Listening To Sibel Edmonds


by Philip Giraldi, September 24, 2009

Sibel Edmonds, the FBI Turkish translator turned whistleblower, is the most gagged person in the history of the United States. The Justice Department under George W. Bush’s Attorney General John Ashcroft twice silenced her using the rarely employed state secrets privilege. The government and the mainstream media have presented a united front against her, calling her a "kook" and a liar, even though the gag order in itself confirmed that she had a tale to tell about massive government corruption that was all too credible and would embarrass Democrat and Republican alike.

Sibel’s day in court came in early August when she was allowed to give a detailed deposition under oath in connection with a lawsuit filed in Ohio. Her deposition, naming names and providing corroborating details was predictably ignored by the mainstream media but was a sensation on the blogosphere. It led to my conducting an interview with Sibel for The American Conservative magazine, which appeared this week.

Why is Sibel’s tale important for every American and why is it being ignored by our elected officials and the Fourth Estate? The story is important because it is about massive and systematic corruption of our elected officials and senior bureaucrats with the active connivance of the media. Worse, the corruption was carried out by agents of several foreign governments and involved nuclear secrets stolen from American defense laboratories and military bases that were, in some cases, sold to the highest bidder. Some of the congressmen involved are now retired and working for those very same foreign governments that stole America’s secrets.

To those who claim that Sibel Edmonds is a fraud and that she is propagating lies for reasons of her own I would observe the following: Sibel has been interrogated by two US Senators, by the Justice Department’s Inspector General’s Office, and by suspicious fact checkers working for the television news program 60 Minutes, for the Times of London, and for Vanity Fair. She has been found to be a credible witness by everyone who has taken the time to talk to her and no one has ever been able to disprove any aspect of her story.

Could it be that Sibel Edmonds is a clever and possibly even diabolical fraud artist who has manipulated me and others? Of course it’s possible, though I would point out that she has convinced a number of skeptics that there is substance to her allegations. I for one spent twenty years in Army intelligence and the CIA listening regularly to scoundrels, liars, and thieves spin their tales. If Sibel Edmonds is a fabricator, she is a damned good one. I would also note that there is a fundamental flaw to the criticism of Sibel, which is that she claims that every single statement made by her is backed up by actual documents in FBI investigative files dealing with the activities of foreign agents who were suborning our elected officials and senior bureaucrats. She has even provided the numbers of the files. At the end of the day, either the files and the evidence they contain are there or they are not. If they are not, then the government should make its case publicly that fraud is being committed by Sibel and her supporters and take whatever legal action they consider to be appropriate. I would suggest that the silence from the government over this matter in itself confirms that the allegations are true in every detail.

Why does no one want to look into Sibel’s accusations? I would guess that it is partly because her tale involves Washington’s most powerful foreign policy lobby, that of Israel, and also the less powerful but undeniably important lobby of Turkey. But it is also due to the fact that both Democrats and Republicans are the evildoers in her story as well as senior officials in the Pentagon and State Department who served in both Democratic and Republican administrations. It is a can of worms that no one wants to touch, which is precisely why it should be opened and examined if the public is every to regain faith in government.

