WTC 7 report

NIST WTC 7 FAQ alterations revealed

Initial discovery

On NIST’s current WTC 7 FAQ page, the headline reads: (emphasis mine)

Questions and Answers about the NIST WTC 7 Investigation (Updated 09/17/2010) [1]

In order to preempt further alterations, I cached this version.[2] When I noticed the date of the update, I first tried to look for previous versions of the FAQ in the Wayback Machine.[3]

I was in for a disappointment: previous versions of the page had curiously vanished from the archive. Normally this means game over: there are no cached versions. To my knowledge, there is no alternative for the Wayback Machine. I tried to look for alternatives nonetheless.

My comments on NIST's WTC 7 report

I emailed the following comments to NIST today, well before the deadline for submitting comments. I utilized Kevin Ryan's recent critique of NIST's draft report. Gregg Roberts gave useful feedback on the text and "Americanized" the language.

* * * * *

Dear Sirs,

Here are my comments on the long-awaited draft for public comment of NIST's report on WTC 7, issued by NIST on August 21st, 2008.

1. Collapse Models