US Rep Gilmor looks into odd put options dead by unnatural cause(s)

COLUMBUS, Ohio - U.S. Rep. Paul Gillmor, who was found dead in his apartment in suburban Washington earlier this week, died of blunt head and neck trauma consistent with a fall down stairs, according to a medical examiner’s report released Friday.

This death was first reported as (mysterious) "natural causes", seemingly plausible for someone 68 years old.

Then, a couple days later, the blunt-force head and neck trauma involved came out. This was immediately claimed as above, "consistent with a fall down stairs", though one should expect to see trauma to more than the head and neck in such a fall. Rep. Gilmor was investigating the recent "put actions" placed upon the market, gambling that there would be a 50% drop in the market between Sep.14 and Sep. 21, like the put actions placed preceding 9/11/01.


original with links:

Be careful, and talk to your friends in the military

Yet another Fear Myth

The website below points out that, although there were billions bet on "failure", there was almost as much bet on "success", which is the way the market works.

In typical Fear Myth mentality, someone either purposely or cluelessly took one fact out of context and used it to fear-monger those who are susceptible to such things.

First off, there are currently 100's of thousands of options on both sides of the fence outstanding for the Sept expiration. They are a bit weighted to the downside, but not by that significant of a margin.

Secondly, everyone keeps saying that someone bet 4.5 billion that the market would go down 30% by expiration. That is not so. These options will only result in profits or losses about equal to the moves in the market. That goes for both the US and European options that have been discusses.

I'm getting rather tired of having to say this over and over, but people need to get a grip on Reality and quit this running around like frantic, spastic Chicken Littles crap. It's getting very old.

Senior 9/11 Bureau Chief, Analyst, Correspondent, Principle Investigator, Forensic 9/11ologist

Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny. — Robert Heinlein

what has this got to do this post?

Just asking,

Fear mungering?

People do get assasinated, and noises should be made about possble cover ups and false flags. It happens to be global, thats the Truth.

You didn't read the linked article

In typical rense-ology, NewsMax-ology and Fear Myth creation and spreading:

"Gilmor was investigating the recent "put actions" placed upon the market, gambling that there would be a 50% drop in the market between Sep.14 and Sep. 21, like the put actions placed preceding 9/11/01."

Work with me, people. (or stay the Hell outta my way)

Senior 9/11 Bureau Chief, Analyst, Correspondent, Principle Investigator, Forensic 9/11ologist

To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men. — Abraham Lincoln

Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny. — Robert Heinlein

This is what the post said to me

Mysterious deaths are on the rise. Remember the nuclear- tipped cruise missiles which were illegally flown across the US from Minot AFB on August 30th 2007? Turns out 4-6 young airmen from the base have died, separately, under mysterious circumstances while on leave, all since July 1st, 2007. One, pilot, Todd Blue, has died since August 30th. These are healthy young men in their 20's.

Then there's the case of Congressman Paul Gillmor:
Updated: 12:34 a.m. ET Sept. 8, 2007
COLUMBUS, Ohio - U.S. Rep. Paul Gillmor, who was found dead in his apartment in suburban Washington earlier this week, died of blunt head and neck trauma consistent with a fall down stairs, according to a medical examiner’s report released Friday.
This death was first reported as (mysterious) "natural causes", seemingly plausible for someone 68 years old.

Then, a couple days later, the blunt-force head and neck trauma involved came out.