Some of Sibel’s allegations would be extraordinary at any time and are almost hard to believe. She reports that the CIA was covertly supporting al-Qaeda linked groups in the Balkans and central Asia right up until 9/11. She tells how a reporter at the New York Times was fed material by senior state department official Marc Grossman who was at the time taking bribes from Turkish contacts while alerting Turkish and Pakistani intelligence officers to the fact that Valerie Plame’s company Brewster-Jennings was a CIA cover unit engaged in preventing nuclear proliferation. Sibel names Pentagon insiders who obtained personnel information on government employees and contractors so that they could be targeted by foreign intelligence officers. She reveals that congressman Tom Lantos was openly passing classified information on to the government of Israel and that Israel would take what it wanted and then pass the remainder on to the Turks. Sibel describes how highly sensitive information from US defense labs would be collected by foreign graduate students carefully inserted into the labs then sold to the intelligence services of countries like Pakistan that were developing their own nuclear weapons. She details how one married Democratic congresswoman who was bisexual was targeted by Turkish agents and filmed being seduced by a woman who was provided for her, possibly to enable blackmail to secure the congresswoman’s cooperation. Sibel’s tale includes descriptions of how other congressmen received bribes and illegal political contributions and were rewarded by being given well-paying jobs ever after, with several of them now working for Turkish companies or as lobbyists for Turkey. She confirms that the Bush Administration was seeking to attack Iraq long before the twin towers fell, detailing how before 9/11 several Pentagon officials discussed with the Turkish government the invasion and division of Iraq into "spheres of influence" between Washington and London. The talks broke down when Ankara decided that it wanted its own slice of the pie.

And no one seems to care. Congressman Henry Waxman, formerly chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform committee, seemed interested in Sibel Edmonds’ story and appeared willing to open hearings, but his enthusiasm vanished at some point and he refused to return her calls. Was it because Israel was involved that Waxman developed cold feet? Was it because some of the traitors were Democrats? Quite possibly a combination of the two, though it is only my speculation. The current chairman of the committee Edolphus Towns has displayed no interest in the Edmonds case in spite of the Obama Administration’s pledge to bring change to government.

It is clear that if the citizens of the United States are every actually to hear what Sibel Edmonds has to say it will be because the people demand it. It is time to call one’s congressman and ask "What about Sibel Edmonds?" It is time to write letters to the newspapers and television news media demanding that her story be told. If there is ever to be even a minimum of accountability and a restoration of some measure of integrity in government it has to start somewhere. Why not start by listening to Sibel Edmonds?

Coverage in other "alternative" sites?

Has Lukery posted about Sibel's interview on DailyKos? Has Alternet covered it?

Alternet removed the story

I left a comment below the article within hours of its appearance (still visible at the link), but now the entire article has been removed.

Show "What has Sibel Edmonds got to do with 9/11?" by rschop

In Giraldi's piece above

there is the following:

"She reports that the CIA was covertly supporting al-Qaeda linked groups in the Balkans and central Asia right up until 9/11."

Aside from that specific article, in the past Edmonds has acknowledged US government foreknowledge of 9/11 (down to the time, place, and method).

These are all relevant details in an expansive consideration of 9/11.


1) She helped to introduce the 9/11 families to whistleblowers with pertinent information (even though most were ignored or censored by the 9/11 Commission).

2) Her "story" involved Lt. General Mahmood Ahmed. She testified in front of the 9/11 Commission inside of a SCIF for 3 1/2 hours after the families dragged her in front of the commission because they wouldn't respond to her requests to testify. That means the 9/11 Commission was told twice about Lt. General Mahmood Ahmed (once from Sibel, and once in the form of a question from the families about the $100K wire transfer), and yet didn't find him to be a person of interest.

3) She apparently introduced Behrooz Sarshar to the families, and according to this... "He was refused twice (by the 9/11 Commission); was given interview only after the Jersey Moms intervened directly; however, his testimony was completely removed from the commission’s final report."

The information from Behrooz Sarshar is as follows:

More than four months prior to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, in April 2001, a long-term FBI informant/asset who had been providing the bureau with information since 1990, provided two FBI agents and a translator with specific information regarding a terrorist attack being planned by Osama bin Laden. This asset/informant was previously a high-level intelligence officer in Iran in charge of intelligence from Afghanistan. Through his contacts in Afghanistan, he received information that: 1) Osama bin Laden was planning a major terrorist attack in the United States targeting four or five major cities; 2) the attack was going to involve airplanes; 3) some of the individuals in charge of carrying out this attack were already in place in the United States; 4) the attack was going to be carried out soon, in a few months. The agents who received this information reported it to their superior, Special Agent in Charge of Counterterrorism Thomas Frields at the FBI Washington Field Office, by filing 302 forms, and the translator translated and documented this information. No action was taken by the special agent in charge, and after 9/11 the agents and the translators were told to "keep quiet" regarding this issue."

