Superb Interview with David Ray Griffin on the Collapse of WTC 7

On a related note, Cincinnati 9/11 Truth's hour long public access show (which used to be once a month but has quadrupled to once a week due to viewer demand) focused a sizable segment on DRG's WTC7 book two nights ago; hope to post that here asap. - Adam

Superb Interview with David Ray Griffin on the Collapse of WTC 7
by Elizabeth Woodworth

A compelling interview of David Ray Griffin by George Kenney of Electric Politics is now available for downloading (or streaming).

The interview is 1 hour and 8 minutes long, and should be heard by everyone interested in the state of democracy in America:

The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7

The fact that "Seven", a 47-story building with a base the size of a football field, was in freefall collapse for 2.25 seconds, has now been admitted by NIST, the U.S. National Institute for Standards and Technology. This admission has enormous implications for the whole official story about September 11, 2001.

This new information invalidates all the work NIST presented in its Final Report to prove that the building collapsed from fire alone.

In his new book, "The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7," Dr. Griffin has systematically established that NIST was guilty of fraud.

As a result, he recommends that scientists across the United States report this fraud to the appropriate scientific agencies which monitor fraud in the scientific community, in order to expose the underlying truth about September 11th.

had trouble listening

The streaming audio kept stalling. I am downloading the audio now, but says it will take another 2 hours to download. Can you put this up on YouTube somehow?

With you in the struggle,
WeAreChangeLA -


Noticed most recent links/comments removed .

Any comments 'Reprehensible' (sp?)

Cliff Notes

"The Truth ?

You can't handle the truth.'

That entire thread is gone along with the article

That entire thread is gone along with the article Jon Gold posted. I think when that happens, the 911blogger community should be given an explanation so we know what to make of it.

I don't want to use this thread under this article about DRG to go into it, though. I have to remember to copy my comments from now on and save them on my computer. I put a lot of time and thought into what I said in that thread.

With you in the struggle,
WeAreChangeLA -

Show "Unfortunately" by Binkster
Show "Maybe It's This" by Binkster

Look -we got it the first

Look -we got it the first time bud.
Binkster: Oh. Ok.

Show "Banned and removed ?" by Binkster

Peter Griffin

Look you`ve got to admit that pic of you as Peter Griffin, on your link there, is `spot-on` -as they say in the industry.
Well, ok...
. I guess your problem now is the rest of the world seems to be Stewie``....
Ok....Let`s step back a bit...
So. Jon. Having any problems with `free fall collapse speed through undamaged steel structure yet......
you know....that type of thing.....`

Keep to the high ground Binkster

You are hogging the comments under this positive article with your baiting and complaints. I understand your frustration and sense of betrayal after having all our comments disappeared without explanation. It just takes one comment from us to make others aware of what happened. Take a deep breath. Let's move on, brother.

With you in the struggle,
WeAreChangeLA -

I think...

This string of comments is insightful. The reason the NYC CAN: The Turning Point thread was removed was because I updated it to include the authors responsible as was requested by USAPatriot in that thread so people wouldn't think I wrote it.

Very insightful string of comments.

Do these people deserve to know how and why their loved ones were murdered? Do we deserve to know how and why 9/11 happened?

Thanks, Jon

Much appreciated.

When can we expect it back up?


Is beyond my control.

Do these people deserve to know how and why their loved ones were murdered? Do we deserve to know how and why 9/11 happened?

"...beyond my control." Yup
Submitted by Reprehensor on Sat, 01/24/2009 - 3:48pm.

Blog edit.
. . .
Make the edits.
The blog entry now goes back into the moderation queue, and will be re-posted, usually within a day or so.

It might be a good idea if the reason for removal is posted

The fact that the thread was revised and went back into the moderation queue is legitimate but wouldn't have been known without your explanation here.

To avoid speculation in the future, on why a specific thread is removed, it might be a good idea if the moderators explain the reason with a short note.


If you're removing threads - Give a reason.
At least now that thread is back.
If I hadn't freaked out with the verbiage - I doubt if it would be still here.
What do you think Rep ?

Or Jon

Or Jon - Just did a bit more reading...

Where's the thread ?

Where's the article and thread?

and What's your explanation for removing it ?

Please inform.

Anyone have a torrent of

Anyone have a torrent of this yet? This coming down at a snail's pace...

Great Interview except where

Great Interview except where DRG states near the end that he thinks we have about a 5% chance
of breaking this to the world. He also states that a 5% chance is still worth fighting for.

Guns and Butter- David Ray Griffin audio

David Ray Griffin talks on WTC7

"The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7" with Dr. David Ray Griffin. Dr. Griffin's keynote address at the 5th Annual 9/11 Film Festival in Oakland, California, on his new book that examines the official NIST report on the collapse of WTC 7; NIST a political agency overseen by the executive branch; omission and falsification of evidence; scientific fraud; media disinformation; no investigation of explosive evidence; melted steel; the mysterious death of 53-year-old Barry Jennings, eyewitness to explosions in Building 7.

News fit to transmit in post Cassini flyby era
<>~<>~ ~<>~<>
<> for life's survival in the 21st Century <>

Is this link...

the same as in the original post?

"9/11 Truth" will break to the world. That is 100% chance.

There is no doubt in my mind that "9/11 Truth" will become widespread. Never before in history on a false flag event have we had so much evidence which ANY person can view directly. This sets 9/11 Truth apart from any other situation, such as the JFK assassination. Tremendous evidence can be directly viewed.

This is not to say that many people wil never view the evidence; this is not to say that there will not be sheeple; this is not to say that it will be a long uphill struggle against the media and covert elite powers. The powers that be are trying to stall the inevitable with the hope that by the time the charade is realized, the recognition of 9/11 Truth will have an attenuated impact. Eventually, 9/11 Truth will permeate society.

We win every time (big or small) the message of 9/11 Truth is stated, because we permeate that much more of society. For me, this is an almost spiritual endeavor. We are changing the world.

We have an Excellent Book and Excellent Doc Out Now

With "The Mysterious Collpase of World Trade Center 7" and Loose Change 4 in the marketplace now, we are looking pretty good. I just ordered more copies of Griffin's book to be stocked in my Barnes and Noble and have Loose Change 4 in stock at my local video store.

Well said, Tom

and I agree: "We win every time (big or small) the message of 9/11 Truth is stated, because we permeate that much more of society. For me, this is an almost spiritual endeavor. We are changing the world."

You bet 5% is worth fighting for

The future of the planet depends on it. It's a fight we must win. I believe we will.