9/11 Truth Under Siege - Disinformation and Disruption on the 7th Anniversary of 9/11

9/11 Truth Under Siege - Disinformation and Disruption on the 7th Anniversary of 9/11

For many years this problem has torn us apart from the inside. Even those of us who have our hearts in the right place – and integrity on our side – have been divided over the issue of disinformation for 7 long years.

- 911Blogger itself inadvertently promoted the work of such known disruptors for years, who now actively promote hoax theories and slander against 911Blogger, after years of internal strife and division here over the issue of whether they should be allowed to participate – or censored.
- Even a 9/11 stalwart such as Jon Gold has found himself at odds with other sincere activists who openly opposed his support of the NYC Ballot Initiative, as it was conceived, controlled and managed by a well known NYC activist who has organized 9/11 anniversary events which publicly branded other 9/11 activists as government agents and terrorists.
- 911Truth.org has remained unwilling or unable to take on the very hard issue of whether or not to ‘take sides’ in such obvious organized disruption campaigns as the WQ2RX / no-planes / Webster Tarpley attacks, as well as the vicious slander campaigns against Dr. Steven Jones and many many others, while struggling internally with whether to continue listing grassroots organizers on their website with direct complicity in promoting those attacks – and those responsible.
- Individual activists like Mike Woolsey and Arabesque and Jenny Sparks and many many others have meticulously documented the work of these disruptors on their own personal blogs, but have unfortunately been unable to reach a wide enough audience to create a widespread consensus in the movement. Preaching to a limited choir, these blogs are invaluable tools for educating the public, but have unfortunately failed to reach the isolated street activists who desperately need guidance and education on who and what to trust and promote.
- Individual message boards like TruthAction and TruthMove and 911Blogger have very limited impact as well, catering mostly to a handful of ‘regulars’ who post there, while continuing to be peppered with disinformation from unknown sources that continue to seek to confuse the issues and obscure the problem. Once again, the wider audience of potentially millions of 9/11 Truth activists are unaware that this internal dialogue is taking place, instead placing their trust in local organizers that, in many cases, seek to promote the very same people who attack us here.
- Individual groups like WeAreChange essentially agree that disinformation and disruption remain very serious problems in the movement, having been targeted themselves by disruptors, yet remain entrenched in an ‘us only’ philosophy that makes them unwilling to acknowledge the hard work and activism of SINCERE activists and actions (such as the 11th of every month campaign), as they view these activists as disloyal to Alex Jones - or offering competitive theories and philosophies as those offered by the WeAreChange & Prison Planet on a host of non-9/11 related political and environmental issues.
- And lastly, and most tragically, we are clearly seeing the consolidation of power and leadership in the 9/11 Truth movement of a handful of individuals that we do neither endorse nor trust.

This has been a problem that has been put on the back burner for long enough. In many respects it has torn us apart from the inside. It has personally ended my relationship with many activists, such as Jon Gold and Janice Matthews of 911Truth.org, who I believe are sincere and honest advocates of Truth, simply because the divisions these disruptors have created run so deep that very few of us have not been cut in some deeply personal and emotional way. Thus is the nature disruption. Divide and conquer. Poison the well. Create paranoia. Create anger. Bruise egos. Create divisions. Disenfranchisement. Cross-accusations. False alliances and very real divisions.

Do any of us remember the fundamental reasons a movement like 9/11 Truth must exist?

9/11 Truth is an issue that transcends the tragic events of that day. 9/11 Truth has always been based, on its most fundamental level, on the assertion that citizens retain the right to question and petition their governments for answers. 9/11 Truth has always been, on its most fundamental level, a Constitutional issue of freedom of speech and representative government, in which the people retain the ultimate right to hold their leaders accountable for their mistakes or crimes.

9/11 Truth has NEVER been about conspiracy theories. 9/11 Truth is about getting clear answers to fundamental questions that are not cloaked in secrecy and demonstrable lies. 9/11 Truth is about demanding justice for our fallen brethren. 9/11 Truth is about our right as members of a pluralistic society in determining whether negligence or treason or stupidity or some combination thereof was at play on the faithful day, and led to deaths of thousands of people, in the attacks themselves, and in the years that followed. 9/11 Truth is about questioning why such extraordinary measures are being employed in covering up and disrupting the questions themselves.