4) According to Sibel, Osama Bin Laden, or members of his "organization" were working for elements within the U.S. Government up until 9/11.

5) The fact that she testified before the 9/11 Commission and received a footnote in the back of the book, and the 9/11 Commissioners didn't bother to recommend to the DOJ to investigate her claims pretty much discredits the entire 9/11 Commission.

There's probably more that I'm not thinking of at the moment.

Do these people deserve to know how and why their loved ones were murdered? Do we deserve to know how and why 9/11 happened?

Good stuff

Perhaps you can post or link to a summary of this information in future posts about Edmonds.

We can then link to that in posts in blogs arount the 'Net. Good way to get the word out.

The MSM and "alternative left-right" media will never go there. They will go down the rabbits trail that leads to the war crimes in Iraq but Never to the crimes on American soil.

So its going to be up to us to point out the 911 Truth relevancy of Sibel Edmond's testimony when the MSM etc will not.

The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it

Show "Sibel Edmonds and 9/11" by rschop

I suggest...

You do as much research as possible on Sibel Edmonds, and then come talk to me about "uncorroborated."

Even this article that you are posting in says:

To those who claim that Sibel Edmonds is a fraud and that she is propagating lies for reasons of her own I would observe the following: Sibel has been interrogated by two US Senators, by the Justice Department’s Inspector General’s Office, and by suspicious fact checkers working for the television news program 60 Minutes, for the Times of London, and for Vanity Fair. She has been found to be a credible witness by everyone who has taken the time to talk to her and no one has ever been able to disprove any aspect of her story.

Then there's what Brad pointed out...

As Giraldi notes in the AmCon article, "No one has ever disproved any of Edmonds's revelations, which she says can be verified by FBI investigative files." In fact, last year, UK's Sunday Times offered some corroboration for a number of the most serious allegations in a front-page series on the case (see here, here and here), as based on material gathered from former FBI agents. "If this were written up as a novel, no one would believe it," Edmonds conceded to Giraldi in the interview.

Do these people deserve to know how and why their loved ones were murdered? Do we deserve to know how and why 9/11 happened?

She reveals that congressman

She reveals that congressman Tom Lantos was openly passing classified information on to the government of Israel and that Israel would take what it wanted and then pass the remainder on to the Turks. Sibel describes how highly sensitive information from US defense labs would be collected by foreign graduate students carefully inserted into the labs then sold to the intelligence services of countries like Pakistan that were developing their own nuclear weapons. She details how one married Democratic congresswoman who was bisexual was targeted by Turkish agents and filmed being seduced by a woman who was provided for her, possibly to enable blackmail to secure the congresswoman’s cooperation. Sibel’s tale includes descriptions of how other congressmen received bribes and illegal political contributions and were rewarded by being given well-paying jobs ever after, with several of them now working for Turkish companies or as lobbyists for Turkey. She confirms that the Bush Administration was seeking to attack Iraq long before the twin towers fell, detailing how before 9/11 several Pentagon officials discussed with the Turkish government the invasion and division of Iraq into "spheres of influence" between Washington and London. The talks broke down when Ankara decided that it wanted its own slice of the pie.

Her information links corruption and treason to high places in D.C and elsewhere.

Something we have known as status quo even before Watergate. Her Iraq information is solid enough to start serious war crimes prosecution against the former administration if a legal team strong enough to handle it can be assembled.

Critical analysis of her testimonies would DEFINITELY raise serious Doubts on the "Official Story Behind 911". SO there has always been relevance to 911 Truth. Even if it is sometimes on the periphery.

It will be great she would talk to some authoritative sources in the 911 Truth Alternative Media.

