
We Were Lied To About 9/11 - Episode 16 - Peter Dale Scott


Peter Dale Scott, a former Canadian diplomat and Professor of English at the University of California, Berkeley, is a poet, writer, and researcher. His diplomatic service from 1957 to 1961 included two years of work at UN conferences and the UN General Assembly, and two years in Poland.

His most recent political books are The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America (2007), The War Conspiracy: JFK, 9/11 and the Deep Politics of War (2008), American War Machine: Deep Politics, the CIA Global Drug Connection, and the Road to Afghanistan (2010), and The American Deep State: Wall Street, Big Oil, and the Attack on U.S. Democracy (2014). He is also a poet, and in 2002 received the Lannan Poetry Award.

His books have been translated into six languages, and his articles and poems have been translated into twenty. The former U.S. poet laureate Robert Hass has written (Agni, 31/32, p. 335) that "Coming to Jakarta is the most important political poem to appear in the English language in a very long time."

Interview with 9/11 in the Academic Community director

A Canadian filmmaker, AZ, joins James to discuss his award-winning 2013 documentary, 9/11 in the Academic Community: Academia’s Treatment of Critical Perspectives on 9/11. AZ also discuss his own experiences as a university student contributing to his creation of the film, as well as more recent projects addressing geopolitics and the “war on terror.”

9/11 in the Academic Community features interviews with several notable academics, including John McMurtry, Graeme MacQueen, Lynn Margulis, and Walter G. Pitman, to examine scholars’ critical perspectives on the events of September 11, 2001 and how these have been received in their respective academic fields. Contrary to the widely-held notion that academe is a bastion of free thought and inquiry, university faculty and administrators are often indifferent, if not hostile toward, colleagues that study or take public stances on controversial topics.

We Were Lied To About 9/11 - Episode 14 - Robbie Martin


Journalist for Media Roots, creator of the film American Anthrax, and co-host of Media Roots Radio with Abby Martin. He has appeared on Tyrel Ventura's Buzzsaw TV, KPFA, Breaking The Set on Russia Today, Deadline Live, The Corbett Report and has been interviewed by La Figaro, the BBC, Neural Magazine and the San Francisco Chronicle. He is the founder of recordlabelrecords.org and is a musician under the alias of Fluorescent Grey.

Tony Szamboti : On NIST's 9/11 Sins of Omission

Tony Szamboti Interview

Interview published 29 November 2014

MP3 and Link to Show Notes: http://themindrenewed.com/interviews/2014/590-int-67

For this important interview we welcome Tony Szamboti, mechanical engineer and 9/11 researcher, who joins us for a detailed discussion on crucial evidence that, in the words of his research group, "clearly demonstrate(s) that the reports produced by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) on the destruction of the World Trade Center (WTC) were unscientific and fraudulent."

With the group's recently-published white paper as our focus, "Areas of Specific Concern in the NIST WTC Reports" which lists 25 Points seriously challenging NIST's work in this area, we discuss striking new evidence demonstrating that NIST intentionally omitted significant structural components from its analysis of Building 7, and explore the almost inescapable conclusion that this was done in order to avoid the explanation of controlled demolition. We also discuss the potential these findings might have for legal action.

9/11 FORETOLD - A New Film with a Fresh Perspective

Hello everyone. Many thanks to Justin Keogh and the 911 Blogger team for graciously allowing me to introduce myself and my new film.

My name is Richard and I’m an independent researcher/investigator of 9-11 related topics. Like most of you on this site, I am searching for the truth behind September 11, 2001.

Opinions differ as to what actually transpired that day. People have their suspicions, but we may never know who perpetuated this crime, or why. However, I AM certain we were all told that 9/11 would happen long BEFORE the event; the evidence is overwhelming and available for anyone to see.

I’m the creator of a film called 9/11 FORETOLD. This film examines the messages embedded in the Mass Media leading up to that fateful day. This is the first full-length documentary to explore these topics. This film is not just another documentary about 9/11, nor is it a “conspiracy theory,” but attempts something much more provocative.

Was aviation security given the short shrift in the 9/11 Commission report?

On October 6th, 2014, the New York Post ran a story about Mohamed Atta conducting surveillance at Boston's Logan airport on May 11, 2001. Although the 9/11 Commission had this information when they were developing their report, they conveniently gave it no mention.

Immediately after the 9/11 Commission report was published, I wrote a letter to Commissioner Kean which highlighted several items which were provided to the commission's staffers, but inexplicably left out of their final report.

The following are examples:

* The Massachusetts Governor’s Special Advisory Task Force on the Massachusetts Port Authority (Carter Commission report), with its findings relative to FAA, airline and Massport security shortcomings in the lead up to 9/11.

* The April ‘01 memorandum from the Massachusetts Port Authority’s Director of Security, Joe Lawless, to his leadership, which cited terrorist ties to Logan Airport and the need to address known vulnerabilities there.

