
Going To Be On The North Virginia Patriots Show - Monday 11/3/2008 - 6:20PM EST

The North Virginia Patriots show is an interactive, live Internet political talk-radio show that focuses on libertarian views. Host Bryan and Ray cover all the topics going on in todays political world. The show airs Monday through Friday, 6-7 PM Eastern time. The show is hosted on

Restore the Republic Radio is a free, web-based platform that is broadcasting the message of freedom to a republic that is starving to hear something other than the spoon-fed propaganda controlled by the five major media corporations. Providing you with engaging hosts and up to the minute live coverage from events and actions across our republic. RTR Radio is your one stop shop for the latest news from the freedom movement. The stream can be heard 24 hours a day at

One Week's Web Coverage of the Press Release Re: Ellis Draft Bill

I've updated my blog post on the subject with a round up of most of the various opeds, discussion threads, repostings and links to the press release- scroll down for the hyperlinks.

Let me know if i missed anything and i'll update it- this is a testimony to the power of crowds and independent media:

Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice Rejects Association with Directed Energy Weapons and Mini-Nukes in Draft Bill

Web Coverage:

Personal Commentaries:

Arabesque - Scholars for 9-11 Truth & Justice Misrepresented in Draft Bill Sent to 8 House Members

Col. Jenny Sparks - Scholars for 9-11 Truth & Justice Misrepresented by Col. Jenny Sparks

Erik Larson - Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice Rejects Association with Directed Energy Weapons and Mini-Nukes in Draft Bill

George Washington - Disinfo Boys Strike Again?

Discussion Threads - Scholars for 9-11 Truth & Justice Misrepresented in Draft Bill Sent to 8 House Members

Are You New To 9/11 Truth?

I always say that I didn't learn this stuff so I can keep it to myself. If you are new to the idea of 9/11 Truth, and have a question, or comment, feel free to email me at, and I will help you as best as I can.

Richard Gage will speak in Colegio Oficial De Arquitectos de Madrid - November 7, 2008

Richard Gage, de Arquitecto e Ingenieros por la verdad sobre el 11-S
Colegio oficial de Arquitectos en Madrid
viernes 7 de noviembre a las 19:00 h. FUNDACIÓN ARQUITECTURA COAM, C/ PIAMONTE Nº 23, MADRID.

2pg promoFLYER 4 Richard Gage coming 2 UC, with intro & tie ins to healthcare

this was what i sent to some cincy911 truthers, anyone in the ohioindiatucky area though please use, again feel free to play w/it, but if you do change the footnotes (if applicable), the group @ the bottom, and remember M. Ghandi "The thruth must be prophessed w/love, otherwise it will be rejected." in your efforts. didn't come out right ass simple text so there is an attachment too.

was going to go to a health care cost talk @ zimmer, but i missed it and used some time to throw togeter a flyer, i would say version 2.1 feel free to make it 2.whatever though. i think i'm gonna get like 500 double sided ones tommorrow though, lets hype this thing!!!, peace see you guys there ----- highcard00

Download the original attachment

2008 Not In Our Name

Thanks to everyone that put this together.

An Interview With Dave Lindorff

Dave Lindorff, a columnist for Counterpunch, is author of several recent books ("This Can't Be Happening! Resisting the Disintegration of American Democracy" and "Killing Time: An Investigation into the Death Penalty Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal"). His latest book, coauthored with Barbara Olshanshky, is "The Case for Impeachment: The Legal Argument for Removing President George W. Bush from Office (St. Martin's Press, May 2006). His writing is available at

9/11 Truth Movies At The Anthony Wayne Movie Theater

I have to learn a new word other than "awesome" even though what Betsy is doing is TRULY awesome. Thanks to Scott for helping her out. Good to see you Bob.

Justice Will Be Served

You can guarantee it.

Are we being played?

Some folks in the 9/11 Truth Movement are being deceived and playing into the hands of the men behind the curtain. I have heard several people in the 9/11 Truth Movement say that they are leaving the 9/11 Truth movement in order to promote aspects surrounding our financial system. Others have also stated that they are now going to only focus on getting off the grid, only on self survival aspects.

The recent economic events, bailouts, and crashes on Wall Street have been the focus of tremendous media attention on the financial system. Do you think that all this hype is a result of “freedom of the press”? The recent sensationalism by the press is part of the planned agenda. Everybody and their dog is talking about what a mess and outrage this economic scene is. That is part of the plan. Similar to the subject of global warming, there is such a prolific amount of “true ideas” on the subject of money that the common person is overwhelmed with information, confusions, and apprehensions.

Actions of September 11

My apologies for not posting this here sooner but there were so many actions around the world on the eleventh of September and the reports never stopped coming in. There were more actions for 9/11 truth in more locations on one day than ever before. There are 188 pics in the slideshow below and I'm still adding to it. Check out the blog at for the full report including a fairly massive collection of videos and a lot of great text reports.

And please - if you care about 9/11 truth and you are physically able - join us in action on October 11. It's a Saturday, it's international Freedom Not Fear 2008 day and if you haven't joined us before or it's a been awhile since you have - there's no time like the present and we need you now more than ever before! The next few months are crucial to the sustenance of our movement for truth. And don't forget to document your actions and send us a few snapshots, a video or even just a few words about your action... the more action that people see, the more they want to join us in action.


The Eleventh Day of Every Month's Grassroots Conference Call Tonight At 9PM EST

The last one was REALLY good. - Jon

Dear Colleagues,

Please forgive me for this very late notice... I have apparently lost another week! I guess class warfare unmasked, threats of martial law, and new appropriations bills have kept us all occupied... Seems to me the theory that time is literally speeding up seems to be proving true!

9/11 Truth Holds One-Year Anniversary Meeting

Congratulations to Janice. executive director visited the 9-11 Truth of Central Iowa meeting in Adel Monday, Sept. 14 offering suggestions on how citizens can be pro-active with their government to demand the truth behind the events of 9-11.


By: Amber Williams
09/18/2008 executive director visited the 9-11 Truth of Central Iowa meeting in Adel Monday, Sept. 14 offering suggestions on how citizens can be pro-active with their government to demand the truth behind the events of 9-11.

Few things are free in this world. And, as the old motto goes, not even freedom is free.

But the 9-11 Truth of Central Iowa first annual film festival was free. Its organizers said that's because information is power, so they give it away. In fact, they gave away more than 700 free DVDs, each documentary depicting different questions and theories about the truth about the events of September 11, 2001.

$500 on its way to the Fealgood Foundation

The Red Pill production team is very happy to announce that the $500 earned for second place in the Filmclick online film festival has been sent to the Feelgood Foundation.

Thank you very much to everybody that voted. DFC