NYCCAN Action Alert

I heard from Amy Goodman that the best way to get DemocracyNow to cover a news story is to contact them at Below is the email that I sent. Please contact them and let them know that this is something they should DEFINITELY be covering. Thank you.

To the producers of DemocracyNOW,

Currently, there is an effort underway in New York City to get a new investigation into the 9/11 attacks onto this November's ballot. Over 70,000 New Yorkers have signed the petition, and 80 9/11 Family Members have endorsed it (up from 53 three weeks ago), including the famous "Jersey Girls." Noted individuals such as 9/11 Whistleblower and Time's Person of the Year, Coleen Rowley, as well as Peace Activist Cindy Sheehan have endorsed this effort. The mainstream media has completely and totally ignored this "newsworthy" event. The reason I am writing is to ask, no beg, that you cover this extremely important story. It has been 8 years since that horrid day, and there has been no accountability, and no justice. Especially to those victims' family members that have seen the names of their loved ones used to start illegal pre-emptive wars, take away our civil liberties, bankrupt this country, and expand Executive power to the point of no accountability. Please do the right thing, and cover this extremely important story.

Sincerest Regards,

Jon Gold

Nice job, Jon

....and thanks for the email address. I'll write a request, too.


We're only talking about 70,000+ New Yorkers that have signed the petition, and 80 9/11 Family Members that have endorsed it, as well as 9/11 First Responders, and 9/11 Survivors. Isn't that "newsworthy" enough for our media? It's only the day that created the "Post-9/11 World."

Edit: Let me know if that's a dumb video, and I'll take it down.

Edit Part II: I took down the video.

Do these people deserve to know how and why their loved ones were murdered? Do we deserve to know how and why 9/11 happened?

Well said

Thank you Jon

ETA: regarding the video, just cut the end @ 55 sec, keep it serious.

I thought...

People would appreciate my "angry at the media/hulk smash" video. :( Oh well.

Do these people deserve to know how and why their loved ones were murdered? Do we deserve to know how and why 9/11 happened?



Ditto That !!

Thanks for the link Jon.

Just announced:

Just saw on Headline News the announcement of a new "9/11 Commission" featuring Thomas Keane again (it appears) that will look at how well the first 9/11 Commission has been implemented. In other words it will examine the "findings" of the Commission to determine how well their RECOMMENDATIONS have been carried out to "Protect Us." It has NOTHING to do with re-investigating the attacks...

This is clearly an attempt to trump our efforts and give the impression that 9/11 is being looked at again, when in reality it is a further attempt to cover up and conceal the truth. It's no coincidence they are playing this card now. It is their response to NYC CAN in my view. (And our virtually veto-proof number of signatures).

It ain't gonna work. Keep using Keane's own words "Set Up to Fail" against him!


Use it in good health.

Edit: Cindy Sheehan just posted this video to facebook.

Do these people deserve to know how and why their loved ones were murdered? Do we deserve to know how and why 9/11 happened?

Kean, not Keane

Fact check: It is Thomas Kean (pronounced "cane"), not Keane.
Mech Engr P.E.


Thanks John, this is a great idea - again! I sent out an email today. I'll try to stop by the Democracy Now studio on Monday to follow up with the request.



July 27, 2009

SEVENTY THOUSAND New Yorkers signed the NYC CAN petition, raising their voices in support of NYC CAN’s demand for accountability. They have chosen to place the decision to create a new 9/11 investigation – a REAL 9/11 investigation – exactly where it belongs: before the voters of New York City this November. The voices of SEVENTY THOUSAND Americans who believe in democracy and believe that government exists to serve the people – and not the other way around – have been GAGGED by ONE so-called “PUBLIC SERVANT” – The New York City Clerk – who denied the petition and the voice of the people.

Welcome to America. Democracy denied.

Did you REALLY expect those in halls of power to honor the WILL OF THE PEOPLE? Did you expect this demand for accountability to go uncontested by those who have forgotten the very meaning of the word? Perhaps this obstruction of democracy would go unchallenged in THEIR America. Not in OUR America.

9/11 family members, first responders and survivors expected nothing less than business as usual and ARE NOT HAVING IT. They are preparing to take the City of New York to court to challenge the wrongful denial of our right to decide on the creation of a new 9/11 investigation.

Friends, your determination and generosity have brought us to this crucial moment. TRUTH IS AT THE CROSSROADS, DEMOCRACY UNDER FIRE AND THE DEFINING MOMENT IN THE QUEST FOR ACCOUNTABILITY IS UPON US. This is YOUR movement and nothing may bring you closer to attaining truth than NYC CAN. Stand in the light and demand ANSWERS, not in the shadows of those who would deny you such answers.

