Alex Jones

The Alex Jones Show: Charlie Sheen Requests Meeting With Obama Over 9/11 Cover-Up

The Alex Jones Show: Charlie Sheen Requests Meeting With Obama Over 9/11 Cover-Up

Actor demands investigation be reopened after majority of 9/11 Commission
members say government lied about official story.

Tue Sep 8, 2009 7:36pm EDT

AUSTIN, Texas, Sept. 8 /PRNewswire/ -- According to syndicated talk show host Alex Jones, actor and television star Charlie Sheen has publicly requested a
meeting with President Barack Obama to urge him to reopen the official investigation into 9/11; in light of the fact that the majority of the 9/11 Commission members have now publicly gone on record to express their conviction that the government agreed to lie about the official story.

Sheen will appear live on The Alex Jones Show on Wednesday and Friday to discuss the content of his "20 Minutes With The President" piece and how he plans to move forward with this exciting new initiative. You can listen free here or subscribe to prison to watch live streaming video.

Jesse Ventura will explore 9/11 with new show


Jesse Ventura gives Alex Jones an inside look at his new TV show
August 25, 2009

Alex Jones visits with Jesse Ventura, who is working on a TruTV show dubbed ‘Conspiracy Theory’ and slated for a late fall release.

The former governor gives us a glimpse into his upcoming show, which will delve into and investigate various areas of ‘controversial history.’ Ventura won’t give away the episode topics, but does tell us that Alex will be part of the show, and that areas like 9/11 will be explored.

Associated Video:

Article Link:

FILM: New World Order by See Think Films

New World Order by See Think Films

I just finished watching the See Think film New World Order on Comcast On Demand. This is a film I had never heard of before, but a quick check shows that there have been two earlier blog posts here on the film:

After seeing the film I'm quite curious to know where else it is showing on cable, how many of you have seen it and what you all think about the film.

I find it particularly interesting that a film about the 9/11 truth movement would get this kind of exposure on a giant corporate network like Comcast when films exposing the serious problems with the government's conspiracy theory are completely shut out.

Alternet Story: Did Paranoid Right-Wing Media Fuel the Pittsburgh Cop Killer's Rage?

Did Paranoid Right-Wing Media Fuel the Pittsburgh Cop Killer's Rage?

By Max Blumenthal, The Daily Beast. Posted April 8, 2009.

Richard Poplawski, the man who allegedly murdered three Pittsburgh cops, was clearly influenced by Fox News's Glenn Beck and right-wing radio.

On April 6, two days after the 22-year-old Richard Poplawski allegedly murdered three police officers in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, a radio host named Alex Jones settled in before a microphone in his studio in Austin, Texas to do some damage control. "The mainstream media has certainly enjoyed tying me into this story," Jones complained. "They're attacking me and saying I'm delusional and there's no New World Order The Second Amendment, what the country's founded on--it's all my fault!"


Jones vs. Obama

Ten trillion dollars looted in a matter of months, the imminent collapse of the US economy, mandatory compulsory "national security" paramilitary "service" openly demanded... Is it worth 2 hours of your time to investigate these matters critically?

Alex Jones' new documentary is out, online for free. Jones tends to be hyperbolic and acerbic.

If, however, even ten percent of what he says is true, we are fucked.

Paul Craig Roberts: World Trade Center buildings were blown up on 9-11

By Peter Duveen

PETER'S NEW YORK, Jan. 9, 2009--Reagan Administration treasury official and author Paul Craig Roberts said yesterday he believes the Twin Towers of of New York City's World Trade Center did not collapse from aircraft impacts, but were taken down by explosives.

On the morning of September 11, 2001, two commercial jets collided with each of the Twin Towers. U.S. government accounts consistently assert that the buildings collapsed because they were weakened by fire and mechanical damage resulting from the jet impacts. But a growing number of critics of the government's version insist the buildings were taken down by a carefully arranged sequence of explosions known as a controlled demolition. Extensive video documentation exists of the destruction of the two buildings and surrounding structures.

"Any fool can look at those films and see the buildings aren't falling down, they're blowing up," Roberts said on the Alex Jones radio program out of Austin, Texas, in a telephone interview.

