
How many of these are 9/11 truth-friendly sites?

How many of these are 9/11 truth-friendly sites? Rankings of "progressive"political sites and blogs from DBKP Report. Can we use this information to target our campaigns: our commenting on articles, our article submissions, our news aggregation, ...?

Progressive Liberal 100
Progressive Liberal 40 Blogs
February 3, 2010 Bi-weekly ratings

We’re proud to present the first of our bi-weekly rankings of Progressive Liberal websites for 2010: The Progressive Liberal 100. Ratings are based on Alexa traffic rank on February 2, 2010.

Also included are the Progressive Liberal 40 Top Blogs. No foundations, newspapers or magazines are included in this list.

9/11 Crime - Misprision - Citizens Action

Explosive Evidence:

A Call for Truth Over Treason

Stop War by exposing the 9/11 Cover-up

Misprision of felony or treason is the ‘offense of concealing knowledge of a felony or treason by one who has not participated or assisted in it.’ The Constitution of the United States, Article III, defines treason against the United States to consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid or comfort. The events of September 11 was described as an act of war by President Bush, and used to justify expanding the war in Afghanistan by President Obama. These administrations are perhaps guilty of criminal acts or treason, based on the following evidence of a cover-up and misuse-distortion of the actual events of September 11, 2001.

LTTE to local NC newspaper: "Someone has to tell the truth" by Philip Klein

To The Editor: "Treason in America: 9/11, The Wars and Our Broken Constitution." This true patriot conference in Valley Forge, Pa., opens March 6.

Among the speakers are FBI whistle blower and 2002 Time Magazine person of the year Colleen Rowley, "Able Danger" whistle blower Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer, peace activist Cindy Sheehan, whose soldier son was murdered via George Bush lies, 9/11 victims' family members and many others.

Certain to be a highlight will be noted architect Richard Gage.


About the Times-News:

The Times-News has served Henderson, Polk and Transylvania Counties in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina since 1881.
In December 1985, it became an A.M. paper and added a Sunday edition. With a daily circulation of approximately 20,000, the Times-News averages about 44,000 readers. The Times-News is a member of The New York Times Regional Media Group, which has its corporate headquarters in Tampa, Fla.

False-Flags, False-Friends and False-Family

It was a sunny but chilly day. I don’t remember how many friends were aboard or even exactly which ones they were. None of that matters. If any of them ever read this they’ll know who they are. We were half a dozen or so, because my sailboat, really it was my Dad’s or the family’s, measured 28 feet in length and someone always got in the way at the helm. For lack of wind we were motoring southward in the Intracoastal Waterway some 30 miles north of Cape Kennedy, or Cape Canaveral as it was called before NASA took it over. 10, 9, 8… I stopped the motor.

Stratford Gazette - exceptional coverage on 9/11 Truth & UW 9/11 Research Group

A staff reporter of the Stratford Gazette in Ontario, Canada, interviewed members of AE9/11Truth, Kitchener 9/11 Truth and the University of Waterloo 9/11 Research Group. The number of facts regarding the anomalies surrounding the events of 9/11 in this article is simply exceptional. Here's the article:

It would be greatly appreciated to send positive feedback to the reporter:

Moreover, this article strongly reinforces Elizabeth Woodworth's excellent paper regarding the media's response to the growing influence of the 9/11 Truth Movement.

Texas Democratic Candidate Farouk Shami on 9/11

- EDIT IN 2018 -
The following 2 1/2 minute video is such an incredibly heroic statement circa 2010 that this "lost, but found video" should help to bring in a new year with 2018.

- Original entry below -
The party primaries are occurring in Texas. Democratic gubernatorial candidate, Farouk Shami, was posed this question: “…so you believe it’s possible that the United States government was involved in the attacks on 9/11?”
Farouk responds: “…the possibilities are there. The jury is out….”

A Challenge to We Are Change - Set up chapters on college campuses; maybe even start a fraternity!

Americans are woefully ignorant of False Flag operations, they are continually misled by corporatist candidates of both the Democratic and Republican brands, and their future is being continuously robbed from them. Meanwhile, young people are being saddled with $100,000 college education expenses (a scandal in and of itself, IMO) and then being thrust into a economy wreaking of a 'jobless recovery'.

Well, who ya gonna call? Ghost Busters? Nah - that was just a movie. :-) .

Perhaps the Republican or Democrat clubs that one finds on campuses will foster truth-telling about what horrors their namesake's have wrought?

Nope - ain't gonna happen.


Such thoughts have been percolating in my mind for a while, but a recent comment here at 911blogger made things gel in my mind. zombie bill hicks wrote:

Cindy Sheehan and Dr Dahlia Wasfi
will be speaking at the Treason In America conference in Valley Forge, PA, March 6-7.

Some people in the 9/11 truth movement have really been working hard recently to help bridge the gap to the anti-war movement.

