public activism

My 1/4 Page Bridge to the Peace Community...

Today I travel across Puget Sound to once again hold my banner at a Seattle Peace march and rally. One side of the banner states: 9/11 Truth for World Peace and on the other states: PAPER BALLOTS...PUBLIC FUNDS...NEW VOTING HOLIDAY. My 3' X 5' banner and contraption holds high posted attachments on both ends that state: STOP the 9/11 WARS...9/11 was the FIRST LIE INTO WAR...MEDICARE not WARFARE and SKATEBOARD don't WATERBOARD. Additionally I hand out 1/4 page flyers that are shown below:

The only difference between me and the paece marchers is that I stand in one spot and let them march past me. Marching from nowhere to nowhere in front of nobody makes cointelpro very, very happy as they and the Mockingbird Media have this deal about covering protests anyway.

The text below is reduced to 1/4 page size, aligned as such with four to a page, with the different statements on opposite sides, copied onto bright yellow paper and then cut into the 1/4 page mini-flyers. I go through thousands per year...and I change some of the information as events change and as we get newer and better information.