THE BIG NEWS: the most experienced election lawyer in New York City stands ready to represent the 9/11 families, first responders and survivors in court in an HISTORIC FIGHT FOR DEMOCRACY AND TRUTH. BUT WE DESPERATELY NEED YOUR FINANCIAL SUPPORT TO MAKE IT HAPPEN. This is your chance – your ONE chance – to stand with the 9/11 families, first responders and survivors, and demand accountability. THIS IS WHAT WE HAVE WORKED FOR, AND WHAT WE CAN ACHIEVE IF WE STAND TOGETHER NOW.

Donate over $25 and we’ll mail you a free NYC CAN button. Donate over $50 and you will receive a free NYC CAN button and a well-made NYC CAN t-shirt.

ACT RIGHT NOW. Go to – – and donate whatever you can to bring the quest for answers to the biggest stage it has ever had: THE NEW YORK CITY BALLOT.

"The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.” Theodore Parker

Do these people deserve to know how and why their loved ones were murdered? Do we deserve to know how and why 9/11 happened?

I Received the Same email From Kyle Hence

"The voices of SEVENTY THOUSAND Americans who believe in democracy and believe that government exists to serve the people – and not the other way around – have been GAGGED by ONE so-called “PUBLIC SERVANT” – The New York City Clerk – who denied the petition and the voice of the people."

"THE BIG NEWS: the most experienced election lawyer in New York City stands ready to represent the 9/11 families, first responders and survivors in court in an HISTORIC FIGHT FOR DEMOCRACY AND TRUTH. BUT WE DESPERATELY NEED YOUR FINANCIAL SUPPORT TO MAKE IT HAPPEN. This is your chance – your ONE chance – to stand with the 9/11 families, first responders and survivors, and demand accountability. THIS IS WHAT WE HAVE WORKED FOR, AND WHAT WE CAN ACHIEVE IF WE STAND TOGETHER NOW."

I will give for a third time. $50...DONE

Thank you...

I just sent another $50 I can't afford...

Do these people deserve to know how and why their loved ones were murdered? Do we deserve to know how and why 9/11 happened?


Is REALLY pissing me off with her non-coverage.

Do these people deserve to know how and why their loved ones were murdered? Do we deserve to know how and why 9/11 happened?

I just heard from Ted...

And apparently we'll have something tomorrow to post.

Do these people deserve to know how and why their loved ones were murdered? Do we deserve to know how and why 9/11 happened?


9/11 Family Members, and Survivor File for Re-validation of Citizens’ Signatures with New York State Supreme Court, following rejection of NYC CAN petition by the City Clerk and Board of Elections

NYC CAN News Bulletin -- July 31, 2009 -- PLEASE FORWARD WIDELY

New York City– On Wednesday, several 9/11 victim family members and a survivor took the first step in challenging the City Clerk’s rejection of the NYC CAN petition for a new investigation in New York City. The group filed a Verified Petition/Order to Show Cause with the Supreme Court of the State of New York requesting a review of Board of Election documentation and a ‘special referee’ appointed to re-validate the over 52,000 signatures filed by NYC CAN on June 24th.

The NYC CAN petition was rejected by the City Clerk on Friday, July 24th, a week ago, certifying less than the minimum of 30,000 qualified signatures of electors. This benchmark, according to the Clerk’s office was not met. A ‘qualified elector’ is a registered New York City voter who was eligible to vote in the last election. According to the letter sent by the Clerk to the City Council, the NY Board of Elections validated 26,003 signatures and invalidated 24,664, leaving 1,333 that were not certified.

At a hearing scheduled for Monday, August 3rd, before a Supreme Court Justice, the plaintiffs, representing tens of thousands of concerned New Yorkers who support a new 9/11 investigation, will formally raise their request for an independent review of the Board of Elections findings. If granted by the presiding Justice, a re-validation of the petition signatures by an independent special referee will follow.

In addition to the requirement to reach the threshold of 30,000 qualified electors, the petition itself must comply with New York Municipal Home Rule Law and relevant Election Laws. The City Clerk maintains the Petition fell short in several areas but it should be emphasized that this is the legal opinion of the Corporation Counsel, the City of New York’s top lawyer, and will be challenged in court by lawyers for the five plaintiffs.

Legal advisers to the plaintiffs believe that the legal objections raised by the Corporation Counsel are specious and should be set aside, however considering the political implications and official opposition to the proposed Commission, obtaining approval for placing the referendum question on the ballet itself will be fraught with difficulty and challenge each step of the way.

The fact is historically in New York City ballot initiatives have not been successful. The last two were denied by the City Clerk. In both cases the petitioners filed a suit and ultimately lost and thus NYC CAN anticipated the response of the Clerk. And though the odds are stacked against us, we are committed to take the next steps available to us.

Regardless of the outcome, the court case will serve to amplify the demand for a new 9/11 investigation and with lessons learned, should serve to strengthen the ability of the people to petition their government for meaningful referendums in the future.

Please donate to support this historic court case now: Go to –

NYC CAN is non-partisan organization comprised of 9/11 Families, First Responders, Survivors and proud, concerned citizens committed to bringing about an independent, impartial investigation into the events of September 11. For more info:

Do these people deserve to know how and why their loved ones were murdered? Do we deserve to know how and why 9/11 happened?

