GeorgeWashington's blog

The Government as Wizard of Oz in Anthrax and 9/11 Investigations. . . "Don't Look at the Man Behind the Curtain"

As top independent anthrax experts, physicists, engineers and architects confirm, the government makes claims in the anthrax and 9/11 investigations but does not provide the details which would allow the claims to be independently tested by scientists not affiliated with the government. At the end of the day, the government is simply begging us - like the Wizard of Oz - not to look at the man behind the curtain.


The government admits that Dr. Bruce Ivins passed 2 lie detector tests, that hair samples and handwriting samples don't implicate him, and that there is no direct evidence linking him to the anthrax murders.

Insights Into the Question of Whether the Anthrax was Weaponized

Remember how the FBI was instructed to blame the Anthrax attacks on Al Qaeda by White House officials in 2001?

Well, according to Washington Post reporter and Assistant Managing Editor for Investigations at The Washington Post Marilyn Thompson, the US government ordered Fort Detrick's USAMRIID bioweapons facility to "tone down" its description of the Daschle anthrax as "weaponized."

Moreover, scientists originally found that an electrical charge and high-tech silicon-coating were added to the killer anthrax to make it more lethal. As pointed out by anthrax expert Dr. Meryl Nass:

Ivins' Colleague Says He Was Murdered

Dr. Ayaad Assaad, who worked in the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Disease lab at Fort Detrick from 1989 to 1997, was interviewed yesterday by the Frederick News Post (the local paper in the area of Fort Detrick).

Dr. Assaad said of Ivins:

"He's a great man. He's honorable, sincere, honest and most important, he didn't kill five people and he didn't kill himself".

If Ivins didn't kill himself, that can only mean that he was murdered.

Empowerment Clubs

This essay does not argue for either religion or atheism. As I think you will see, I am trying to build a common bridge that will empower everyone to be more effective fighters for truth, liberty and justice.

Billions of people go to church, temple or mosque - driven by human desires to be uplifted and to find a sense of comraderie with other people. But in the process, they get exposed to messages such as:

Clarifying the Collapse Time of WTC 7

Government apologists have argued that WTC 7 took 13 or more seconds to collapse, thus disproving the "virtual free fall" argument. However, this argument entirely misses the point.


Because the videos show that the penthouse collapsed long before the main building. In fact, everyone admits that there was a delay of several seconds between the collapse of the penthouse and the collapse of the rest of the building.

"An object at rest tends to stay at rest". So once the movement stopped, it should have stayed stopped.

Therefore, the collapse of the main portion of building 7 - several seconds after the collapse of the penthouse stopped - should be treated as a discrete and new event (see discussion below).

New Evidence Shows Ivins Case Even Weaker Than Previously Thought

A New York Times article from today reveals that the case against Ivins is even weaker than previously disclosed.

Specifically, the Times stated that even after anthrax was genetically linked to Ivin's lab and he was questioned about late-night lab work, the FBI informed him he was not a suspect:

WTC 7 Collapsed at the Same Speed as Known Controlled Demolitions

Here is a video of the demolition of the Landmark Tower, Fort Worth, Texas:

The Landmark Tower was 380 feet high.

According to the timer on Youtube, it took about 7 seconds from the start of the collapse (once the building started to fall) until the last of the building reached the ground.

Or check it yourself: here is an online stopwatch (click the green arrow on the left).

Our Leaders HAVE Prevented More Terrorism (They Haven't Authorized Any New False Flag Attacks)

At the Convention last night, I watched the McCain campaign make 9/11 the centerpiece of their platform. The argument, of course, is that America has not suffered another terrorist attack since 9/11 because of strong Republican leadership.

Let's put aside the fact that the anthrax attacks occured just a couple of weeks later (and were an inside job).

Let's put aside the fact that America hasn't suffered any more terrorist attacks simply because the boys haven't authorized any more false flag attacks (yes, they do deserve credit for that!)

And let's put aside the fact that the Iraq war was launched based on an intentional false linkage with 9/11.

Let's just focus on whether the Republican White House and their democratic and republican co-conspirators in Congress have made us any safer. The answer is clearly no:

In a Fascist State, Cameras Equal Terrorism

In America and England, citizens are being urged to report people taking pictures as potential terrorists.

Do you assume that that is an innocent attempt to stop would-be terrorists from casing out high-value targets, and for planning terror attacks?

Sorry, but the arrest of well-known journalists outside the Republican convention destroys that belief. The only thing the journalists was doing were filming peaceful protesters and their brutal treatment by the police. See this and this.

In Iraq, journalists are targeted and killed when they show what the military doesn't want shown. America and England are themselves now being treated like war zones. Anyone with a camera is being treated like a "foreign enemy combatant"and a terrorist.

They Wouldn't Have Been Arrested If They Were Called "Bombs Not Food"

My essay arguing that the arrest of peaceful protesters in Minneapolis - and the labelling of nonviolent protesters as "terrorists" - was for the purpose of grabbing power and stifling dissent has been confirmed.

Specifically, members of the long-time peace group, Food Not Bombs, have now been charged with drummed-up allegations of terrorism (and see this).

Trying to Avoid Pain, Americans Have Only Delayed the Invevitable and Allowed the Cancer to Spread

I understand that people are afraid to face the fact that 9/11 and the anthrax attacks were inside jobs, because that would be painful. It would challenge their assumptions of benign father figures running our government, and would mean that there is no Santa Claus and governments sometimes do horrible things to their own people to justify power-grabs. (Despite my sarcasm, I actually try to sympathize with people who are locked in a prison of fear).

What the Violence Against Protesters at the Convention Really Means

A classified FBI intelligence memorandum gives police detailed instructions on how to target and monitor lawful political demonstrations under the rubric of fighting terrorism. And the Joint Terrorism Task Force was involved in infiltrating, tracking and disrupting every-day Americans who disagree with the current administration's policies.

Provocation at Protests Is A Type of False Flag Terror

When agents provocateur commit violence or destroy property at peaceful protests, they are carrying out false flag terrorism.

Wikipedia defines false flag terror as follows:

False flag operations are covert operations conducted by governments, corporations, or other organizations, which are designed to appear as if they are being carried out by other entities. The name is derived from the military concept of flying false colors; that is, flying the flag of a country other than one's own. False flag operations are not limited to war and counter-insurgency operations, and have been used in peace-time; for example, during Italy's strategy of tension.

If intelligence agencies or federal, state or local police themselves commit acts of violence against people or property, and then blame it on peaceful protesters, that is - by definition - false flag terror.

Read this to see how eagerly the mainstream media are to pin acts of violence on peaceful protesters, instead of the provocateurs who actually committed them.

Government Urges Return to Stone Age

The White House and U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) are urging Americans to return to the stone age for their own safety.

"After discovering that 'thermal expansion' of steel from a low-temperature fire led to the collapse of World Trade Center building 7," said NIST spokesperson Noh Wei, "we started realizing that other metal objects might also be at risk".

So NIST scientists tested other metallic objects using state-of-the-art computer models. The models predicted that every oven and barbeque in the country could disintegrate at any time, leading to a progressive collapse of entire houses.

"We also determined that car engines, airplane engines, and boat engines could all suddenly fail due to thermal expansion," said Wei. "Indeed, we soon realized that almost all industrial processes could lead to catastrophic failure, other than, perhaps, those used in freezers."

White House spokesman Phil Johnson agreed, saying