars and experienced the lights going out when he asked a question and watched the microphone being pulled away from him. Alex Jones and Jason Bermas debrief him on the Alex Jones show today.


7:33 1.3MB

Debunking NIST's Conclusions about WTC 7: Easy as Shooting Fish in a Barrel

Debunking NIST's conclusions about WTC 7 is as easy as shooting fish in a barrel.

Symmetrical Collapse

NIST lamely tried to explain the symmetrically collapse as follows:

NY Times quotes Richard Gage on WTC7 "collapse"

August 22, 2008
Report Says Fire, Not Explosion, Felled 7 W.T.C.

GAITHERSBURG, Md. — Fires in the 47-story office tower at the edge of the World Trade Center site undermined floor beams and critical structural columns, federal investigators concluded Thursday, as they attempted to curb still-rampant speculation that explosives or fuel fires were responsible for the building’s collapse of Sept. 11, 2001.

The long-delayed report by engineers here at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in suburban Washington is intended to solve one of still lingering central questions about the 2001 attacks: Why did 7 World Trade Center fall, if it was not hit by an airplane.

“Heating of floor beams and girders caused a critical support column to fail,” said Shyam Sunder, the lead investigator. “Video and photographic evidence combined with detailed computer simulations show that neither explosives nor fuel oils played a role in the collapse that brought the building down.”

NIST: "Then a Miracle Occurs"

NIST's explanation for the collapse of World Trade Center 7 on September 11th follows the logic in the cartoon above.

Specifically, NIST claims that the collapse of building 7 is "the first known instance of fire causing the total collapse of a tall building".

But then goes on to argue:

"The fires in WTC 7, which were uncontrolled but otherwise similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings, caused an extraordinary event"

3 New videos (Boston + Rhode Island)

3 New videos (Boston + Rhode Island)

We Are CHANGE Boston Confronts Chris Matthews

Chris Matthews, while speaking at Harvard, states that he is unwilling to interview William Rodriguez because he and Mark of We Are Change Boston are conspiracy theorists. He also denies any knowledge of the BBC and CNN's reporting of the collapse of WTC7 on 9/11/01 before the event had actually occurred.

Collapse of Building 7 News Conferences Thursday, August 21. Both Broadcast Live on No Lies Radio.

Click Here To Listen --

Coming up Thursday, August 21st -- 2 Live News Conferences on Collapse of WTC7 - Building 7
8am Pacific - 11am Eastern - 15:00 GMT -- N.I.ST News Conference - Final Report on Building 7
9am Pacific - 12 noon Eastern - 16:00 GMT --- News Conference - Response showing flaws in the N.I.S.T report
Repeated Saturday, August 23rd at 11am Pacific - 2pm Eastern - 18:00 GMT
Will be archived here after the broadcasts.

NIST to Release Report on B7 via Public Webcast - Thurs, Aug 21st

It seems odd to be using a webcast format for this, but I guess they're expecting all the "internet conspiracy theorists" to tune in.

Aug. 18, 2008 CONTACT:
Ben Stein
(301) 975-3097
NIST to Release Report and Recommendations from Investigation of World
Trade Center Building 7

*** Agency Will Hold Public Webcast on August 21 ***

Gaithersburg, Md. -- The Commerce Department's National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST) will hold a media briefing and live
public webcast on Aug. 21, 2008, in Gaithersburg, Md., on the findings
and recommendations from its building and fire safety investigation of
the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 (WTC 7). WTC 7 was a
47-story building that fell nearly seven hours after the World Trade
Center (WTC) towers collapsed following the terrorist attacks of Sept.
11, 2001.

The NIST WTC 7 report will present the probable collapse sequence for
the building and will provide recommendations for improving building
and fire safety in other buildings similar to WTC 7. The draft WTC 7

Darkprints article on unmanned WTC7 OEM bunker available as A5 booklet

Darkprints' article on the unmanned WTC7 OEM bunker is now available in A5 booklet format.

Titling graphic 'The Mystery Of The Mayor's Bunker' added for impact, plus pictures and Shoestring's suggested History Commons entries.

Download the pdf from

The Third Tower: Mystery Unsolved booklet PDF

This sets out crucial questions of science, engineering and forensic evidence which the BBC programme failed to address.

The programme cleverly glossed over awkward questions, so that its audience could retire to bed reassured that 'there's nothing to see here'.

In my view, the programme is a prime example of the Big Lie in operation.

This booklet is all my own work. I am not an engineer or a physicist. I would appreciate any expert advice on improving it.

I have also made available some more Free Bees CD inserts. A design inspired by the Pink Floyd element in the song, plus an insert for sending CDs to DJs.

Usual URL:

The server is showing healthy activity. Thank you to all of you for using what I offer.

PIMPIN TURTLE Confronts Sen. Joe Lieberman on WTC-7 & 9/11

PIMPINTURTLE.COM confronts Senator Joe Lieberman, during his campaign for John McCain, about World Trade Center building 7... and asks if he would be willing to support a new investigation into 9/11.

Ventura to announce if he's running for Senate on Larry King

Ventura to announce if he's running for Senate on Larry King
Posted: 08:46 AM ET

From CNN Deputy Political Director Paul Steinhauser

Ventura may run for Senate.
(CNN) — Will he or won’t he?

Former Minnesota Governor and professional wrestler Jesse Ventura is expected to announce Monday night on CNN’s Larry King Live whether he’ll run for his state’s U.S. Senate seat. Ventura’s deadline to file to run for the senate is Tuesday.

If Ventura jumps into the race and runs as an Independent, the battle for Republican incumbent Norm Coleman’s seat would become a three ring circus. Democrat Al Franken, a former comedian and liberal talk show host, has already filed.

Coleman was first elected in 2002 and is running for his second term. The Democrats are targeting Coleman and hope to win back the seat that was once held by Democrat Paul Wellstone, who was killed in a plane crash while running for re-election in 2002.

The 12 Guys Who Planted the WTC Explosives?

After filming a days worth of footage at a 9/11 protest in the city where 2 of the 9/11 hijackers were from, an unknown man approached one of the protesters with a startling admission. He knew 12 of the men who were involved in the 9/11 plot.

True or false? I don't know, but interesting.

Uh O, the first little problem with the BBC WTC 7 documentary.

Hi everyone,

This is the first of my posts on my Kiwi blog in reaction to the BBC Doc. about WTC 7.
In my opinion it is an amazing tool to bring more people the truth. It has brought the events to the fore again in peoples minds and the testimonies and evidence we accumulated over the years is so vast that is should not be a problem to tear the BBC doc to pieces.

Here I go; really hoping that my mind would be put too rest with this BBC documentary so that I could safely go back to being a sheeple again. It was so well made, I mean I didn’t even feel the need to hide it because it seemed so complete: Clearly a lot of time and money spend on getting it just right. Lots of specialists who clearly put in a lot of time and effort to giving us the answer we needed but than those pesky little things called facts muck it all up again. Damn. LOL.

So let’s get on with the always enjoyable task of ripping yet another well made piece of garbage apart!

Problem number 1: Barry Jennings testimony.

Barry Jennings was the Deputy Director, Emergency Services Department, New York City Housing Authority. Maybe you saw him as one of the eyewitnesses on the day of 911.