Senator Orrin Hatch Has "Truthers" On The Brain!

182 comments so far at ThinkProgress(sic)

Hatch compares FISA critics to those ‘who wear tin foil hats and think 9/11 was an inside job.’»
Speaking today on the Senate floor in favor of the Foreign Service Intelligence Act legislation, Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) compared critics of the bill — which include Sens. Harry Reid (D-NV), Chris Dodd (D-CT), and Barbara Boxer (D-CA), among others — to deluded conspiracy theorists. Hatch mocked the what he called “onerous oversight provisions” included in the bill, and said those who raise the specter of unchecked executive wiretapping power “feed the delusions of those who wear tin foil hats around their house and think that 9/11 was an inside job.” Watch it:

Those “onerous” oversight provisions Hatch maligns? A ban on “reverse targeting” of Americans and a new requirement of probable cause for surveillance of Americans abroad.

UPDATELate this afternoon, the Senate voted 80-15 to invoke cloture on the FISA bill. Ian Welsh at FDL writes that this "was the real vote" and applauds the 15 senators who "voted for the Bill of Rights."

We'll take earned media from Hatch

Fewer people respect Hatch than know about 9/11. Let him shoot his mouth off to the benefit of 911 Truth


Check out all the great comments

One disappointment was Ben Burch of the "White Rose Society" saying he'd looked at all the evidence
for "inside job" and could not believe it.

A comment to Ben Burch ( The Faux White Rose Society):

"Ben Burch,

As I said, I’m extremely disappointed to find you, of all people, joined at the hip with the JREF organization. They are non-ethical in the sense of being contrary to conscience, social and professional behavior.

You, of all people :(

You run a website named for White Rose – a group of people who were dedicated to disseminating the truth while living underneath an oppressive society ruled by Goebbels’ Ministry of Propaganda.

Yet you, Ben Burch, are using the term “Truther” in a derogatory way – as a smear.

You, Ben Burch, delight in calling those of us who are seeking the TRUTH “Moonbats who poison the well.”

Moonbats – please. That’s straight out of Freeperville. You have joined forces with the Dark Side. You are truly a Left Gatekeeper as you proudly proclaim at JREF.

This is so anti-productive to any discovery of TRUTH. It is wrong to inhibit questioning on any subject that might come up – even ideas that may seem crazy to you. There’s a lot of CRAZY to explore in the DOD and elsewhere.

I will wear the badge of “Truther” with honor — even though I do not belong to any organization.

If you think “Truther” is something derogatory, what badge do you wear? Non-truther?

Thanks, but no thanks."

Ben Burch

I've never heard of him before this thread, but by reading his comments I see he is a clever rhetorician. One trick he uses is to make an obscure claim, and make it the reader's job to verify or disprove. For example, in comment 137, he writes:

"steel buildings fail in fires ALL the time. Literally ALL the time. The “no steel building” thing is just plain disinfo. Ask ANY firefighter. Seriously. Go right now down to the local firehouse and ask the firemen there how steel buildings behave in fires. They would actually rather go in under a burning timber roof than a steel one!"

I don't know if his claim is correct, but the burden should be on Burch to provide a source, rather than on the reader to interview firefighters. I wonder if there is a fancy Latin term for this rhetorical maneuver, such as "modus tollens" or "ad hominem"?

awesome response

"I will not withdraw from this war even if Laura and Barney are the only ones supporting me." -George W. Bush

Remember when...

Orrin Hatch referred to war protesters as "nutcakes", and the town's mayor asked him to apologize, and he responded by saying, "If any apology must be given, it should come from Mayor Anderson to the president and Mrs. Bush."

I'm beginning to think that all of these people that call us names in Washington D.C. should take a GOOD f-ing look in the mirror.

Hatch should not have a position anywhere near anything that resembles forming America's policies.

