
Richard Gage's Gnosis Interview in Tucson

We thoroughly enjoyed Richard Gage's visit to Tucson last weeken. Big shout out to jkeogh for helping with the set-up. Thanks to the travelers from Phoenix. Enjoy!

Senator Karen Johnson on the Charles Goyette Show 2008-05-08

Senator Karen Johnson was interviewed this morning on the Charles Goyette Show regarding the recent hit pieces by the Arizona Republic and the demolition of the Twin Towers and Building 7. Charles took calls from the audience.

Direct Link:

Charles Goyette has a history of asking poignant questions:

Arizona Greens Need Help to Get Cynthia McKinney on the Ballot

The message below is from an email I received requesting help getting ballot access for the Green Party in Arizona -- Cynthia McKinney will not be on the ballot without the Greens getting ballot access.

This is a one-time effort that has a long-term pay-off, both for 9/11 truth efforts and for the Greens.

The Greens are the only political party that has openly continues to call for a new investigation into the 9/11/01 attacks. They have consistently put out press releases from 2001 onward that question the 9/11/01 attacks and responses, consistently endorse 9/11/01 events, host 9/11/01 speakers at Green events, and so on.

Now that the Greens are running Cynthia McKinney as a presidential candidate, this is our opportunity to help bring 9/11 truth issues front and center in the 2008 presidential campaign.

Arizona GOP Poll - Ends at midnight

The Arizona Republican party is conducting a poll with the question:

"Who do you think won the South Carolina GOP Presidential Debate?"

You can cast your vote at

We are told you will have to vote before midnight tonight for your vote to be counted.

German friend on Holocaust denial (Williams/Loose Change)

"How many people do you know personally who smelled the flesh of burnt people from a nearby concentration camp? I know dozens. Because I come from a place not so distance from Bergen-Belsen (ever heared of it?)."

Feb. 10:

The "Loose Change" crew have announced they are dropping out of Arizona due to Eric Williams's involvement. I'm not sure I would have done this if I were going in the first place, since Williams's sessions according to Arizona 9/11 Truth have been cancelled, and he was downgraded to a vendor. But maybe they know something about his continuing influence that I do not.

Not that I've made a public issue of it, but I wasn't too impressed with the way the conference was conceived as another "big tent" festival of tolerance for any idea associated with inside-job theory, even if it's been falsified or was ridiculous to begin with (like, unfortunately, much of Loose Change 1 and 2).

Nonetheless, the LC boys took a principled stance on the contemptible (and damaging) beliefs of certain people who seek to exploit 9/11 skepticism to advance their own perpetual agenda. Good for them.