Amy Goodman not likely to help us

I have been a huge supporter of Amy Goodman and Democracy Now! for years. I spent 21 months trying to convince our local public radio station (KCBX) to carry DN! I first met Amy during this campaign at her firehouse studio where she thanked me for my efforts. Later, after KCBX had finally added DN! to their schedule, I had the honor of introducing Amy to a standing room only audience of over 400 when she came to speak in San Luis Obispo, Ca. I got a standing ovation from the audience and an on-stage hug from Amy.

Eight months later (July, ’07) I had my first dinner with Amy. I gave her Steven Jones’ paper, “Why Indeed did the WTC Buildings Completely Collapse?” and made clear the molten steel and iron that was discovered buried deep in the rubble of all three buildings weeks after 9/11 could not possibly be explained solely as a result of normal office fires even in the presence of jet fuel.

In July 2009 I had dinner with Amy again. Joining me was Donna O’Connor, mother of a 9/11 victim and one of the principal organizers of NYC CAN. Our goals were to inform Amy about the facts that prove the official, government-approved conspiracy theory is impossible and that controlled demolition of the 3 steel WTC high rise buildings is the only plausible explanation for those facts. We also hoped she would agree to cover the NYC CAN effort.

I began by noting that the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) was forced to acknowledge that WTC 7 descended at free-fall for over 2 seconds. I explained that this 100 foot descent violated Newton’s’ Laws of Motion if one assumes a fire induced collapse. She was utterly unimpressed and asked no questions. When I asked why she did not see fit to interview Steven Jones, given the paper I gave her last time, there was a long pause, followed by, “…there is a team of people who make these decisions” and nothing else. I asked her if she was familiar with the peer reviewed paper written by a team of scientists that found unignited nanothermite in 4 independent samples of WTC dust and she said she was not. Nonetheless, she maintained that she was doing a good job of presenting 9/11 truth arguments.

By this time I was pretty discouraged so Donna tried to get Amy to commit to covering the NYC CAN effort. While she did ask a few procedural questions, she offered no commitment that she would cover the story with any more gusto than she has 9/11 Truth.

I left the thermite paper with her, asking her to interview one of the principals, as Donna and I left, both deeply disappointed.

So the next time you run into Amy, ask her why she has decided against interviewing any of the authors of the thermite paper since it clearly shows that the 3 WTC buildings were destroyed by controlled demolition. And ask her why we should trust her in the absence of such an interview.

It seems that Democracy Now! is just another form of propaganda, appearing to be a radical teller of the truth but in fact offering aid and comfort to those responsible for the deaths of 1 million (and counting), the implementation of endless warfare, and the violation of our constitution. The degree of cover provided to them by the entire spectrum of our media is breathtaking.

mark phillips, pe

Hi Mark.

I recently sent this...

Dear Amy,

According to the "About Us" page on, you attempt to provide your audience with "access to people and perspectives rarely heard in the U.S. corporate-sponsored media, including independent and international journalists, ordinary people from around the world who are directly affected by U.S. foreign policy, grassroots leaders and peace activists, artists, academics and independent analysts."

I can guarantee you that the 9/11 Truth Movement, the 9/11 Families seeking a new investigation, the 9/11 First Responders, and Survivors that endorse these efforts have "RARELY" been heard. Except by the majority of the "corporate-sponsored media" who like to say that Holocaust Denying murderers are our heroes, and that we are nothing but "conspiracy theorists."

You go on to say that, "for true democracy to work, people need easy access to independent, diverse sources of news and information."

I agree. We are democratically trying to get a new investigation into the 9/11 attacks. I couldn't think of anything more appropriate for DEMOCRACYnow to cover.

I know you have received a large amount of emails asking/begging for you to cover this. Please do what you know to be the right thing.

Thank you for your time.

Jon Gold

Barrie Zwicker once accused her of being CIA. I didn't agree because in the past, she has covered certain 9/11 related issues. Sibel Edmonds, Philip Zelikow, David Griffin, Loose Change, etc... However, now that I've spent some time trying to get her to cover something, it's apparent to me that she certainly isn't concerned about the truth. Is she CIA? I have no proof of that. Would it surprise me? Nope.

Do these people deserve to know how and why their loved ones were murdered? Do we deserve to know how and why 9/11 happened?

is amy cia?

towards the end of the dinner i mentioned the quote by william casey that the cia, "...own[s] everyone of any consequence in the media" and asked her if she worked for the cia.

she laughed off the question, of course.

but if she is doing their bidding, does it really matter if she is getting paid to do so or not? whether they give her orders, or if she just "knows" what her job is without being told?

i also reminded her that daniel ellsberg has asked people with pertinent information to come forward (and not wait as long as he did). then i asked her, "if there were a 9/11 whistleblower, where would they go?"

and then, rhetorically, "to you?"