Say A Word For Mark Peters...

Mark is hospitalized with a serious condition in Philly, and could use your thoughts and prayers.


You have a lot of people who respect you enormously, Mark. Get well soon!

Mark, we NEED you strong and healthy in this battle for TRUTH

I'm sending some love your way.


He's done other things, but I remember when he was nice enough to film Betsy's event on 1/28/2008 for me.


I just spoke to his mom, and he seems to be doing well.


I just spoke to him (Saturday night) and he's home and recuperating.

Do these people deserve to know how and why their loved ones were murdered? Do we deserve to know how and why 9/11 happened?

Hey Mark

Get well soon, man. The movement needs you!


Stay Strong bro. We need to lift those banners again soon!!! Peace.

Hey we're with you brother!

Get well soon mate your well needed in this world....

Best John

9/11 24/7 UNTIL JUSTICE!!

Hey Mark

...I'm sending prayers your way from Calif..

Come out swingin', dude.

Take care of yourself, and come back when you are ready.

Wishing you a speedy recovery!


I do hope you get well soon! Last night at our Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance meeting, I went, even though I was sick (but I asked a friend to drive because I wasn't strong enough). Another person at the meeting was ardent about challenging Guiliani on a scheduled visit to the Bay Area, especially for Guiliani's role in 9/11, he mentioned that his girlfriend was on life support in the hospital. It is hard to balance our own health needs and the needs of the people we love with the needs of a movement with as much power and hope as the Truth Movement holds - sometimes it does feel like the Fate of the world rests on our shoulders. Remember though, that you need to be alive and well before you can really help, again. So I send much love and prayers your way.

In solidarity,

Carol Brouillet

Know you are in our thoughts....

And prayers here in Iowa.

Get well, Mark!

What happened to him?

Boris Epstein


Thank you, Jon. Thank you everyone else for your kind words.

I suffered a sudden cardiac arrest (yes, at the age of 23) while training one of my clients at the gym last Wednesday night...
I had surgery and was in the hospital for a week and had a defibrillator put in to prevent anything from happening again...

The cause, still, is unknown. They believe it is a genetic thing, as all of my tests showed I had a very healthy heart.
I cannot thank the best wishes and kind words of everyone on here enough.

I will be continuing in the pursuit of accountability and justice in ALL subject areas as we begin to launch and get underway.

Thank you, again, everyone. And, thank you Jon Gold. You don't get enough credit for being not just an amazing activist, but a great person overall.

Mark in Philly

Thanks for letting us know.

North Texans for 911 Truth
North Texans for 911 Truth Meetup Site