Sibel as a former intelligence officer - albeit FBI- therefore she must have some background knowledge on the history of false flags - especially with how things are done via MI6, CIA , Mossad , Saudi Intelligence etc. And of course the Turks.

There are people here who will disagree with me, but I do believe she knows a whole lot more or has access to more critical information DIRECTLY related to 911 than she is revealing at the present.

She definitely needs a channel she can Trust and Protection to get the word out or to lead 911 Investigators to the right sources.

I don't blame her for her caution on who she talks to or when.

Hopefully somebody here can arrange that. There is crucial irrefutable evidence out there.

WE have to provide solid channels and the safety for whistleblowers to speak without fear or favour. The MSM or "mainline" alternative media - for eg. (run by Justin Raimondo who is officialy hostile to 911 Truth) will only go so far. Raimondo for eg. will go far as calling Iraq a Fake War - Managed and Contrived. But he still Officially believes OBL carried out 911 ALONE. Go figure.

That's still better than nothing however if we expect serious prosecution of the real criminals, a very very big dam of silence in the intelligence community has to break.

And somebody out there who is sitting on the 911 equivalent of the Pentagon Papers should spill the beans before its too late.

It stopped the Vietnam war. It might stop the False War of Terror.

The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it

Sibel testified for 3 hours to the 9/11 commission, none of

which made it into their fairy tale report. Of course the transcripts are "highly classified state secrets" or some bullshit, but I remember reading a transcript of a radio interview in 2004-5 where she said she named names of FBI agents who went out of their way to block, squash, kill several leads and investigations of eventual "hijackers". She also provided names of some good angel agents who were willing to give corroborating testimony if they were subpoena'd. They of course were not.

As to the Giraldi interview, anything that can help get freaks like Dougie Feith, Wolfowitz, Marc Grossman etc. in a court room, under oath......then you can bet the dots that are 9/11 will start to be connected. Remember treason is a capital offense when we are "at war". Amoral punks like that will quickly roll on Cheney et al when it means keeping their reptillian necks off the guillotine.

So we need a leak.

A Deep Throat. Or Several.

"Classified Information / Testimonies" have a way of getting into the hands of Congress.

Pentagon Papers.

The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it


Do these people deserve to know how and why their loved ones were murdered? Do we deserve to know how and why 9/11 happened?

Maybe it would be a good idea... interview Sibel Edmonds specifically on the subject of media censorship - and what that media silence actually means for all Americans. If Edmonds is having such trouble getting her word out, why doesn't The 911 Truth Movement ask "Russia Today" to interview her about her story and about media censorship in the US?

Also, nuclear proliferation is a hot button given Obama's speech given to the UN yesterday. Sibel Edmonds story is all about arms and nuclear proliferation; foreknowledge of 911 fits into her story only obliquely, but anyone interested in the geopolitical motives for 911, will be interested in Edmonds testimony. No one has talked to Sibel Edmonds on film with the trenchant style of say, Errol Morris, who did "Fog Of War".

Maybe, the old venerable film making firm of Avery & Rowe would take on a project like that.

Truly disgusting... people at the top operate. Considering how quickly and efficiently everything gets smothered and covered up by other people at other agencies in the government that are not direct beneficiaries of those scams, it looks more like a modus operandi for our top officials, not isolated crimes. All of them seem to be covering each others' butts, while maintaining the illusion of transparency and accountability. While the rest of us are fed bullshit about American greatness, those rats get up there - so it seems - for the specific purpose of peddling this country left and right to the highest bidder. Even Tom Lantos - Mr. Holocaust Survivor!

Isn't it surprising also how open the top officials are to blackmail and bribery? Shouldn't there be some policies in place to prevent that? It seems as if it is so on purpose. Is that what America is supposed to be -- scam and let scam? Is that what "freedom" actually means in this country? Are those who earn their living honestly with their sweat and blood really the dummies who are unable to figure out how to scam someone?