September 11 2010

2010/09/11 "911 Onze Bouge à Paris France" "Every 11th of the Month" in Paris France

Herblay FRANCE
21st September 2010

sorry to you all for not having the time to do a good job on this entry ( after my hard day of work, I have no time to read all the faults left in my text) and as I have said before, we can dream of the day that the citizen lambda will have another life than "Metro, boulot, dodo" and in English "Subway, work, sleep" because when we are taken with our jobs and family life we do not have time to participate in making sure that the checks and balances for the democracy are respected. Hoping that the four day working week in the world will soon come and give us the means to participate, as needed, to conserve our democracy.
In France at this moment the French workers are fighting for the safeguard of their retirement and you can understand that they are less on the 911 truth battle.
However this 11th September 2010, the French WERE present ( 71 at one moment and about 100 from the beginning to the end) thanks to someone who lanced a meeting on Facebook at the TROCADERO PALACE in Paris 15h00 :

The 9/11 on 911 Campaign

The 9th anniversary of the 9/11 false flag attacks is nearly upon us. It's safe to assume that a huge number of truthers will be in NYC for the 10th anniversary, so let's make the 9th anniversary a big one in our home communities.

Truth Action Ottawa is producing nine hundred and eleven fliers and DVDs to hand out to members of our community on 9/11. We're issuing the challenge to all our fellow truth groups in every community across the globe to do likewise.