Continued at

Author Griffin calls for formation of truth and reconciliation commission to heal wounds of 9-11

By Peter Duveen

PETER'S NEW YORK, Nov. 19, 2008--One of the major critics of the U.S. government's version of the events of September 11, 2001 is calling for the formation of a “truth and reconciliation commission” to get to the bottom of the happenings of that day.

David Ray Griffin, author of seven books on 9-11, including his latest, "A New Pearl Harbor Revisited," all of which are critical of the government's 9-11 investigations, said on the Alex Jones radio program today that he believed the administration of incoming U.S. President Barack Obama will be more open to the establishment of such a commission. "With a new administration...there is really a chance" that there could be a new 9-11 investigation, Griffin said. Griffin described Obama as "very bright," with a strong moral compass and an appreciation of the U.S. constitution. "He and his people will be open to evidence" that contradicts government accounts, Griffin said. He also said that Obama was likely to embrace the idea of forgiveness that would be essential for a truth and reconciliation commission. "He's willing to let bygones be bygones," said Griffin.

On the Bus With Willie: ‘Hell yeah there’s a reason to investigate 9/11′

On the Bus With Willie: ‘Hell yeah there’s a reason to investigate 9/11′

Authorities would destroy evidence and cover-up truth only if it were concealing the real crime

Aaron Dykes - - October 29, 2008

On the bus with Willie Nelson: Authorities destroyed evidence to aid in the cover-up of the real crimes of 9/11.

Alex Jones and former Governor Jesse Ventura join Willie Nelson at his home to discuss Economy,Elections & 911

Alex Jones and former Governor Jesse Ventura join Willie Nelson at his home to discuss the effect the current economic crisis has on middle class workers, the significance of the 2008 election and unanswered questions about 9/11.

Tuesday, Oct 28, 2008

Ventura addresses his meeting with undercover CIA agents as Governor and challenges voters to revolt against the two-party dictatorship– supporting independent candidates instead.

Former Governor Jesse Ventura rides along with Alex Jones to discuss his analysis of the two-party grasp of the 2008 Elections.

Former Governor Jesse Ventura rides along with Alex Jones to discuss his analysis of the two-party grasp of the 2008 Elections.

Tuesday, Oct 28, 2008

Ventura brings up Ross Perot’s unprecedented 19% of the popular vote in 1992, prompting a 1996 bipartisan black-out on Perot’s challenge to Clinton & Dole. He challenges voters to reject the ‘horse-race’ voting mentality and instead vote for the person best put in public position.

The former governor also shares his experiences in challenging the official government story on 9/11 and highlights the parallels between the post-9/11 United States and the Nazi-propaganda that urged its citizenry not to challenge its leaders, to obey its policies and to sacrifice for the causes of the state.

Afterwards, Alex and Jesse arrive at Willie Nelson’s ranch and join the music legend.

WeAreChangeLA 'debriefs' former CIA Case Officer Robert Baer about apparent Mossad and White House 9/11 foreknowledge, and more

On October 16, 2008, Robert Baer, who was a CIA Case Officer in the Middle East over the course of almost two decades, participated in a discussion at the Hammer Museum entitled "A Third War: The Threat of War with Iran." Dr. Trita Parsi was part of the discussion which was moderated by Ian Masters.

Baer was briefly interrupted during the discussion by Jeremy Rothe-Kushel for clarity's sake, after he brought up 9/11 and reaffirmed his recently aired belief that Osama bin Laden is likely dead. That part went something like this-

Bob: The chances of Bin Laden being dead are very high. The question is are they going to drag him out in the next two weeks. Is he going to [laughter] out of cold storage and say "we finally got him." I don't know that he's dead, but he probably is.

"Explain this to me like I'm a 6 year old" (Jesse Ventura/Alex Jones)

October 1, 2008

Alex Jones talks with Jesse Ventura about the bailout, the economy, the police state, 9/11 Truth and Jesse's TV pilot project.

52.56 9.06MB

Additional Jesse Ventura Media

They develop a theory and then reject any contradicting evidence

September 24, 2008

Alex Jones talks to David Ray Griffin about the current state of the 9/11 truth movement, how far we've come and how far we have to go taking the message mainstream.

45:36 7.2MB