RL McGee's blog

Psychologists on coping with 9/11 truth

Why is Explosive 9/11 Evidence so Hard to Accept? Psychology Experts Explain

-an excerpt from '9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out'


*From AE911Truth's youtube channel

500,000 Views for '9/11: A Conspiracy Theory' in 5 Days

Originally posted on 9/16/2011

James Corbett's humorous take on 9/11 has gone completely viral, amassing 500,000 views in just 5 days on youtube. This 5-minute satire of the 'Official Conspiracy Theory' uses factoids and hilarious graphics to drive home its points in what can only be called a masterpiece of reductio ad absurdum.

Whatever it is, it's working. A half-million views in 5 days speaks for itself.

Transcript and sources: http://www.corbettreport.com/?p=2594


The Pacifica Debates on 9/11 Tonight -- Tune In!


Tonight, Pacifica Radio (KPFA) is hosting the second radio debate between architect Richard Gage, AIA, and physicist Dave Thomas in New York City. Peter Phillips and Mickey Huff, directors and editors of Project Censored, will moderate.

Pacifica is the oldest public radio network in the U.S. Project Censored, housed at Sonoma State University and now in its 35th year, has been referred to by the Los Angeles Times as “offering devastating evidence of the dumbing-down of mainstream news in America”; as “one of the organizations that we should listen to, to be assured that our newspapers and our broadcasting outlets are practicing thorough and ethical journalism” by Walter Cronkite and as “a terrific resource” by Library Journal.
Physicist Dave Thomas will once again attempt to juggle the discrepancies in the official 9/11 story

Richard Gage on WMNF 88.5 Community Radio, Tampa


Richard Gage, AIA, gave an interview Thursday, September 8, 2011 on WMNF 88.5 in Tampa, FL. This community radio station has affiliations with NPR and covers the Bay Area of Tampa and St. Petersburg. Boasting a large progressive audience, "Radioactivity" with host Rob Lorei is a Live Call-In morning show which follows "Democracy Now!" on Thursdays from 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM EST.

Gage appears for the second half of the show, starting at 27:32. To hear the archived program:
http://www.wmnf.org/program_strips/353 (Click "Go" to download the M3U file). The podcast is also attached below.

EDIT: Direct mp3 link: http://sound.wmnf.org/sound/wmnf_110908_100618_radioactivityR1_191.MP3

Tomorrow's show will feature a "rebuttal" by Popular Mechanics guest not yet identified.

Local architect Jim Bedinghaus was able to call in to promote the premiere screening of "Experts Speak Out," Sunday, Sept. 11, in St. Pete. Jim was originally slated for this interview but wanted to get someone else - an "ace" to take his place. Thankfully, Richard was available and gave one of his finest interviews to date.

Screening Venues for "9/11 Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out"


For up-to-date listings of venues that are showing the new AE911Truth documentary, visit:

More venues are being added each day as we approach 100 screenings by the anniversary! Screen the premiere of "9/11 Explosive Evidence: Experts Speak Out" in your community. Download or order the movie at: http://911expertsspeakout.org

Ron Paul Supports 9/11 Families Calling for New 9/11 Probe



World911Truth.org | September 1, 2011

When asked by WeAreChange (see video) if he would support the 9/11 victim’s family members whose questions were never answered by the 9/11 Commission Report, in their demand for a new independent 9/11 investigation, Ron Paul, R-Tex., replied “Yes, I support more investigation, because, I think the ineptness was probably hidden, because there was a tremendous amount of ineptness. That’s generally what government investigations do, they hide the inefficiencies and ineptness of government officials.”

ACTION ALERT: Send a Letter in Support of 9/11 Truth


The 10th anniversary of 9/11 presents a unique opportunity to reach millions of people by writing letters to the editor on a massive scale. The subject matter is ripe for discussion, and newspaper editors will be obliged to print a great many of our letters.

Here is a sample LTE inspired by the recent essay from Paul Craig Roberts. Please submit this letter to your local newspaper - or write one of your own. All newspapers have online submission forms for easy convenience. Most public forums allow for 250 or 300 words, however some have a 200-word limit. Join this grassroots campaign that is underway now! Our goal is to generate 1,000 submissions in the next few days. Simply copy the following letter into the online submission form of your newspaper and submit. Spread on Facebook!

Thanks to Lynn Bradbury for help with the composition and editing.

(LTE - 220 words)

Kevin Ryan on NPR, Thursday at 10 am ET, vs. Popular Mechanics, Johnathan Kay!


