Naomi Wolf delivers a message for the Truth and Accountability Movement to WeAreChangeLA

On October 7, 2008, Naomi Wolf was at Vroman's bookstore in Pasadena, California to give a talk and sign her new book "Give Me Liberty." Stewart Howe, of WeAreChangeLA, was on hand and asked Ms. Wolf to give a message to the truth and accountability movement.

After admitting that she had no theory about what actually happened on 9/11, Ms. Wolf stated that no question should be off the table in a free society and saluted the movement's desire to seek truth and accountability.

She said that, being that the 9/11 Commissioners had disavowed some of their findings because much was based on information gained from torture, there should be a new investigation. Her experience as a resident of Lower Manhattan with the EPA's lies about the toxic environment after 9/11 showed her that this administration is capable of hurting American citizens.

She finished by stating that, while in Seattle, she had met a firefighter who started and that the existence of firefighters questioning 9/11 gave great credibility to these questions.
video: Stewart Howe
edit: Jeremy Rothe-Kushel
music: Sh.u.u.m.m.o.n.ik

Notice how she starts out by stressing that she has no theory...

Because of course to have a theory makes one a "conspiracy theorist," whom we all know, thanks to our MSM, is one step up the food chain from a slug.

So well meaning people such as Ms. Wolf must limit themselves to saying only that there are unanswered questions and we need a new investigation, when in fact anyone who has researched this knows a whole lot more, sees a pattern and can connect the dots.

But due to the overwhelming success in creating a connotation for conspiracy theorist as a wacko looney-tunes moonbat, we all have to now pretend we have no theories. Let's not let them muzzle us like that!

Look at the definition for theory. It doesn't mean fantasy or fairy tale.

theory |ˈθēərē; ˈθi(ə)rē|
noun ( pl. -ries)
a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, esp. one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained : Darwin's theory of evolution.
• a set of principles on which the practice of an activity is based : a theory of education | music theory.
• an idea used to account for a situation or justify a course of action : my theory would be that the place has been seriously mismanaged.
• Mathematics a collection of propositions to illustrate the principles of a subject., also published last Friday in Dissident Voice.

Her entire demeanor and body language is so measured and careful, it's as if it's scripted. Absolutely no passion, only being careful not to be caught saying something that will earn her that dreaded label.

Doesn't this issue deserve passion???? It's no side issue, it's the ENTIRE JUSTIFICATION for our illegal wars and the creation of a fascist police state. It's the primary domino.

Wolf says about as much as a politician.

North Texans for 911 Truth
North Texans for 911 Truth Meetup Site

Sheila, did you see this?

I had not seen that Joe

Thanks, will read right away.

You have a point

but I think she is leaning towards our side.

There's a good chance she will make a leap towards the truth movement. just can't be ignored. 521 architectural and engineering professionals now and growing.....
The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it

What's wrong with having no theory?

Mindy Klienberg has no theory and I don't see you criticizing her. All the Jersey Girls do is ask questions, promoting no theories. Ray McGovern has no theories about what happened on 9/11. Is he guilty by the same measure? Willie Nelson has no theories and you plastered the front page of RCFP with his picture.

Let's keep the playing field level when analyzing people's comments.

Mindy and Willie are not "public intellectuals"

I expect more from someone known as one of the pre-eminent intellectuals and political writers of today. More obviously, Mindy and Willie are not featured in this video.

I think we've been painted into a corner on the topic of theories and we're losing. I'm not one of those simply "demanding a new investigation," which is the wimp's way of saying you have questions but are not putting forth a single thought, idea or conclusion about what actually happened. Any new investigation will just be a replay of the Warren Commission and the first 9/11 Commission unless directed from overseas.

Besides, there's enough evidence right now to put people behind bars. I'd like us all to shake off the reluctance about putting forward theories and start stating what we know. Even the WAC guy in this video seems to think that having a theory is akin to having cooties, as he asks her what she thinks about what happened "without putting forth a theory."

Why shouldn't we expect a public intellectual to have a theory about the most significant political event of our lifetimes?

When talking with friends I like to make it clear what I know to be true for a fact and and what is speculation. I know for sure that there were war games on 9/11. I know for sure what Norman Mineta said about Cheney. But if I'm asked why building 7 didn't come down until 5:20, I can only speculate, and I say as much.

As it is now, with this dread fear of being "conspiracy theorists," we've got everybody clamming up and pretending to have nothing but questions. It's a coward's way out, and it isn't helping us.

On the contrary

"I think we've been painted into a corner on the topic of theories and we're losing. I'm not one of those simply "demanding a new investigation," which is the wimp's way of saying you have questions but are not putting forth a single thought, idea or conclusion about what actually happened."

I wholeheartedly disagree. We are not losing. Every day we are witnessing cracks in the wall, precisely because the majority of truthers exhibit intellectual discipline and don't make wild claims and speculate on their opinions and interpretations. We've spent the last few years trying to wake Americans up to revisit 9/11 and ask questions. We print and distribute millions of stickers saying, "ASK QUESTIONS--DEMAND ANSWERS." One of our most popular and credible websites is This whole movement has been about getting people to ask questions. And now that's not good enough?

Personally, the more I learn about 9/11, the more questions I have. Naomi has written two books about fascism in America and the Police State (one of your favorite topics) while raising a couple of kids as a single mother. That's a huge contribution. If you're so sure about your theories, where's your book? Who's really "wimping out?"

I agree with you, Sheila.

> Her entire demeanor and body language is so measured and careful, it's as if it's scripted.

I agree with you Sheila.
She is a Rhodes Scholar.

9/11 Truth Australia

Passed 7,000 mark!
September 11th was an Inside Job!

