Educators and 9/11: Learning to teach the unthinkable

A symposium is being held in Jersey City July 1 on how to teach 9/11; while i pity the teachers that will attempt to teach the OCT to a generation avidly embracing the internet and wise to reality, critical thinking and the corporate govt/media conflicts and agenda, it is disturbing seeing well-funded attempts like this to indoctrinate the younger generations, the future of our nation, our posterity with evil lies. Similar to ABC's Path to 9/11 attempting to team up with Scholastic- they failed on the joint venture, i think- due to public outcry. Submit your comments if you have children and you care about the quality of their education, or if you don't have kids and just care about the health of society and the future of humanity.

Educators and 9/11: Learning to teach the unthinkable
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Star-Ledger Staff

It's right there, tucked away in the pages of newer American history textbooks, along with the American Revolution, slavery and the Civil War, two world wars, the Great Depression, the civil rights movement and Vietnam.

The terrorist attack on America on Sept. 11, 2001, saw the destruction of the World Trade Center and the loss of 2,974 lives in New York, suburban Washington and Pennsylvania.

But somehow this history topic is different. More up close and personal.

Those other events in the text of the history book? They happened to someone else.

Not this one.

Nearly seven years after 9/11, American history teachers are still grappling with how to sum up a horrific event that students did not have to hear about from their parents.

On Tuesday, more than 100 educators and leaders in fields such as trauma, Holocaust studies and childhood learning are set to gather at the Liberty Science Center in Jersey City for a daylong symposium on how best to teach the lessons of 9/11 and terrorism.

"What can we do to take a horrible occurrence and turn it into something positive?" Jeffrey Osowski, the science center's vice president of learning and teaching, said in describing the intent of the conference.

He said the symposium, which is by invitation and not open to the public, marks the jumping-off point for a yearlong effort by participants to develop a curriculum along with teacher training tools and methods for teaching the history of 9/11.

"This is the start of an initiative, as opposed to just simply a conference," Osowski said. "We're going to empower the teachers, and the teachers are going to empower the students."

He said that while some teachers struggle with how to teach 9/11, others may be avoiding the subject altogether.

"We're trying to say this shouldn't be avoided," he said. "There are lessons to be learned and we can draw positives from this."

One of the symposium presenters, Donna Gaffney of the International Trauma Studies Program launched at New York University, said it is especially hard for teachers to ignore 9/11 because its anniversary comes soon after the start of the new school year.

"9/11 is going to be forever linked to schools because when we come back to school, there it is, whether we want to talk about it or not," Gaffney said.

That is especially true in the metropolitan area, where disaster was in plain sight.

"It does certainly affect all of us who live in the tristate area more than someone who lives in Minnesota," Gaffney said. She likened it to the differing reactions to the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995.

"We couldn't imagine what they experienced because we didn't live there and we didn't see it," she said.


As difficult as teaching 9/11 might be for a typical history teacher, it is particularly challenging for those whose students were personally affected by that day's loss.
"It certainly was difficult for the teachers to present the information with my children in their class," said Mary Ellen Salamone of North Caldwell, a mother of three, whose husband, 37-year-old John Patrick Salamone, was killed at the World Trade Center.

"Teachers who have a student who was affected by 9/11 are definitely at a loss," said Salamone, who will make a conference presentation on behalf of the support group Families of September 11.

Two of the Liberty Science Center exhibits that opened in the aftermath of 9/11 will be featured at the conference -- "Skyscrapers!," a study of tall buildings, and the traveling exhibit "Goosebumps, the Science of Fear."

"The iconic image of 9/11 is the World Trade Center collapsing," Osowski said in underscoring how relevant the "Skyscrapers!" exhibit is to the symposium. "We sort of have here the science of the iconic image of tall buildings. We want to use science as a platform for broader education. It was a natural for us."

The symposium is a collaborative effort of the science center, the Families of September 11 and the New Jersey Commission on Holocaust Education.

Paul Winkler, the commission's executive director, said there are parallels between the Holocaust and 9/11 in the exploration of man's inhumanity to man.

"It's the underlying causes that allow situations like 9/11 to occur or other atrocities and genocide," he said.

"The conference for us is a beginning point to gather information," he said. "It will set the tone. It will get people involved. That's why we're excited about the July 1 conference."

Rudy Larini may be reached at or at (973) 392-4253.

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Ministry of Propaganda:

That's what it sounds like to me. There are positives which can be learned from this? Your government can lie to you? Your teacher can lie to you? How about providing free copies of Loose Change final cut to teachers and school districts. Now that would be positive! I'll contribute.

I hope Willie Rodriguez

contacts the Liberty Center & gives his piece of history.

