My 1/4 Page Bridge to the Peace Community...

Today I travel across Puget Sound to once again hold my banner at a Seattle Peace march and rally. One side of the banner states: 9/11 Truth for World Peace and on the other states: PAPER BALLOTS...PUBLIC FUNDS...NEW VOTING HOLIDAY. My 3' X 5' banner and contraption holds high posted attachments on both ends that state: STOP the 9/11 WARS...9/11 was the FIRST LIE INTO WAR...MEDICARE not WARFARE and SKATEBOARD don't WATERBOARD. Additionally I hand out 1/4 page flyers that are shown below:

The only difference between me and the paece marchers is that I stand in one spot and let them march past me. Marching from nowhere to nowhere in front of nobody makes cointelpro very, very happy as they and the Mockingbird Media have this deal about covering protests anyway.

The text below is reduced to 1/4 page size, aligned as such with four to a page, with the different statements on opposite sides, copied onto bright yellow paper and then cut into the 1/4 page mini-flyers. I go through thousands per year...and I change some of the information as events change and as we get newer and better information.

Here is the text of the front side:________________________________________________________

9/11 TRUTH for World PEACE and JUSTICE
Without the attacks on 9/11 the USofA would not have been able to convince its citizens to go to another unpopular war. Thusly, 9/11 is seen as yet another “false flag op” like Pearl Harbor, where the attack was known about ahead of time, was allowed to happen, and created the emotional reason to go to war. Some false-flag-ops:

Spanish-American War…………...USS Maine NOT blown up by Spain
Pearl Harbor……………..FDR and USN KNEW the attacks were coming
Vietnam………………..……The Gulf of Tonkin Incident NEVER HAPPENED
Iraq I………………….…incubator babies story fabricated by WDC PR firm
Iraq II……………on 9/11 the government KNEW-ALLOWED the attack

The 9/11 Truth Movement IS a peace movement. 9/11 TRUTH for World PEACE and JUSTICE Movement is providing an amazing “looking glass” with which the public can see yet another cover-up by the government as well as the corruption now embedded in our: politics…Military Industrial Complex …Big Oil…Big Pharma…Multinational Corporations …World Financial Institutions…and of course, they all help set our intrusive, exploitive, and "military force based" foreign policy.

John Farmer, the Lead Counsel for the 9/11 Commission, in writing his book states: “…at some point the US Government chose to not tell the truth about their role in 9/11...” He joins other members of the 9/11 Commission undermining their own report’s findings…this is explosive!

Regardless of what you think about the events of 9/11, its important that we all become better citizens by: GETTING INFORMED, GETTING INVOLVED and STAYING INVOLVED in our own self-governances. Please become more engaged in ANY ISSUE that interests you because our democracy really needs you! Check these:

counter recruiting………………………………
peace actions………………………………
Department of Peace…………………….………
corporate funds out of elections……………..………...……
voting reforms…...
a truth behind Pearl Harbor… Robert Stinnett on C-SPAN

Here is the text for the opposite page:_________________________________________________

Insights for a Peaceful World
“Beware of the Military Industrial Complex“…Ike

After the USSR fell, the Military Industrial Complex had lost the enemy that justified its bloated war budget. Now a FALSE WAR ON TERROR, the FEAR OF THE MUSLIM WORLD, and fear in general are being used to justify the world’s largest War Industry and its vast Intelligence budget every year. Indeed, the UsofA spends more on war and intelligence than ALL other countries in the world COMBINED! So, one of 9/11’s missions has been met…expanding militarism and its profiteering blocks CRITICAL DOMESTIC PROGRAMS + SERVICES
We are not a collection of “tin foil hatters”.
Check out the wide range of rather amazing people with high credentials who have serious questions about 9/11/2001 at: www.patriotsquestion
Two airplanes-three buildings down…How?”
Its now established that the THREE WTCs were blown up with controlled demolitions as thousands of architects, engineers and scientists show how the laws of physics cannot be broken, and that there are incendiary-explosive materials found in the dust from the collapses. Check out the following stunning site:
Revolutionize Revolution…its 2010 NOT 1968!
Big marches from nowhere-to nowhere-in front of nobody are NOT the answer. Two of the answers are: public activisms in your neighborhood and the internet. There’s a MODERN WAY: CI…Civil Informationing Check these:
.com .

For online TRUTH radio: go to every Sunday 9-12P for great 9/11 interviews


That's the end of my little mini-flyer..____________________________________________________

Since the attachments on my banner are almost eight feet high, they are visible over the crowds and I always stand far enough away from the crowds or audience so that there is open space enabling my lower held banner to be read easily. And my tactic when bannering doing CI in the middle of most high pedestrian areas, such as outside ballparks and at major outdoor events, is to stand behind my banner with two hands full of fanned out flyers and if someone wants one, they will walk by and take one. I do not solicit which allows me to go anywhere on pulic property that a normal pedestrian can walk. [saftey issues are paramount and the cops may move me a few feet for traffic or other reasons.]

My approach when working a busy intersection where there are pedestrian lights and crossing paths is to work the lights so as to walk across at least one pedestrian crosswalk at every light. This allows almost all the cars to take notice even if they are not yet close enough to read my banner and signages. In working a street corner I usuall bring other "stand-alone" signs that I have constructed with words such as: FIRE CONGRESS...WAR IS THE PROBLEM...END ALL OCCUPATIONS... GREEN JOBS AND HEALTHCARE NOT WARFARE...etc.

Anyway, conforntations are the wrong way to go and when someone gets in my nose on the street, I just give them a TWO FINGERED "peace V" and stop any and all hostile or angry conversations by stating to the aggitator: "This converstation is over because I choose NOT to talk to you." Soon they go away, and if not, they are now in your space and the police will shoo them away at your request.

My point in posting this is to give example of other ways to reach the public...other ways than cointelpro-approved 'bullhorning" at public events that are arranged by others.

9/11 Truth for World Peace and Justice

love, peace and progress...

Robin Hordon
Kingston, WA

PS: I do this alone most of the time because I will have nothing to do with the Libertarian Political Action storefronts known as We Are Changes, nor anytrhing to do with any delusional Ron Paul-ers who still think that RP is a Truther, nor anything to do with any other political parties for that matter. I have a small group of people interested in the Kingston-Edmonds 9/11 Truth for World Peace "meet-up group" and we should be meeting soon. rdh