We Were Lied To About 9/11 - Episode 8 - Cindy Sheehan

Cindy Lee Miller Sheehan was born on July 10, 1957. She married Patrick Sheehan and the couple had four children--Casey, Carly, Andy, and Janey. Casey was the oldest. The whole family was active in the church; Cindy was once a Youth Minister. They were a tightly knit family that, in Cindy´s words, “did everything together.”

Cindy’s world changed forever when, on an April 4, 2004 mission in Sadr City, Iraq, Army Specialist Casey Sheehan was killed. Cindy and other military families met with President George W. Bush in June of 2004. By October, Cindy´s grief had led her to action. She wrote, “I was ashamed that I hadn’t tried to stop the war before Casey died…Well, I now felt that if I couldn’t make a difference, I would at least try.”

Sheehan became one of the strongest, most personal and persistent voices in the movement against the war in Iraq. Her quest to end the war, bring soldiers home, and hold politicians accountable for the decisions that sent the troops to Iraq in the first place, has been unwavering.

We Were Lied To About 9/11 - Episode 7 - Dr. Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed


Dr. Nafeez Ahmed is an investigative journalist, bestselling author and international security scholar. He has contributed to two major terrorism investigations in the US and UK, the 9/11 Commission and the 7/7 Coroner’s Inquest, and has advised the Royal Military Academy Sandhust, British Foreign Office and US State Department, among other government agencies. His new novel, ZERO POINT, predicted a US-UK re-invasion of Iraq to put down an Islamist insurgency there. Nafeez is a regular contributor to The Guardian where he writes about the geopolitics of interconnected environmental, energy and economic crises via his Earth Insight global column. He has also written for The Independent, Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, The Scotsman, Foreign Policy, The Atlantic, Quartz, Prospect, New Statesman, Le Monde diplomatique, among many others.

Zero Point: http://www.amazon.com/Zero-Point-Nafeez-Ahmed/dp/1620075393/ref=sr_1_cc_1?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1412118298&sr=1-1-catcorr&keyw...

New Letter at the Journal of 9/11 Studies

A new letter by Tony Szamboti and Richard Johns has just been published in the Journal of 9/11 Studies. The letter shows how difficult it can be to publish simple engineering facts about 9/11 in a top engineering journal, especially one that has previously supported the fire-induced progressive collapse view. Critics of the official accounts of 9/11 have often been dismissed on the grounds that, if they had valid points to make, they could publish their work in top scientific journals. Our letter is a useful case study on this question. A paper published in the Journal of Engineering mechanics contained obvious errors, such as data concerning WTC1 that contradicted the NIST reports. However, our discussion paper correcting these errors was eventually declined for being "out of scope" for the journal, after being under review for more than 2 years.

Our letter includes a brief timeline of events, a summary of our correspondence with the journal, and the various appeals we made. It also includes the two versions of the discussion paper we wrote, and a link to the article we criticized, so that engineers can judge the technical issues for themselves.

The Lone Gladio Released! (Updated)

[UPDATE: I re-wrote this. I wrote it in a hurry yesterday and had time to say a little more in this edit.]

The Lone Gladio, a new novel by Sibel Edmonds, was released on September 11th, 2014. It's a work of fiction, something Ms. Edmonds chose to do as a calculated sidestepping of the legal red tape and threats from the government, which she experienced first hand with her first book, a non-fiction memoir called Classified Woman. Edmonds writing is brilliantly sophisticated, while simply satisfying. She's learned how to utilize some literary devices so well that she won't seem like a first time novelist.

9/11 Film Festival to be Live Streamed Sept 11th

Coming up Thursday, September 11, 2014 at 1:00 pm Pacific * 4:00 pm Eastern * 08:00 GMT
On September 11th, You Get 10 Hours of Live Video Streaming and then you will have 30 Days afterwards to watch the Video Archives of the Films and the Speakers.

sf911truth Film Festivalsf911truth Film Festival

Please join us in person or on the web-stream for this film festival where we critically examine the most world transforming event of our times. What does the event of 9/11 mean for you and the world? Join others who are attempting to shine a light on this crucial moment in history.

Letter to the Editor - Daily Reflector - Greenville NC


A letter to the editor by RL McGee on the search for 9/11 truth was published today (Wed, Sept 3rd) in the Daily Reflector in Greenville, NC, today. The letter and any online comments can be read at http://www.reflector.com/opinion/letters/letter-seek-truth-911-attacks-2639965

Letter to the Editor - Greenville NC

We Were Lied To About 9/11 - Episode 3 - Erik Larson


Erik Larson is a 9/11 researcher and activist. In his view, the 9/11 Commission's failure to credibly account for how and why 9/11 happened, and the general acceptance or apathy of the media and the public toward the official story, represent national security and constitutional crises, and corruption in American society itself. Concerned for the US republic and the well-being of present and future generations around the world, Erik, among other things, has made well over 8000 9/11 Commission and other 9/11-related documents publicly available through two file sharing websites on the web. It's primarily this work that we have Erik on to talk about today.