Disinformation is yet one more reason to question who and why SEEKING THE TRUTH has been nearly criminalized on the issue of 9/11 in America. Disinformation forces us to question the motives of those who would seek to defame us – just as surely as we must question why antiwar activists and environmental truth activists are labeled is “terrorists” in national security databases. Disinformation, and those who intentionally promulgate it, is yet one more piece of evidence of a cover-up that can no more be ignored by Dr David Ray Griffin than the smoldering remains of destroyed buildings at ground zero - or the omissions and distortions in the 9/11 Commission Report - that he has so astutely documented in his work. Disinformation is yet one more smoking gun of obstruction that 911Truth.org most take ownership of – and publicly identify and renounce. Disinformation is clearly the white elephant in the room that now, on the 7th anniversary of 9/11, is both our collective shame as a movement – and our single most significant obstruction on our path towards the truth; for if we do not now, once and for all, unify and put an end to these lies – and the lying liars who tell them - they may forever become institutionalized in our history – defining 9/11 Truth as a misguided movement forever compromised in the public’s eye, and relegated to the scrabble heap of puzzles and mysteries that is our national history.

We cannot find the truth without identifying and denouncing the lies – not just of the government – but in our own ranks as well. It is our responsibility. It is our obligation. We started this – and now we must shepherd this movement to a safe place through responsible stewardship.

There comes a point where silence become betrayal.

The time is now to take on the burden of this task. It can no longer be forestalled or ignored. On this, the upcoming 7th anniversary of 9/11, we must honor our fallen heroes by protecting them against the shameless opportunists and liars who have laid siege to their memories.

Could you elaborate on this?

"we are clearly seeing the consolidation of power and leadership in the 9/11 Truth movement of a handful of individuals that we do neither endorse nor trust."


>>Do any of us remember the fundamental reasons a movement like 9/11 Truth must exist?

Excellent and courageous summary John. It's important to step back every now and then and take a survey of the situation to keep perspective and even for some to see they are not alone in their frustrations.

To add a positive note here, we have 1 week until the deadline for the responses to the NIST Building 7 report, and these will add to the permanent public record exposing that cover-up.

When I first started in this work, we had no architects or engineers, we had no 9/11 candidate running for president of the US, we had none of the numbers of European groups we now do -- making films and doing marches -- we had no physics professors, and we had no scientific papers finding their way into mainstream journals.

Today, a NIST Report must be presented by manning the guns -- "There were no explosives!" -- instead of simply presenting the case. They are flooded with inquiries, requests for debate, critique . . . they literally cannot ignore it. The very fact that they are making these vocal defenses is an example of how things have changed over the time I've been doing this.

But also, since I've been doing this, we have had disinfo/misinfo, and we continue to, but we didn't have a lot of people willing to talk about it. Today, we do.

That's as important as anything else. The most powerful tool that defenders of the official story have against us is their ability to turn the public away from the evidence before they've even looked at it. Turning the public away from us is done in many ways, subtle and overt, and just as important as any other work we do, digesting, analyzing and moving past disinformation and misinformation will keep us one step ahead all the time.

Truthmove took a step forward for everyone when they created their 2008 Declaration -- Standards and Strategies for 9/11 Truth.

"1. Critique destructive behavior that can harm the movement (i.e. speculative theories without evidence, prominent activists who engage in disruptive behavior, divisive incidents, etc). Challenge leaders who unreasonably continue to support and tolerate damaging behavior."

Recommended reading.

Every person who speaks out makes a difference.

"We cannot find the truth without identifying and denouncing the lies – not just of the government – but in our own ranks as well. It is our responsibility. It is our obligation. We started this – and now we must shepherd this movement to a safe place through responsible stewardship.

There comes a point where silence become betrayal.

The time is now to take on the burden of this task. It can no longer be forestalled or ignored. On this, the upcoming 7th anniversary of 9/11, we must honor our fallen heroes by protecting them against the shameless opportunists and liars who have laid siege to their memories."

I recommend: Start your own blog. The more people who do this and report 9/11 information will expose any attempts at disinformation as well as exposing the 9/11 cover-up. Every person who speaks out makes a difference.
A 9/11/2008 Resolution: Start Your Own 9/11 Blog

My only real problem with you...

Aside from the fact that I've never met you, aside from the fact that you never answered your phone, and aside from the fact that you sent out a few nastygrams over the years (as have all of us), we never hear from you. You were one of the most talented 9/11 Truthers out there, and we never hear from you. People need to hear from those of us that have been doing this for a long time. We RARELY hear from the old-timers anymore. They've all stepped away from what they consider "the circus" (the movement). Where is Bryan Sacks, Nicholas Levis, Kyle Hence, John Judge, Paul Thompson, Nafeez Ahmed, John Albanese, etc... etc...? I mean, I know where they are... but no one here does, and that's a shame.

Do these people deserve to know how and why their loved ones were murdered? Do we deserve to know how and why 9/11 happened?