Is this Zionist Revisionism?

First, this is a perfect opportunity for some respectful CI...Civil Informationing. It would be nice to have two or three Truthers with modest signs, [ I suggest to commingle PEACE ], some DVDs and some flyers leading to more websites, films and on-line movies to set up on the closest public access property...aka...a sidewalk or something, so that the attendees have an opportunity to get some truth about 9/11. I further suggest that the CI-ers should be there in the morning and at the end of the day. I do NOT suggest that the event should be "penetrated and disrupted" by the usual...Tarpley 9/11 Goon Squaders, the too typical WAC bullhorners, or the Alex Jones "in yo face" types. Not needed.

Actually, I can easily see, or predict, that there may be such a set-up coming which will then be blamed on the "crazy, nutcase, tin-foil-hat" 9/11 Truthers. Its the Bill Maher in studio set-up style. This event is a perfect place for some cointelpro actions to be performed, therefore, it best NOT to get inside and disrupt, but to remain outside and perform some CI. This creates observable distance from any crazyness should it occur inside.

Clearly this event will have consequences down the road for sure and we should be on the record regarding providing the BEST information available about the Truth behind the 9/11 Attacks WITHOUT creating an opportuinity to be discredited.

Second, I publically re-state that its my opinion that the single greatest force against 9/11 Truth Movement is Zionism and its influences within the borders of the good ole USofA. This is because if Israel is shown to be tied into the 9/11 Attacks, the relationship between the USofA and Israel will radically change forever.

I also re-report that I never go by one week performing CI out in public without a citizen making the point that we are fighting Israel's war, or, that Israel, AIPAC, or the Mossad are deeply involved in both the 9/11 Attacks and the wars. So, whether this information is either right or wrong, to Israeli-Americans this element of 9/11 Truth seeking is HUGE and has MAJOR ramifications for their future.

As we criticize the BBC for producing self-serving docus and reports to protect their Empire, it seems to me that we must not put down the efforts for similar analysis of this "educational symposium", or any other initiative that comes forward as we continue to "peel the 9/11 Onion". I do think that it is worthwhile to consider what the symposium may be attempting to Israel's, Israeli-American's and Mossad's roles in the 9/11 Attacks, OR, any other type of "sanitizing" that is somewhat normal when text books about the history of the good ole USofA are written.

My very first question is why someone is automatically attempting to tie-in the Jewish Holocaust to the 9/11 Attacks? Does this not have the feel for "bracketting" of the discussion [Such bracketting is made famous by the Chomsky-Derschowitz FAUX "opponents battles" contained along Mass. Ave in Cambridge, MA as they are each paid handsomely for this "match" by huge corporations and the US Military...but several steps laundered...]. Or, is this action perhaps at least "flavoring" the discussion/presentation with certain biases that are put into place by people who have deep interest in NOT exposing any of the roles that Israel and its thousands of agents/citizens working in thousands of ways, in thousands of locations and organizations all across the country have played and are still playing?

So gang, lets just keep doing what we do best...ask questions, seek the truth, expose liars, present evidence and facts, tell the truthful story, and try more CI...Civil Informationing.

Now, in closing, since I find it interesting that there IS a word "anti-semite" well ensconced in our world language yet there is NOT a word along the lines of "pro-semite" at the same time, I have decided to add the following to our languge. I am a "non-pro-semite". Actually, I'm a "non-pro-any religion" or
any "narrowed group of humans". I am an agnostic, or whatever?, as this definition seems to identify and serve me the best.

So, lets just keep to Truth seeking.

If its true that Zionists are taking such bold steps to influence the "educating" of the 9/11 Attacks to future students, and they are rolling out the "Jewish Holocaust reference" at the first glance as noted in this symposium, maybe we are seeing that Zionists are simply running out of fingers with which they are attempting to plug holes in the "dike of 9/11 Truth" that is springing leaks all along its pourous walls. Maybe not?

Truth is on the way, and there will be many, many deep exposures about who was behind the 9/11 Attacks so, if Israel is shown to be involved, surely they will not be standing alone in such exposures. The "ruling class" is small, but still full of a wide range of people, corporations, financial institutions, governmental representatives and agencies, most courts of law...and these folks are from all over the world.

Viva "The 98% Solution"...and of course...

We Know!

Love, Peace and Progress with:


...just for starters...

Robin Hordon

i would hope at least a few can attend as witnesses

and hopefully get it on video

agree with you disruptors may be planted, and the in your face accusations are not helpful- simple questions that put them on the spot or even trap them are better

9/11 Family Steering Committee Review of the 9/11 Commission Report:

Complete 9/11 Timeline