GeorgeWashington's blog

Announcing Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth

Alan Miller told me about this new group.

Here's the press release:

Medical Professionals
for 9/11 Truth

Respected Medical Professionals Launch Petition Demanding New Investigation into the Events of 9/11

February 24, 2009 - An alliance of doctors, dentists, nurses, therapists, researchers, and other medical professionals today announced the formation of Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth and its petition calling for a new investigation into the events of 9/11. The group’s website is at

FBI Believed that Bombs Were Used on 9/11

On 9/11, the FBI believed that bombs were involved in the attacks.

How do I know that?

Because, according to the FBI's website:

Following the massive terrorist attacks against New York and Washington, the FBI dedicated 7,000 of its 11,000 Special Agents and thousands of FBI support personnel to the PENTTBOM investigation. "PENTTBOM" is short for Pentagon, Twin Towers Bombing.

(see also this and this).

Indeed, a reporter for USA Today was told by the FBI believed that there were bombs in the Twin Towers.

9/11 Truthers Ignore Geopolitical Reality

Those goofy 9/11 truthers are trying to say that because a raging inferno in China didn't cause the building to collapse - when it was roughly the same size as World Trade Center building 7 - that shows that building 7 was demolished. The truthers point to other raging infernos, also, where no collapse occurred.

And they point to numerous structural engineers, architects, scientists and demolition experts who believe building 7 was intentionally demolished.

But these think-they-are-smart whackos forget a basic fact . . . China is a communist country.

Top Counter-Terrorism Experts Question 9/11

Counter-terrorism experts presumably have some insight into terrorism, right?

In fact, numerous high-level counter-terrorism experts question the government's investigation of - and explanation for - 9/11.

For example:

Leading Counter-Terrorism Expert and Former High-Level Official Slams War on Terror and Questions 9/11

Terrell (Terry) E. Arnold was the number 2 counter-terrorism official at the U.S. State Department, and is one of the world's leading experts on terror.

Arnold served as the Deputy Director, Office of Counter-Terrorism and Emergency Planning, at the U.S. State Department. He is also the former Chairman of the Department of International Studies at the National War College.

Arnold has worked as a crisis management consultant for several Federal agencies, including The State Department, the Department of Defense, the U.S. Customs Service and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. He is the author of numerous books on terror*. Arnold is a U.S. Navy veteran of World War II and the Korean war.

I spoke with Arnold by phone...

Prosecute Bush and Company for their Criminal Negligence and Cover-Up Regarding 9/11

Preface: To those who believe that all 9/11 conspiracy claims are crazy, please listen to what the actual intelligence officers, military leaders, legal experts, and others in the know have to say. On the other hand, to those who believe that 9/11 was an inside job - so that talk of mere "negligence" is a cop-out, please read to the end before making up your mind about strategy. As David Ray Griffin has pointed out, nearly everyone who looks at the evidence regarding 9/11 with an open mind ends up being convinced that it was an inside job. Any prosecution related to 9/11 will force people to look at the evidence.

Gangsters have been jailed for life based on convictions for tax fraud.

Investigations into small misdeeds often turn up evidence of major crimes.

Now is the PERFECT Time to Prosecute Bush and Cheney

Quite a few people think that - now that they are out of office - it is too late to try Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Gonzales and the rest of the boys for their crimes.

Even those who support prosecutions think it probably won't happen. For example, Dave Lindorff wrote today:

The likelihood of their being indicted and brought to trial now that they have left office is exceedingly slim.

The truth, however, is that it is a much better time to prosecute the criminals then when they were in office.


Because, as an attorney has previously pointed out:

Downvote Bots Fight Propaganda War

Government propagandists, their hired private contractors and useful idiots are creating "downvote bots" or scripts to bury stories which question the government.

Anyone who has posted news items questioning the government's version of 9/11, the government's unquestioning support for Israel, or a host of other topics has probably noticed that all of their recent stories get downvoted virtually simultaneously, which defies the laws of probability.

One free, simple scripting program to create automatic downvotes of certain topics or news posters is called "Greasemonkey", which is commonly used on large social news sites such as Reddit.

Now is the Time to Find Out If Continuity of Government is Still In Effect

Now that we have a new administration, it is the right time to find out whether the United States is still in a national state of emergency as declared on 9/11 and whether the unconstitutional continuity of government plans are still in effect.

Someone please submit freedom of information act requests to find out.

How to Deal with Government Propaganda on the Web

How should we deal with the onslaught of American and Israeli government-sponsored bloggers defending those governments' actions (see this and this)?

Well, one way is to ask bloggers who appear to be parroting pro-goverment propaganda without any thought the following question:

Has the American, Israeli and/or any other government directly or indirectly instructed or requested that you write supporting any of their actions, policies or positions, or helped to organize or in any way supported you in making any writings?

This is a very helpful question.


Well, they will respond yes, assuming that they are an honest person writing in response to one of the governments' calls for pro-government blogging.

Indeed, Air Force regulations require that the blogger identify themselves as military.

Did We Just Have Our i-911 . . . and is an i-Patriot Act On its Way?

Former Counter Terrorism Czar Richard Clarke told a leading Stanford law professor that there was going to be an "i-9/11", in other words, an electronic terrorist act, and an "i-Patriot Act" to crack down on freedoms on the Internet under the guise of protecting against such threats:

There’s going to be an i-9/11 event. Which doesn’t necessarily mean an Al Qaeda attack, it means an event where the instability or the insecurity of the internet becomes manifest during a malicious event which then inspires the government into a response. You’ve got to remember that after 9/11 the government drew up the Patriot Act within 20 days and it was passed.

The Government Heavily Manipulates Social Media

The U.S. government long ago announced its intention to "fight the net".

As revealed by an official Pentagon report signed by Rumsfeld called "Information Operations Roadmap":

The roadmap [contains an] acknowledgement that information put out as part of the military's psychological operations, or Psyops, is finding its way onto the computer and television screens of ordinary Americans.

"Information intended for foreign audiences, including public diplomacy and Psyops, is increasingly consumed by our domestic audience," it reads.

"Psyops messages will often be replayed by the news media for much larger audiences, including the American public," it goes on.***

In 100 Years, the Neocons Will Be Recognized as the Tyrants They Are

Neocon John Bolton claims that “in 100 years,” people won’t remember two of the biggest stains on Bush’s record, Guantánamo Bay and Abu Ghraib:

“In the immediate aftermath of 9/11, he was strong and decisive and that was critical for both the country and for the Western world,” believes John Bolton. “In 100 years people aren’t going to remember Guantánamo or Abu Ghraib, they’re going to remember 9/11 and Bush’s reaction to it.”

Is he right?


60 years after Hitler, the exact thing which we most remember are his concentration camps.

Do we remember the false threats he drummed up to scare his people? The fake threat from Poland, for example, which is the exact parallel to the Neocon's fake "war on terror"?

White House: 9/11 Wasn't Foreseeable & Santa Claus is Real

The White House is on a blitz to try to persuade Americans that 9/11 wasn't foreseeable.

Yesterday, White House press spokesman Tony Fratto said "No one could have anticipated" terrorists flying planes into buildings before 9/11 :

In an interview broadcast today, Secretary of State Rice said Bush didn't ignore any 9/11 "warning", because there was no "'when, where, how".

Is that believable?

Yes, definitely . . . as long as you disregard the following facts:

The Madoff Scandal and Post-World War II America

This is the third of 3 essays on trust and the economy (the first two are here and here).

An article in Business Week says this of the Madoff scandal: