Quebec police admit they went undercover at Montebello protest

Quebec provincial police admitted Thursday that their officers disguised themselves as demonstrators during the protest at the North American leaders summit in Montebello, Que.

However, the police force denied allegations its undercover officers were there on Monday to provoke the crowd and instigate violence.

"At no time did the police of the Sûreté du Québec act as instigators or commit criminal acts," the police force said in French in a news release. "It is not in the police force's policies, nor in its strategies, to act in that manner."

"At all times, they responded within their mandate to keep order and security."

Police said the undercover officers were only at the protest to locate and identify non-peaceful protesters in order to prevent any incidents.

Police came under fire Tuesday, when a video surfaced on YouTube that appeared to show three plain-clothed police officers at the protest with bandanas and masks across their faces. One of the men was carrying a rock.

In the video, protest organizers in suits order the men to put the rock down, call them police instigators and try unsuccessfully to unmask them.

Protest organizers on Wednesday played the video for the media at a news conference in Ottawa. One of the organizers, union leader Dave Coles, explained that one reason protesters knew the men's true identities was because they were wearing the same boots as other police officers.

Coles on Wednesday said the only thing he didn't know was whether the men were Quebec police, RCMP or hired security officers.

"[Our union] believes that the security force at Montebello were ordered to infiltrate our peaceful assembly and provoke incidents," Coles, who is president of the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union, said at the time.

The protest at Montebello occurred outside the Fairmont Le Château Montebello hotel, near Ottawa, where Prime Minister Stephen Harper was meeting with U.S. President George W. Bush and Mexican President Felipe Calderon. The summit about border security, free trade and other issues began Monday and finished Tuesday.

Protesters said they gathered to voice their concern about Canada losing control of its energy, water resources and borders. Others decried what they said was a high level of secrecy at the summit.

Agents-provocateur is one of the oldest, yet most effective

tactics to discredit & demonize an honest movement. It's a shame so many good people still fall for it. I'm glad these guys got busted.

disguised themselves as demonstrators...

Let's burn these motherfuckers down for this crap. This is a crime and they should be prosecuted fully for impersonating another person and trying to incite violence and/or a riot. The same would go for someone dressed up as a Police Officer and trying to steal, rape, pull over, or whatever to another person. This shit is sick and needs to be dealt with. I am thanking God we got this crap on YouTube and so much publicity out of it. These bastards deserve it and I'm glad they had to admit they were doing this. We have a long road ahead of us with private contractors like Blackwater etc out in the streets working for the elites.

That explains why the "cop"

That explains why the "cop" had an empty corona bottle in his back right pants pocket when they pretended to be protesters??

I Guess having shin guards and gas masks was to help blend in with the other peaceful protesters??

I sincerely hope our friends to the north pressure these public servants to investigate this, including who gave the orders for these 3 officers to "blend in".

11/11 Never Forget - Fetzer Flips

That's classic bonehead!!

Too funny!! Reminds me of the guy in the new Harley t-shirt and hat at Ground Zero, with his pre-fab explanation of why the WTC vaporized.

An empty beer bottle?! At least he had taken the price tags off his "radpro clothes" (radical protester)!!

Amazing Political Hip Hop Artist At the SPP Demo

About half way through he breaks into some 911 Truth.