Do these people deserve to know how and why their loved ones were murdered? Do we deserve to know how and why 9/11 happened?


i live in SLC. Our ex mayor Rocky is a rare exception. A man of principle.While he was in office i tried contacting him on the events of 9/11 as well as our unfederal , no reserve banking system.
I am sad to say it did'nt happen.
But Rocky set the example of what a good politician should be. A man who speaks truth to power, no matter what the cost.
Hatch as well as Benson are your typical bought , and payed for politicians.....It makes me sick.
I think it still would be a good thing to try and contact Rocky Anderson, and show him all the justifiable unanswered questions of the 9/11 truth movement.
Care to try Jon ? You may have better luck than i did.

Hear, hear, Jon!

I couldn't agree more, "take a f-ing look in the mirror".

The problem is Sen. Hatch and the rest of these power brokers in D.C. know what they're doing. True is false, down is up, honesty is a lie. These figures want to preserve power at all costs and this is their dialect.

"Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) compared critics of the bill — which include Sens. Harry Reid (D-NV), Chris Dodd (D-CT), and Barbara Boxer (D-CA), among others — to deluded conspiracy theorists. Hatch mocked the what he called “onerous oversight provisions” included in the bill, and said those who raise the specter of unchecked executive wiretapping power “feed the delusions of those who wear tin foil hats around their house and think that 9/11 was an inside job.”

It's a compliment, but also a concern Hatch notes 9/11 Truth on the Senate floor. It's to send notice the stand everyone should be taking there! It's a thinly veiled bullying tactic but it's clear Hatch is concerned!

Government needs FISA to control the tin foil hat class, in other words! It's not about right or wrong, but rather the preservation of power by any means!

It doesn't matter, anyway. Government will listen to you! I suspect, captured conversation goes directly onto drives with massive storage capacities and done by software without human oversight. You are looked up if you step out of line!

...don't believe them!

Astute Observations alllans2k7

"It's a compliment, but also a concern Hatch notes 9/11 Truth on the Senate floor. It's to send notice the stand everyone should be taking there! It's a thinly veiled bullying tactic but it's clear Hatch is concerned!

Government needs FISA to control the tin foil hat class, in other words! It's not about right or wrong, but rather the preservation of power by any means!

It doesn't matter, anyway. Government will listen to you! I suspect, captured conversation goes directly onto drives with massive storage capacities and done by software without human oversight. You are looked up if you step out of line! "

Very astute, indeed

you say: "It's a compliment, but also a concern Hatch notes 9/11 Truth on the Senate floor. It's to send notice the stand everyone should be taking there! It's a thinly veiled bullying tactic but it's clear Hatch is concerned!"

Right on! The tide is starting to come in, folks. All our hard work is showing its effect. We're getting through. You're spot-on in recognizing this veiled bullying technique. Hatch is a fanatic who is clearly worried -- and he should be. I say: Crank it up a notch! Let's take our cue and get out there more, refine our message and clean house a bit -- Congress that is.

He's also trying to incite us to overreact and become fanatical like him so that he and the media can point the finger and say, "see, these 911 truthers are crazy." Let's show him and his ilk that it won't work and that this type of bullying only makes us more determined, more refined, more sophisticated, more effective and even less tolerant of fanatical war mongering.

Truthers rule!

We will soon be on all the people's minds..

What's cool is he said this on the floor of the Senate. Hopefully a lot of other Senators heard him say this and the "truth" is now on all of their minds as well.


Question: What do you say when you want people to look away, but inadvertently make them look???

i think it's probably not incorrect to say

every senate and congress office (and MSM) has received a highly significant number of calls, emails, faxes, etc. about investigating 9/11, in addition to the numerous questions sprung in public.

9/11 Family Steering Committee Review of the 9/11 Commission Report:

Complete 9/11 Timeline

Gang, when Orrin Hatch speaks...

Orrin Hatch's truthful name is Orrin Hack!

When this "tool" speaks FOR something, that thing is bad...and when he speaks AGAINST something, that thing is good...

This is just the way it is...and the way it has been for decades with him.

Hatch is one who wil be found to have prior "understandings" of the 9/11 attacks.

Keep on truckin...

...these folks are scared SH-T...and have not ONE idea as to how to deal with us.

Hit the streets, do some CI, be polite on UTube, and above all else...BELIEVE!!!

This is GOOD NEWS...

Robin Hordon