Working along with John Bursill's TruthAction


Naomi Wolf's message to the Truth and Accountability Movement:
you're on your own.

It sounds like...

She "supports" our cause just to be "nice," but doesn't understand the importance of this cause.

Almost like saying, "you have fun with that thing it is that you do, and I'll support you, but from a distance."

Do these people deserve to know how and why their loved ones were murdered? Do we deserve to know how and why 9/11 happened?

Public Intellectual

The unwillingness of this "intellectual" to admit what she obviously knows represents everything that's wrong with this country wrapped into one.


WHY is Naomi Wolf sitting on the fence?

Naomi Wolf wrote a very

Naomi Wolf wrote a very important book called "The beauty myth". I'm a man, btw... the name pachamama means Mother Earth...

I agree that sometimes she seems as scripted as a politician, but it's her right to choose how she wants to portray herself...

I think that she's doing important work.

And that is same with

Noam Chomsky, parchamama.

Plants cannot do their job unless they gain our trust.
Don't you remember that "WHO CARES!"?

9/11 Truth is a wonderful "litmas test."

9/11 Truth Australia

Passed 7,000 Views!
September 11th was an Inside Job!

Working along with John Bursill's TruthAction

i've seen this a few times

i've seen this a few times before and it never fails to to elicit a response... particularly his comments about jfk... i mean... wow. i could write pages on that statement alone. but i don't think you can really compare the two. not in the least.

"Politics is the art of the possible"

Please watch the HBO John Adams series, to see Ben Franklin uttering this quote (well, actually it originated with Von Bismarck, who came along long after Franklin...). It just doesn't always pay to be forthright with one's beliefs. Even if Naomi Wolf is a "public intellectual", she is also an activist, and realizes that she needs to influence politicians on the one hand, and a heterogeneous population on the other, some of whom will react emotionally and negatively if she "just comes out with it".

Frankly, if 911 Truthers had more political brains, they would run for office in Congress, and keep their mouths shut about their 911 convictions until after they were elected.

Ironically, I have my difference with some fellow members of Scholars for 911 Truth and Justice, who IMO are sacrificing scientific integrity and/or fairness for the sake of politics. I guess you could say that I think of scholars the same way that you think of "public intellectuals".

Naomi associated herself with

Firefighters for 9/11 Truth. So what if she doesn't have a theory, she just made clear she is with us! As for the derogatory term conspiracy theory, I have started telling people I'm into conspiracy facts when I'm told I'm a conspiracy theorist. Picked up that gem from Senator Karen Johnson.


Naomi Wolf was competent, cautious, and on the right side.

What more do you people want?

"So well meaning people such as Ms. Wolf must limit themselves to saying only that there are unanswered questions and we need a new investigation, when in fact anyone who has researched this knows a whole lot more, sees a pattern and can connect the dots."

Okay, but a whole lot of dots have been misconnected because we are not privy to classified intelligence.

It would be far better to just state the incriminating facts, and let the reader infer the connections.

Any theory can be disproven. That is why it should be avoided. It is a weaker approach than documenting hard facts, hard evidence.

"But due to the overwhelming success in creating a connotation for conspiracy theorist as a wacko looney-tunes moonbat, we all have to now pretend we have no theories. Let's not let them muzzle us like that!

If only the loonies could be muzzled. This is a huge area of controversy, of deliberate disinformation, of retarded reasoning which has been effectively used against us in the corporate media.

Every time you posit a theory you step out on a limb. That limb can be cut out from under you, and US. You take a huge responsibility to the movement as a whole NOT to say something stupid. We have been attacked so effectively because there are no shortage of half-cocked "theories" out there and the people more than willing to stake our reputation on their limited understanding and reasoning.

"Look at the definition for theory. It doesn't mean fantasy or fairy tale."

But it certainly can include falsehoods.

Look up credibility. The entire movement has lacked it for 7 years. We have struggled hard to claw our way to some proximity of respectability -- undermined at nearly every turn by deliberate disinformation efforts.

We have had to fend off: Pods, mini nukes, space beams, the holocaust, tv fakery, no planes, phantom planes, skydiving hijackers, etc.

These are all "theories", but they can't all be true, now can they?

Study facts, facts backed up by some evidence that can't be explained away with multiple innocuous explanations. Then you may be onto something.

70 Disturbing Facts About 9/11

John Doraemi publishes Crimes of the State Blog

johndoraemi --at--

Well put. Naomi's 2007

Well put.

Naomi's 2007 statements are extremely powerful --

"These guys are capable of anything"

That is very real and true and gets to the core of what people needed to hear to understand not just 9/11, but the bailout and everything else.

Well done! Sorry but the mass media are not doing their job !

Herblay FRANCE

bonsoir ,

thank you for this. It is an exemple we can take for interviewing the public. It is clean and respectfull. We the citizens in the world we are not professional journalist but we are willing to learn to do better. Howerver this is good ! We are doing our best to bring out the truth.

Sorry for the mass media but they are not doing their job and we will have to do it for them.



Naomi Wolf is a great patriot

The end of america talk is one of the best I've seen and could only be given by a great patriot of this country and the constitution. Her activist's efforts and talks speak for themselves. As someone who is in a somewhat delicate position it's important not to " have a public theory" . Is it fair to ask if she believes the official theory, or if she has questions, or supports a new investigation, sure it is. But to paint her into a corner with this kind of rhetoric is unfair and undeserving. The best thing she can do is to keep on keeping on, her talks and books are important and she is reaching a great many people. It' s not like Chomsky or Goodman who have public forums and reputations and either refuse or limit or deny truths of 911. I think the "I have no theory" angle is smart and on target. With all due respect to the many great patriots out there and on this blog who disagree with me, that's what I think.