Kevin Ryan will be on NPR Thursday, August 25th, at 10 am ET (7 am PST). Unfortunately they have recently reduced his air time from one hour down to 10-minutes. He will be the only 9/11 skeptic on this 2-hour show about 9/11 skeptics. Instead, they will have Jim Meigs from Popular Mechanics and Johnathan Kay starting at 10 am ET. The show is called 'On Point.' http://onpoint.wbur.org

Call-in number: 1-800-423-8255

Audio Archive:
Stream: http://www.wbur.org/media-player?url=http://onpoint.wbur.org/2011/08/25/conspiracy-theories-and-the-sept-11-terrorist-atta...
Download: http://audio.wbur.org/storage/2011/08/onpoint_0825_2.mp3

The Boiling Frogs Presents Lorie Van Auken

AUDIO: http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/2011/08/19/podcast-show-51

Podcast Show #51
Friday, 19. August 2011

Lorie Van Auken joins us and shares with us her reflections ten years on about the events of 9/11 and her loss. She discusses the still- classified 28 pages of the JICI dealing with terrorist financing, the 9/11 families’ stalled lawsuit to bankrupt the terrorists and the direct interventions by the White House to protect the Saudi regime against the justice-seeking families, and the many uninvestigated questions and facts covered up by the 9/11 commission. She questions our current many-fronted wars and the senselessness of the occupation of and our military presence in Iraq and Afghanistan with Saddam Hussein and Bin Laden both dead, while our economy is crashing here at home. Ms. Van Auken talks about the three versions of the NORAD timeline, the passage of the Patriot Act as a vehicle to erode our civil liberties, NSA’s illegal wiretapping of our domestic communications under the guise of security, and more!

VanAukenLorie Van Auken, the mother of two children, lost her husband Kenneth Van Auken in the September 11th terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. She is one of the “Jersey Girls” who, along with Kristen Breitweiser, Mindy Kleinberg, and Patty Casazza, fought the Bush administration for a commission to investigate the attacks. Ms. Van Auken is also a member of the September 11 Advocates.

Questions for Richard Clarke Regarding Pre-9/11 Intelligence


It is encouraging that former White House Counter-terrorism czar Richard A. Clarke is willing to meet with members of the 9/11 truth movement and discuss pre-9/11 intelligence. So far he has provided some interesting revelations about the CIA's operational interest in two of the accused hijackers, Khalid Al-Midhar and Nawaf Al-Hazmi, and the agency's attempt to withhold information from the FBI about these individuals, despite knowing they were members of Al-Qaeda and living in the US.

Let us take advantage of this golden opportunity to ask Clarke a few more questions. Here's 10:

1. Who wrote the August 6 memo titled, "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in the US?" Who prepared this PDB for the president and Dr. Rice?

2. Who in our government maintained "intimate relations with Bin Laden all the way up until 9/11?" This is a bombshell statement made by former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds and others.

Bush explains slow reaction to September 11 attacks

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Former President George W. Bush says his apparent lack of reaction to the first news of the September 11 2001 attacks was a conscious decision to project an aura of calm in a crisis.

In a rare interview with the National Geographic Channel, Bush reflects on what was going through his mind at the most dramatic moment of his presidency when he was informed that a second passenger jet had hit New York's World Trade Center.

Bush was visiting a Florida classroom and the incident, which was caught on TV film, and has often been used by critics to ridicule his apparently blank face.

"My first reaction was anger. Who the hell would do that to America? Then I immediately focused on the children, and the contrast between the attack and the innocence of children," Bush says in an excerpt of the interview shown to television writers on Thursday.

80,000 Facebook Fans for AE911Truth-World911Truth Combined


In just 8 months the number of Facebook followers for AE911Truth and World911Truth has doubled from 40,000 to almost 80,000. This demonstrates the power of social networking and the steady growth of the 9/11 Truth Movement. Much of the success can be attributed to timely updates of quality postings by JF Ranger, Facebook administrator for both sites - as well as the A/E web team. Here's to continued growth and reaching 100,000 this year!


Ed Asner TV Ad Promotes AE911Truth

A new TV ad voiced by Ed Asner has just been created with designs on running in New York and other major markets in time for the 10th anniversary of 9/11. The 30-second spot combines Asner's narration with footage of the 3 towers' destruction and forces the viewer to decide what they are witnessing, as it promotes AE911Truth.

My idea for this ad was brought to life by Nathan Flach, (aka. Xenomorph911) who provided the editing and production skills to make it happen. It was a team effort. More information coming soon.

Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) - Next Stop for Gage

www.reinvestigate911.org Top US architect on European speaking tour.

American architect, Richard Gage, AIA, brings explosive evidence for the destruction of the three World Trade Center high-rises to the prestigious Royal Institute of British Architects in London, June 20, as part of a 10-city European tour. His talk is entitled, "9/11: Blueprint for Truth -- Architecture of Destruction." For full details of other venues please check www.AE911truth.org