Barrie Zwicker: The Peace Movement versus the 9/11Truth movement

[Submitted to 911Blogger via email - LW]

Report from Boston

The Peace Movement versus the 9/11Truth movement

by Barrie Zwicker

What goes with the “split” between the anti-war movement and the 9/11Truth movement? Some light was shed on this regrettable reality in Boston the weekend of Jan. 30-31, 2010. On Saturday New England United (NEU), an umbrella group, held an anti-war strategy conference. The next day Northeast 9/11Truth held its strategy conference, in part an analysis of the previous day’s events.

As both a lifelong member of the peace movement, and a committed 9/11Truther, I attended all of the Saturday conference where I was a workshop leader, and the first half of the Sunday conference (having to leave early because of travel arrangements). My main points:

1) There is a split but it has not been initiated, nor is it maintained, by members of the 9/11Truth movement. Truthers stand just as proudly and tall in their opposition to war as anyone in the peace movement. Truthers also are just as fully dedicated to the goals of justice, equality and environmentalism as are anti-war activists.

2) The split is unilateral from the anti-war movement’s side, especially from leaders and organizers. Those at the grassroots level trust and take their cues from the leaders. The result is a widespread attitude toward 9/11Truth that ranges from scepticism to outright hostility. This is why I choose the heading “The Peace Movement versus the 9/11Truth Movement.”

3) A leading cause of the unilateral split is the work of planted agents of the state – spooks -- whose instructions are to do this splitting. The Chinese call such agents “splittists.” The peace movement has been around for decades, so there’s been loads of time for the national security state to install numerous agents within it. Added to their usual instructions to slyly foment divisiveness within peace groups and derail effective anti-war actions are new orders to combat the dynamic truth movement.

Interview with Derek from Kitchener 9/11 Truth

Derek from Kitchener 9/11 Truth gave Mark from Truth Action Ottawa a great interview about his experiences starting up a 9/11 truth chapter in his community. Derek is a great example of someone standing up to fill the void in his community; no one was handing out discs in his area yet, so Derek decided to take the initiative.

Listen to the interview here.

Visit the Kitchener 9/11 Truth website and YouTube channel, and if you’re in his area, be sure you join Derek on the 11th!

Kitchener 9/11 Truth Street Action December 12, 2009 City Hall

Handing out copies of the DVD "Blueprint For Truth 2008 edition" and the 9/11 Blueprint For Truth handout to local Kitchener area citizens in front of City Hall.

Music from:

Rap City,
Artist - Gemineye - Sons of Zadok - Conspirituality,
Music - BigBrother,
Directed by Stuey Kubrick,
Song - Bohemian Rap City - From Gemineye's Ripples in the pond one half of the double disk Conspirituality album -

Santa Claus Brings 9/11 Truth to Japan

Santa Claus comes early to Japan this year and he's armed with 9/11 Truth, including Japanese translations of Harrit et al's paper "Active Thermitic Material Discovered in WTC Dust" (

Thanks to Yumi Kikuchi for supplying Japanese translations of this material. Thanks to Murray Carr and Jamie Owens for helping with the camerawork.

Happy Holidays from The Corbett Report!

4th Annual Milwaukee/Lake Michigan Tea Party For 9/11 Truth

Hello Truthseekers & Truthtellers, On December 16th, 2009 we held our 4th Annual Milwaukee/Lake Michigan Tea Party For 9/11 Truth. We barbeque the 9/11 Commission Report and throw the ashes into Lake Michigan. We also read from a scroll and this year we added an authentic colonial drum which we marched to. Here is the two part Youtube that documents our event. Thanks to all those that joined us on this very cold Wisconsin day.
Take Care Matt
Part 1
Part 2

Over the past three years we have organized this event in all kinds of weather on the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party. Here's clips of those past events;

1st Milwaukee/Lake Michigan 9/11 Truth Tea Party 12/16/06:

You can catch our 2nd & 3rd Annual Tea Party For 9/11 Truth here:

2nd Tea Party 12/16/07:

Karl Rove Gets An Unwelcome Message From Milwaukee's Finest Patriotic Dissenters

A number of groups against the war showed up at "war criminal" Karl Rove's speaking engagement at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee on December 3rd, 2009.
We were given access to the hallway right in front of the Wisconsin Room where Karl Rove was speaking. Near the end of the video a protestor is being ejected and detained by university police for disrupting Karl Rove's speech. This is what our founding fathers would expect of true patriotic American citizens when our country is being led by war criminals starting wars of aggression. Thanks to all the patriotic protestors that showed up for this protest. Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.

Below is a short clip from Channel 58 (CBS) Milwaukee where Karl Rove calls the "Hecklers" intellectual liberals and he gets a big cheer from the audience, many of them student republicans. He then goes into his smoozing bit telling his audience he loves being in Milwaukee and his connections with his family to this area.
Take Care Matt

From Channel 58 (CBS) Milwaukee

Hecklers interrupt Karl Rove at UWM